Anonymous ID: ad7366 Jan. 14, 2020, 7:36 a.m. No.7810149   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just some Tuesday morning irreverence. I'm going to post this before reading notables or the comments so as not to taint this simple thought with needless and distracting nuance or complexity.

To what extent have the various foreign intelligence agencies infiltrated America [or, insert the name of your own country here]?

We give Mossad a LOT of credit for things that happen in the US and worldwide. The Democrats (heavily Jewish, it would appear) blame every itch on the Russians.

What is the TRUE extent of their influence?

The reason I ask is because when you give an enemy credit they have not earned, you give them power they do not deserve.

As I said, just a musing while we await new direction from Q.