Anonymous ID: e2e84e Jan. 13, 2020, 11:59 p.m. No.7808408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8412


I know one of those too.

I think the cabal or the Chinese were using downloaded child porn to pay dirty cops to get a warrant to grab high tech programs under construction, because the man I know had 6 hard drives of high tech work stolen during his computer confiscation, had a forensic expert he hired to find out what was on his computers tell him there was only one photo that had never been opened and was a corrupt file….. and this forensic expert fell off the face of the planet, leaving the defendant forced to cop a guilty plea for 3 years instead of a 17 year rap if he chose a jury trial? Then, at the trial the Judge offered him a year less if he agreed not to sue the police for losing all six corporate business hard drives of high tech programming they took out of his home in the swat raid.


Child porn can be a crime, or a weapon used by the cabal to steal technical advancement and patented or copyrighted programs from creative high tech people.


Ever since I watched this go down with my own eyes, I always want to know if the so called evil child porn defendant was also a person who invents things, or creates new programs that people from other businesses or nations would want to steal.

Anonymous ID: e2e84e Jan. 14, 2020, 12:23 a.m. No.7808497   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ditto Anon.

Known Killary too long. Shook her hand once when Bill ran for President, and have followed since. Too much evidence of evil from too many corners over too many years.


Anonymous ID: e2e84e Jan. 14, 2020, 12:42 a.m. No.7808555   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Judge is stupid. Any group of fighters in a blood risking war zone who finds out that G.I Joe X has HIV, might decide to take care of things themselves in the heat of the bloody moment.

There are times when Judges are so stupid. Troops will defend themselves from enemies both foreign and domestic by instinct. And who could blame them.

Better the Judges quit.

The Military Central Command made the decision they made to keep the HIV infected back home where they are safe from natural fear of their disease during blood to blood battle contact.


All Judges who think they know how to run the military, need to be put on the front lines for a few months to smarten them up with a reality check.

Anonymous ID: e2e84e Jan. 14, 2020, 12:59 a.m. No.7808594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8606



>One of my reservations about Q is no mention ever of 5G public health dangers.


>One of my reservations about Trump is that he is pushing the FUCK outta 5G…


Yeah, me too.

It does not make sense to me that Q would ask us to think for ourselves, then, OBVIOUSLY, while researching, we find problems with a new tech being shoved down our throats, and Q and Potus are deadly silent on it, or pushing it as if we are supposed to go back to sleep about certain things.


WHAT gives.

Trust the plan can not happen with this, the vaccines push, the contaminated food issues, the focus on illegal aliens while we ignore the real threat .."the voting machines". We have to tolerate censorship now, although Q does address the last two, not much progress on either one.


You would think they would at least try to explain WHY they want 5 g networks. But we are not worthy of this conversation which just brings home that maybe they think we are as stupid and deplorable as the cabal does.


I can only hope that at some point, they actually try to explain it. If they install it without discussion, and honest research, or at least some really good explanation, treating us like we deserve an explanation, the first time we find out that it is as dangerous as we think it might be, we are simply going to have to shoot down the entire infrastructure to save our own lives.

Target practice.

Maybe they might want to talk to us then.


Lets hope there is some good explanation for this 5G thing they are pushing.

Anonymous ID: e2e84e Jan. 14, 2020, 1:26 a.m. No.7808666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8674 >>8678 >>8680 >>8708



Very interesting and NOTABLE.

Parallels a thesis I had been putting together for over 20 years too. This is exactly how they would have to build it. Thursday, I am going to draw parallels to structural systems that have to be built to carry out their plans, and match those up with the specific defenses in our Constution that the Founders created to meet them head on.

What I mean to say is, there is nothing new under the sun. So far as I have been able to discern, there are seven branches to any system of tyranny, in order for it to be complete. Surveillance monopoly branch is the second last (branch 6. Monopoly over self defense (commonly called gun control and a structure to enforce it) is branch 7.

Branch 1 = money monopoly branch

Branch 2 = information monopoly/control system (think education, communication, media monopoly, book burning etc)

Branch 3 is monopoly power over government appointments (would now be called the vote control branch)

Branch 4 is food/medicine monopoly control branch.

Branch 5 is energy monopoly control branch.

6- surveilance monopoly

7- gun control.

Have to wonder about that book of Revelation, claiming the last world government beast would have seven heads (control systems?)

Perhaps it always did, and always will.


It appears that our founders took these seven aspects of civilization, and made sure to scatter them to the people in our Constitution.


The truth I am finding is that our Constitution not only creates a three branched system, but, it destroys six of the seven branches of the historical government they called "tyranny".

(they were not fooled by names like empire, kingdom, communism… they were concerned with the structural systems that created all of those forms, and it turns out, they are the same seven branches of control every time in history)


Read the Keystone translation again, and see if you can find the seven branches in their NWO plans. Remember to separate "what it is" (structure) from "what it does (action).


For instance, destroying the family unit is ACTION, but, it will be done through the structure of the education (information monopoly) system.

Anonymous ID: e2e84e Jan. 14, 2020, 1:30 a.m. No.7808678   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kill the structures, you kill the tyranny system. It can no longer act. But if you let them lead you to attacking the "action" it is like shooting at the tank shell, instead of the tank itself.

Anonymous ID: e2e84e Jan. 14, 2020, 1:31 a.m. No.7808680   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kill the structures, you kill the tyranny system. It can no longer act. But if you let them lead you to attacking the "action" it is like shooting at the tank shell, instead of the tank itself. And yes, wow, interesting digits indeed!