Anonymous ID: 110a8f Jan. 14, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.7811382   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Byzantine Christian Zodiac


Vaticanus gr. 1291

A very important manuscript copy of Ptolemy's so-called 'Handy Tables' is MS Vaticanus Graecus 1291. This page is restricted to some details of the famous Helios miniature


Ptolemy's 'Handy Tables' (Procheiroi Kanones) are a revised and extended version of the astronomical tables in his 'Almagest'. Ptolemy designed this set of tables for practical use (especially among astrologers). He only wrote a short introduction giving instructions for using the tables, but he said nothing about the theory underlying them, even though in a few instances he had modified the theory since writing the almagest.

Anonymous ID: 110a8f Jan. 14, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.7811516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1610 >>1675



Clowns In America created this site and a few others, as a limited hangout to attract conspiracy theorists and lead them deep into a rabbit hole in the wrong direction.


The British royals and the rest of the House Of Wettin are no longer top dogs in the Cabal. They were deposed by the Saudi Royals decades ago, as Q told us in Drop #133.

The other 2 bloodlines are Rothschild, as everyone knows, and Soros bloodline which is still not determined.


I believe that he is from the Habsburg bloodline, which was the Catholic former royal family of Austria and therefore he is tied in with the Vatican and Jesuits.


The House of Windsor are bit players, and current events should prove that to you. Most of us noticed the interactions during POTUS two visits to them and figured it out then.


Don't pay any attention to the people who claim this is a slide. That is a shill tactic.


If you keep in mind that the sites are CIA created in order to mislead you, you can still learn a lot by going through them. For instance, try to track down anyone on the STAFF page, either by reverse image search on the photo or by the name and bio.




It is good practice so I would not discourage looking at it, but be sceptical of anything you read, and look for corroborating evidence from other independent sources. In other words, validate each fact that you think you have learned by making sure you have 2 independent sources for the fact.


Think logically, and ignore people who play with your emotions, who try to make you angry or outraged or those who belittle you.

They are all shills

Anonymous ID: 110a8f Jan. 14, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.7811688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1697

Solution to Tengri 137


Page of a book by Russian Arian pagans

It says that the year 7513 since the creation of the world

Is year 137 of the Heavenly Snake using the circle calendar of the God of Numbers.

Russian pagans have a 12 year animal calendar cycle similar to the Chinese and the Bulgarians, but each ethnic group has different animals in their cycle.

Anonymous ID: 110a8f Jan. 14, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.7811865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2028

In the Russian pagan calendar

We are now in the year of the Solar Dragon

Since Sept 21, 2019.


Cycles within cycles

Wheel within a wheel


Remember, 13,000 or so years ago

In Atlantis, someone wrote a textbook

Of astronomy and mathematics

It survived the Clovis meteor impacts

Which sent a tidal wave to sweep away Atlantis

But the survivors, were confused by the book

And did not understand the symbolism

And the analogies used in the ancient language

To describe mathematics and astronomy

So they treated it as some kind of Holy Scripture.

This includes the Bible, Talmud, Quran and other mystical/occult books.