Anonymous ID: 4af3cc Jan. 14, 2020, 9:33 a.m. No.7811019   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran warns against ‘destructive measures,’ promises firm response as EU trio starts nuclear deal ‘non-compliance’ investigation


Iran will firmly respond to anyone acting to damage the 2015 nuclear deal, but welcomes “good faith” measures to save it, the foreign ministry said as three EU signatories triggered a non-compliance investigation against Tehran.


“It is necessary to explain that the action taken by the three European countries is a passive and weak position,” Abbas Mousavi, spokesman for the foreign ministry, warned in a statement.


He spoke shortly after Germany, France and the UK initiated a special dispute resolution procedure under the 2015 deal citing Iran’s alleged non-compliance with the pact.


Now, the Islamic Republic will provide a “serious and firm” response to any “destructive initiative” taken by any signatory of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Mousavi warned.


The European trio triggered the mechanism after Iran announced it would roll back its commitments under the deal following the killing of one of its top military commanders in a US drone strike earlier this month.


In a joint statement on Tuesday, the three countries asserted that Tehran had “no legal grounds” to stop complying with the terms of the agreement and that they were left with “no choice” but to take action.


Iran has also accused European countries of violating the deal however, with the country's foreign ministry saying on Tuesday that European parties “failed to take tangible and serious action to meet their commitments” following the US’ abrupt departure from the agreement in 2018.


While Paris, Berlin and London implemented the investigation mechanism, they still made it clear that they are not joining Washington's campaign of exerting “maximum pressure” on Tehran.

Anonymous ID: 4af3cc Jan. 14, 2020, 9:36 a.m. No.7811048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Deep State Snake Mary McCord Goes from Setting Up General Flynn to Working for Adam Schiff


Former Obama DOJ-NSD Head Mary McCord was involved in setting up General Flynn in the White House days after the 2017 Inauguration. Now she is reportedly working for Adam Schiff with her former lawyer at the DOJ, the now ICIG Michael Atkinson. McCord is as crooked as they get.


The Last Refuge posted some tweets yesterday that tie former Obama DOJ NSD head Mary McCord to the whole corrupt and criminal whistleblower complaint that started the Democrats fraudulent Ukrainian sham impeachment.


BREAKING: Deep State Snake Mary McCord Goes from Setting Up General Flynn to Working for Adam Schiff

Joe Hoft by Joe Hoft January 14, 2020 75 Comments


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Former Obama DOJ-NSD Head Mary McCord was involved in setting up General Flynn in the White House days after the 2017 Inauguration. Now she is reportedly working for Adam Schiff with her former lawyer at the DOJ, the now ICIG Michael Atkinson. McCord is as crooked as they get.


The Last Refuge posted some tweets yesterday that tie former Obama DOJ NSD head Mary McCord to the whole corrupt and criminal whistleblower complaint that started the Democrats fraudulent Ukrainian sham impeachment.


Julie Kelly at American Greatness published a post about the ICIG Atkinson. She pointed out his ties to his former boss, McCord:


A report issued last month by Atkinson’s counterpart at the Justice Department, Michael Horowitz, offered a detailed account of how that agency, specifically the FBI, violated the law to obtain a warrant to spy on Carter Page for a year. Horowitz identified 17 “significant errors” on the initial application and three subsequent renewals submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.


The office responsible for the government’s FISA process is the Justice Department’s National Security Division. The head of the NSD during the first several months of the secret surveillance on Carter Page was acting Assistant Attorney General Mary McCord.


McCord’s senior counsel? Michael Atkinson.


From July 2016—the same month the FBI opened its investigation into the Trump campaign—until he was appointed the intelligence community’s watchdog in early 2018, Atkinson served as a high-ranking official in the same Justice Department attempting to take down Donald Trump.


McCord, an Obama appointee and Atkinson’s boss for seven months, not only managed three of the four FISAs on Carter Page, she ran the department’s investigation into Trump-Russia collusion until she resigned in the spring of 2017.


McCord is mentioned more than two dozen times in Horowitz’s report. She became the division’s acting chief right before the department approved the first FISA application on Page.


Atkinson was her lawyer.


According to the Horowitz report, McCord “was involved in certain aspects of the [Trump campaign] investigation . . . with the first Carter Page FISA application in September and October 2016.” McCord also attended numerous briefings related to Crossfire Hurricane, the official name of the FBI’s counterintelligence probe into four Trump campaign associates.


McCord, who was interviewed by Horowitz, told the inspector general she informed Andrew McCabe, the former FBI deputy director, that the first FISA application “needed to include more information about who hired [Christopher] Steele.” She recalled “asking about Steele’s fee arrangement with Fusion GPS” just days before the first application was filed on October 21, 2016. (An interesting detail since McCord unconvincingly claimed in a podcast interview last month that she didn’t see Steele’s dossier until it was published in BuzzFeed in January 2017, a common trope recited by Obama loyalists.)


These gangsters from the Obama era are still in place in the the Deep State FBI and DOJ and are still doing all they can to harass this President with false claims and fraudulent cases. Americans are getting very close to the tipping point with all of this and no indictments of the Deep State card carrying members.

Anonymous ID: 4af3cc Jan. 14, 2020, 9:38 a.m. No.7811066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1082 >>1101 >>1150 >>1178 >>1228

"Collateral Damage": Trudeau Blames Trump For Iran Accidentally Shooting Down Passenger Plane


No, this isn't a mistake or a misquote.


Canadian PM Justin Trudeau really did just blame President Trump for the downing of Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752, which was shot down by an IRGC missile operator just minutes after taking off from the International Airport in Tehran.


After initially denying any involvement in the accident, the Iranian regime confirmed the world's suspicions on Saturday when it announced that the passenger plane was shot down by mistake, killing more than 170 passengers and crew, including more than 60 Canadians.


In the days after the crash, Trudeau demanded that Iran allow Canadian investigators to cooperate in the investigation, and examine the data.


But now that the fate of Flight 752 has proved once again that "shootdown events" like this have become normalized (remember what happened after MH17?), it looks like Trudeau, who recently secured a second term despite a string of embarrassing scandals, is trying to divert attention away from this sad fact.


And the ol' 'blame it on Trump' routine is a reliable card to play, given that the millions of Americans and Canadians who despise the president will likely accept it uncritically for no other reason than it sounds plausible.


Of course, linking the US and Iran's spat with the accidental shoot-down is probably more than a little premature, to say the least. While it's true the jet crashed just hours after Iran retaliated against the US for the killing of General Suleimani, investigators haven't yet established whether the two incidents are directly interconnected (though that also seems extremely plausible).


For all we know, Iran might have still accidentally shot down the plane, even if the US didn't kill Suleimani. Still, Trudeau blamed Trump for "escalating" tensions with Iran, seemingly excusing Iran for its history of financing terror attacks and wars via proxies around the world, along with its more recent transgressions.


Trudeau said he felt the victims in the plane were "collateral damage" from the conflict between the US and Iran.


"If there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families," Trudeau said during an interview with Global News Television on Monday. "This is something that happens when you have conflict and the war. Innocents bear the brunt of it."


To be sure, Trudeau added that many are also angry at Iran, and that "justice" is "entirely expected." To us, that sounds like Trudeau preparing the public to uncritically accept Iran's narrative. He praised Iran for taking "a very big first step" by admitting responsibility and moving to hold individuals responsible.



"Acknowledgement of responsibility and some form of compensation is going to have to come," Trudeau added, before his interviewer reminded him that Tehran is one of the least transparent regimes in the world.


Trudeau added that he and his fellow world leaders are trying to "deescalate tensions in the region," adding that the grief they are going through is "not to be consoled right now…they express immeasurable pain."


On Monday, ICAO, the UN aviation agency, said in a statement that it had accepted Iran's invitation to provide "expert advice" during the investigation, while Canada's Transportation Safety Board also said on Monday that Iranian officials had invited it to examine the data from the Boeing 737's "black box" of flight data and cockpit voice recordings.

Anonymous ID: 4af3cc Jan. 14, 2020, 9:42 a.m. No.7811102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Libya's Haftar Leaves Putin-Sponsored Talks In Moscow Without Signing Ceasefire


Head the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli, Fayez al-Sarraj, and Benghazi-based General Khalifa Haftar who is now warring for control of the capital, were actually in the same building in Moscow for peace talks on Monday — an extremely rare and unlikely event in its own right.


The Putin-sponsored talks follow an agreement between the Russian president and Turkey's Erdogan last week to issue an urgent ceasefire call in Libya (the urgent call designated last Saturday for a pause in fighting), but which was immediately rejected by Haftar, despite Russia being among his political backers.


Monday's talks may have also been awkward for Haftar-Russian ties, given Haftar departed Moscow without signing the agreement for an “unconditional open-ended” ceasefire even after the GNA's Sarraj did.


Likely, Haftar rebuffed the ceasefire — which also would establish a “military commission to determine a contact line” between fighters on the ground — given his Libyan National Army (LNA) has made recent gains into Tripoli. Notably Haftar refused to engage in face to face talks with Sarraj despite being in the same building.


But he did ask for more time to make a final decision, but it's increasingly looking like he'll reject any stoppage in fighting.


Expressing surprise that like with Syria before, the United States has been effectively cut out from overseeing any diplomatic solution, Der Spiegel journalist Mathieu von Rohr noted, “Now, [Russia and Turkey] not only have their seat at the table, they provide the table. And Europe is nowhere to be seen.”


Mossad refuses peace deal

Haftar is MOS/C_A

Mossad replaces CIA as Haftar's handler in Libya

Anonymous ID: 4af3cc Jan. 14, 2020, 9:45 a.m. No.7811118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1189 >>1225

Doomsday arrives for Windows 7 tech support, leaving users to fend for themselves


PC users still running 2009’s Windows 7 operating system are despairing online and paying their respects as Microsoft finally ends its technical support for the software.


The 10-year-old operating system is still one of the most popular in use, making up an estimated 33 percent of the global share, second only to Windows 10. Roughly a quarter of all Windows users are still using the out-of-date OS according to StatCounter. As of Tuesday, though, there will be no more updates or patches to shore up defenses against ever-evolving cyber-attacks on Windows 7 users.


While Microsoft did warn users for the last five years that it would end support for the product, this appears to have fallen on deaf ears judging by reactions online.


Many computers in the public sectors of nations around the world still run on the decade-old system. However, companies and organizations that are unprepared or unwilling to migrate to a new operating system can pay Microsoft for extended security updates for the next three years, on an ever-increasingly expensive, per-device basis.


Users can still update their antivirus software, but unscrupulous hackers will likely find other exploits to crack the system, which will be susceptible to malware, such as the infamous WannaCry ransomware attack which crippled the NHS in the UK for a time. The impact of the attack could have been limited had NHS staff updated their computers properly, a government report concluded in 2018.


“While you could continue to use your PC running Windows 7, without continued software and security updates, it will be at greater risk for viruses and malware. Going forward, the best way for you to stay secure is on Windows 10,” Microsoft wrote in a blog post.