Anonymous ID: f41d0f Jan. 13, 2020, 11:20 p.m. No.7808281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8289 >>8300 >>8330


Probably, but bone is porous and would potentially trap particles of foods or detergents. I would recommend using some variety of resin to treat the surface first.



Hmm… I'm tempted to tell a story. Do you know what "Slovene" means? Melania is from Slovenia. Technically, my paternal lineage is from Slovenia - Gradec, before it was Graz. But that's only partially of concern. What would all of this have to do with the purge of the Romanovs and two world wars, plus the Clinton administration?


…. Well, and what this has to do with anime, militaries, and the department of energy. But I'm only kind of being silly.

Anonymous ID: f41d0f Jan. 14, 2020, 12:07 a.m. No.7808434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8840



I will start by saying that Elly is Cain.


Then ask how it is that one man in Japan could have created this entire series complete with cohesive symbolic aspects of hermetic teachings.

I knew a very classy young lady who spoke many languages from Montenegro. Also spoke Japanese for reasons that she would probably know better. Supposedly she was just a normal girl doing normal things on the internet.


Funny thing about the maternal line of Anastasia - it links back to a female line in Montenegro. Quite the sought after line at one time among the monarchs, it would seem.

I've noticed some familiar sounding personalities, here, to the rather odd types I noticed surrounding her where I knew her from. Suffice to say I was not exactly surprised when they confronted me with something of a dossier of all of my past forum activity under the same or similar screen names on other forums across the internet.

Nor am I all that surprised to see that Melania is very likely related to said maternal line or that she married Trump just ahead of his Presidential campaign.


I would argue that the person I recall meeting is something like Kurumi Tokisaki. That metaphor applies in more way than one. Hell - I have half a mind to believe she's directly ghost-authored a plot line or two. Though that is pure conjecture.


As for why this line might hold the power it does - the Japanese still have the imperial regalia. If you believe humans are not necessarily native to the planet, then purity of the original line would be considered quite important. If Elly is Cain….


Though much of this is conjecture and some of it no doubt the ramblings of a mad man. But perhaps entertaining as… I believe the phrase was buttock of the night?

Anonymous ID: f41d0f Jan. 14, 2020, 12:17 a.m. No.7808474   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The light will reveal…

Wrays of light…


Pretty obvious to me back in the day that Wray was going to be a beacon of/to whom was not on our side. Huber is kind of irrelevant. Most of the proceedings are sealed and even if he did find a whole bunch of stuff, he would legally be obligated to.wait until the cases could be brought out from under seal. Regardless of what side he is on.

Anonymous ID: f41d0f Jan. 14, 2020, 12:27 a.m. No.7808504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8517


What makes you so certain there is a pattern or order to the alleged sacrifices? Every day, some anon is explaining how today is some day that is some sacred occult day and jumps through 15 hoops of logic to arrive at the conclusion it's a satanic holiday.

Perhaps they just sacrifice people and let neurotic people come up with a way to justify it as being part of some premeditated pattern.


Perhaps the cabal's autists spend as much time trying to credit their own with being magicians as our autists spend decrypting the magic ratios and symbols.

Anonymous ID: f41d0f Jan. 14, 2020, 12:57 a.m. No.7808585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8715 >>8753 >>8826 >>8871 >>8902


I mean… Sure… Maybe there is Uranium in Antarctica and maybe that is what they are up to down there - I don't know for certain.

It just seems a little convoluted to go through all that for a completely covert supply only to then fuck themselves with Uranium One.


I think something different is going on down there - though exactly what, I can't really speculate.