The only way this should have been allowed( if they were teaching about using sex in advertising in a negative way( to senior grade students, and if they had a permission note( most of these ads, run on regular tv,,, except sick kinky type ones, which should have never been allowed( sick fetish pics)
Her eyes scream,, i was ritually abused and brain conditioned the past month.
Look at them eyes, the dark circles.
Did they have her locked in a cage?
Time magazine leaves Second Amendment supporters off Parkland cover
she looks like a fucking skinhead, 1980's style
Remb punk rockers, the really out there ones, who wore the old army coats, and buttons.
( some of them were good people, not skinheads,kek, punk rockers)
but they had similar fashion styles.
And with david hogg in the pee wee suit, doing Hitler like john travolta moves, kek
You can see the behind the scenes manipulation, staging, ( using styles, themes)
( trying to make them seem cool, familiar, edgy)