Anonymous ID: d57290 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:47 p.m. No.7808372   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8379 >>8380 >>8386 >>8452 >>8487



What bullshit!

5G is supposed to be a safer form of wireless using safer frequencies. And instead of maintaining compatibility with 3G and 4G, it replaces them. And it will also be capable of replacing WiFi.


The problem with HuaWei is that their new 5G equipment includes older 3G/4G radios that are not initially turned on. But they could be and then they would be used for the same mindfuckery that has been going on for decades. Targeted attacks on people using 3g/4g frequencies.


5G can't do that because 5G waves do not penetrate the skin. But 3G and 4G waves go right through people's brains. It is especially a problem with kids brains which is why there is regularly a big fuss about cellphone towers near a school.

Anonymous ID: d57290 Jan. 13, 2020, 11:59 p.m. No.7808404   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8421 >>8882 >>8893 >>8897 >>8907



ducksuckgo is NOT sauce

It's just another search engine

Dig for real studies

For real engineering info about frequencies used and skin permeability tests

5G is safer than 3G/4G and the real solution to the fact that HuaWei has been able to compromise their equipment is to move to 6G and do it completely right this time.

Anonymous ID: d57290 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:12 a.m. No.7808452   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8487


LG Electronics opens 6G research lab at KAIST


Read the above article carefully. 6G is just in the research stage.

No specs have been agreed yet. This means that the design specs will be controlled by NON-Cabal people and government agencies. 6G will be completely and fully clean, and it will be possible to look at new equipment being installed, and verify that there is no 3G or 4G radios inside.


Of course, getting rid of all the old tech, makes it a lot cheaper.

Replacing the antennas with ones tuned only for 6G will also make it cheaper, and disable the comping of equipment.


The real problem with earlier technologies is the population of fatass fools who are happy sitting on their sofas, complaining about stuff, but who are too damn lazy to actually do something. These people were entranced by the Cabal media and technical experts.


This behavior is fading away, and soon people will band together to set up a MobileCommWatch organization that will critique the spec with technical experts, test equipment prototypes and constantly do spot tests of production mobile antenna/transmitter locations.


Complainers are, in effect, enemies of the people who waste their own energy and that or everybody else, in ineffective action, which is what the Cabal wants. They have trained the sheep to bleat when they are unhappy knowing this blows off steam and wears them out.


Don't be sheep!

Anonymous ID: d57290 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:32 a.m. No.7808519   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8576



Antarctica is a head fake. And numerous Anons have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.


Do you understand what what puppets are? Handlers? Take Hillary for instance. When she does something in public, why does she do it? Do you think her handler could be pulling her strings?


Because Kerry is the same. He is an actor playing a role. He has handlers who tell him what to do. When these puppets travel, they never go alone. There are always one or two handlers, and a posse of aides. So whenever a puppet goes to Antarctica, what you and most people have failed to notice is the posse stays behind. Not in the USA, but in the last stop before Antarctica, in NZ or Argentina.


That is the key. That is where the fuckery is. While Kerry distracts the media in Antarctica, the posse of aides is making sure food and weapons are purchased and stored in the underground bunkers. Bunker security is checked, updated security lists are handed to the guards telling them who to let in or who is persona non grata. And the process for entry is revised.


You don't just roll up to a bunker entrance to get in. First you go someplace far from the bunker, and request admission. Then they tell you where to go near the bunker. You go there and are taken to another nearby place and checked out. Then you are transported in secret, often by submarine, to the bunker entrance. You yourself will never know where the bunker is unless you end up having to use an emergency exit.


One of the things that the Trump administration has done is break comms of the Cabal, forcing them to go on these trips to deal with their bunkers. And there are swarms of agents in NZ who have spent years scouting out possible bunker locations, figuring out who the security and construction folks are, putting bugs in place, so that when the posse of aides arrive, they can be tracked and lead the whitehats to the entry points.

Anonymous ID: d57290 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:56 a.m. No.7808584   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Bill Gates was given the task of building that surveillance network. He failed. It was called the Information Superhighway and was supposed to turn your TV into a two way home shopping and polling device over the Cable TV networks.


However, a group of Whitehats built the Internet instead, and thousands of 1A loving college kids started up ISPs and made it available to the masses, so fast that neither Gates nor the Phone Companies could react.


And the masterminds were hidden so it took them a while to figure out who was responsible. Jon Postel of IANA seemed to be just a quite guy who kept track of lists, but he was a key figure in making it happen, and happen fast. He was murdered with the heart attack gun once they figured it out, while many of the key network engineers running the Internet were on a boat cruise floating past Bill Gates opulent lakeside home.


That was supposed to be a spell, magically shifting control back to Gates, but it didn't work, He finally was pushed out of the computer and network business.


Gates was born and groomed to control all commerce on the planet. He was supposed to be tracking that tattooed barcode every time you buy something. Only he didn't need to tattoo you, because the unique code was inside every Intel PC. This is the reason why they tried to get rid of PC compatible chip makers, and push Apple onto Intel instead of Motorola.


William Gates III was supposed to control the gates where allย the bills and payments passed through, therefore Bill Gates. Of course the Cabal always plays catchup and now Amazon is supposed to be in that role of controlling all commerce on earth. I try to shop locally.


So, fundamentally the Internet was designed so that it is hard to control. And that is why folks like the NSA and JSOC and the Army of Northern Virginia have been able to evade the CIA and build their own monitoring systems that also monitor what CIA folks are up to.

Anonymous ID: d57290 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:15 a.m. No.7808636   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8650 >>8753 >>8826 >>8871 >>8902



Oh, and another thing about the Cabal view of the Keystone.


In the early 60s they basically decided to ditch the Marxist Leninist style of Communism and go with something called Technocracy instead. This was a North American form of Fascist Capitalism.


Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote a book (attached) Between Two Ages where he described his vision adapted from Technocracy. In his vision the leading cadre of society was no longer ideologically motivated people because the Communists noticed their tendency to become destructive fanatics that needed to be purged with a bullet to the head.


Instead he proposed a party of technocrats that would sit in between the nobility and the serfs on the Pyramidal hierarchy. The technocrats would deal with all the mundane technical issues. This is why the DeepState has put so many people into the SES in the Federal government and why there is always a group of scientists and engineers supporting their plans.

Technocrats are the Keystone


These are our prime targets for red pilling, but if you think you can tell them anything, then you are a hopeless idiot. The technocrats will almost always be better educated than you and know more facts than you


To red pill them you must stick to asking questions. You must make stupidity your superpower. You must become Lieutenant

Columbo who obsesses over one small fact that doesn't fit, and begs for help in making sense of it. Technocrats tend to not offer propaganda explanations, but deal with facts, so this is how you crack them open. In order to give you the facts, they often need to do some of their own research, and that is where your one little inconsistency becomes a gaping hole.


And then the whole House of Cards collapses in a D5 avalanche, the technocrat sees the light of day and experiences a Great Awakening. But you just cannot tell them any of this. They have to discover it for themselves.