Anonymous ID: 952f64 Jan. 14, 2020, 4:31 a.m. No.7809147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9151 >>9159 >>9161



this statement is false and made by someone who doesn't understand prayer or how it works.

the 'words' are not the thing. It's the emotion and intention.

you can say it 'wrong' in the eyes of a Satanist, and it will still have the effect that the Satanist doesn't want.

in other words it is the intention: the emotion, the letting go of fear, the rejectin of evil, the rejectin of harming others, the rejection of plotting selfishly.


and the words just let us get there.

A type of prayer called 'contemplative prayer' is considered a very powerful type and it involves the active and thought ful suppression of words, ideas, images, and anything that distracts (like the banter of shills) to allow for an entering into a healing 'cloud of unknowning' that can not be expressed with words. (or images or ideas, or scents or anything that we can bring back with us.)

and how do you know if the memeory ti taken away that you really did this prayer?

because when you achieve it it's a natural cleansing and healing force in your life! You don't remember your encounter but you do feel the effects of it.


so you are wrong: prayer is often the putting down of the words or intentions of the day to day urges central in people's distracted activities.

Anonymous ID: 952f64 Jan. 14, 2020, 4:40 a.m. No.7809179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9184 >>9205 >>9271


you did not read my piece.

there is a kind of prayer where words are not part of it.

being someone who needs to control and be in charge even when you are full of shit, you are unwilling to follow anyone and must be in charge so you badger those around you until your parent or benefactor gives you your way (you are a wolf amoung the sheep) and you expect everyone to capitulate because most people feel bullied by you.


again let me say it, there is a type of prayer that does not use words. There is nothing 'spell' or 'incant' about it.


it's a letting go, a freeing up, an accepting the flow, a living within the moment of the fact of the Truth of God and you and everyone else, it's a place where the evil intentions are not there.

it's called 'the cloud of the unknowing' by some.


but you are a shill and probably part of some Gnosis cult like cable- (where they do the tree of life dot thing and numerology and think they are going to heaven becuase they are part of the ones who were long ago picked) or some other gnosis cult like the one where they have a fetish child who they raise as a creepy touchy person and call him the hellodolly llamma, and treet him like a long necked goat . . . or others, like the one that is the control cult of the old line secret aristocracy . . .


you can say 'goodbye' but you are not able to get away with this false hood.

learn something for a change.

accept that you have been lead to be a lamb for the slaughter by those who imploye to you be here and you should realize that us yhere are trying to free you from your delusions and hate.

Anonymous ID: 952f64 Jan. 14, 2020, 4:45 a.m. No.7809203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9210


used to being a bully and having it all given to you for free, you were probably a cult victim at an early age. you probably had a relative who favored you above the others. The sat you on their lap and bounced you and told you how special and wonderful you are and that you get it all without trying and don't tell anyone the special special spells and secret and what you have to do to make the 'magic' work . . .

and you block all that now of course, and put out stupid and nacent graphics that a two year old draws in the dirt with a stick and runs toy cars around on it and builds worlds of free loving caring growing and active nation prayerful worlds of good people living and ascending, without bullies like you trying to trap them into the special 'i know a secret' basement closet minded creepiness.


but at least you get that advanced degree without deserving it, and you get to be the captian of the team, well, because you lie about your age and are actually older and you had a twin, but she went missing . . .

do I need to go on?

Anonymous ID: 952f64 Jan. 14, 2020, 4:57 a.m. No.7809262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9279

The story that you don't write.

as a write who has word-flow, an important quality of a writer, my words are often just a flood of thougth that maybe doesn't even work on a reread of it. It might need some improvment.

and I've found that a first draft is often the thing that gives me the most flow. having been taught to not look back while typing, because on the old typewriters you had to just moveon, and fix it later, you get the best flow when you fix the obvious mistakes after you make the spontaneous free-flowing draft. And you hear stories about some guy who got a giant roll of newsprint and he typed out a novel about promiscuous hitchhikers and drug addled guys and the women who sought to tame them (and failed) . . . that was a 'kind of myth' and it 'sort of' was a thing for a while. But others say 'yas, that spontaneous bit is cute but it needs two more drafts, and then hand it to an editor and let them do as they will' because all the jargon that youngster have and those playful words that they used , zing zang zippity zen crap words, aren't used later in life in any real situatin except for crappy throw away writing like this is (yes it is) and all of this here (except for the intention of all of us).

so that's an introduction.


basica point: there is a kind of story that a tasteful writer doesn't get into the details of parts of it. He lets you know that there is 'basement closet creepiness' but he doesn't go into that basement or describe what happend, or dwell within it.


so the story is a meta, it exists within the narrative of a different story.

why? Because some topics are so hard to bare, on a plane with a pulp book , that people do not want to read on when they encounter those topics. their eyes glaze over.


all topics of abortion, and the associated creepy fiction of antiabortion people has to exist as a meta: a story within the story. There is a story that you don't write. You have it as a fiction within another story. You know that if one were to 'go there' they'd be able to craft a story with all of that, but the story is too dark and the details of it would further the idea of the creepiness of what the characters of that narrative were doing.

so I had a story like that and put it in the meta and said 'my antiabortion story about a couple who are happy at her being pregs and then using the fetus to live forever . . . is too creepy and wierd and I won't actually write such a story but a writer guy in side my story will have that story that he will write, with in the play of my narrative, as his story and that would torpedo his chances of being anything real i the fake-world of Manhattan publishing (cause it's all about the money and that is where the money is).

so you say even that story sucks. That story sucks a lot and why bother writing even that one but it lives there in the back of your thoughts and you have it as a back story because you kind of see it all around in the new venture world of money mongering when they gather capital and issue stocks. You read their perspectus' (read the perspectus, they tell you everything, they reveal . . .) and you start to garner and OMG about all that and say 'I just won't invest in that kind of a thing.' geesh . . . and you didn't. (I hope you didn't knowingly invest in baby harvast ventures . . . )

Anonymous ID: 952f64 Jan. 14, 2020, 5:06 a.m. No.7809297   🗄️.is 🔗kun


if he pays Steve to use his hand and face then I'd be 'thats cool'. Bushemi doesn't get to say 'ya, but that on my thumb and post it to the anon-wierdo who dared to click that shit.'

Anonymous ID: 952f64 Jan. 14, 2020, 5:10 a.m. No.7809323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9327


how do you love anon . . .

let me count the ways . . . ? ? ?

whatever dude, so what you leave gold coins laying in the dirt when they are staring you in the face.

that's fine.

i knew you had no brain.

Anonymous ID: 952f64 Jan. 14, 2020, 5:14 a.m. No.7809342   🗄️.is 🔗kun


that's a good explanation.

you didn't take any bullshit from me.

you live by the idea of standing up for yourself, and I like that.

did you pay Steve to use his gawky face?

if not that's fine by me, and he seems the type that is willfully fun with his characterizations.

my most terrible attempts were probably years ago with a tape recorder while driving at 3:30 in the morning listening to AM all night talk and having the microphone on.


I wouldn't share any of that.

I like you image. I don't like that you used it on me . . . but I've been indulgent this morning so I deserve it.