Anonymous ID: d0f15c Jan. 14, 2020, 9:36 a.m. No.7811050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1222



This is the best description I have seen.

God = All that is

Angels/Lucifer = Higher Self

Spirit beings/Demons/Guardian Angels = Oversoul

(NOTE: everyone has a guardian angel which is your oversoul, through whom you communicate with God)

Soul Part/Fragment = Core of your being


So, we are all eternal beings, fragments of an Oversoul who like in these humanoid bodies. We have a mind, and an ego, and those can be manipulated, shattered and controlled by MKUltra techniques and drugs, however the Core of your being cannot be altered or destroyed or damaged. Given time, this core will shine through even in the most damaged individuals. This is why Mind control slaves require regular trips to rehab clinics which are just mind control programming clinics in disguise.


If you are familiar with the Egyptian book of the Dead, you will see parallels because the ancients really did understand this. That's because even in the caveman days, this knowledge was always available from within, by silent prayer in a quiet place.