Anonymous ID: 7ab4c2 Jan. 14, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.7811497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1598

>>7811006 (PB)

>BREAKING: "If Bernie doesn't get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the @DNC Convention, f**king Milwaukee will burn" - @BernieSanders Field Organizer Kyle Jurek


Since this is a movie, let us appreciate the hilarious irony of the casting for this movie.


Greta, Shifty Shiff, Peloosi etc etc show creative casting at work by the Freedom Team fronting Q.


In movies coming from Pedowood, the casting of the characters can carry the movie.


This is because the owned human assets have been trained from birth to follow the stars and once actors establish an association with a particular type of character, just casting them in a role carries along the mental hangler, the association with previous Pedowood themes.


NOW, we have Kyle Jurek!


Playing the part of thug, he really exemplifies a JERK, yet another psuedo male, adopting the mental outlook of a vengeful female or cucked trannie, outing the true nature of the opposition to human freedom on planet earth.


Kyle Jurek = The Jerk

Kyle Jurek = The Jerk

Kyle Jurek = The Jerk




Why is this not in Notables?

Anonymous ID: 7ab4c2 Jan. 14, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.7811788   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>>7811497 (You)


>I was just thinking of a meme with the hand where everyone is throwing money into it. Sort of like an altar in order to get the results they want.


Good idea there.


All the players proselytizing for globalist takeover of the world being given key scenes in this movie are perfect Keystone Cops villains (another meaning of Keystone) and are so lame that only the mind lock on the media-addicted keeps them from detecting the bullshit they spew!


Could it be that the military planning at its finest actually selected these cartoon villains to impress the sleeping normies?


When the "A ha" moment arrives, to ease the pain of waking up, there is at least this off-the-charts hilarity, the absolute dumber-than-rocks mentality of ALL those playing villains, as they reveal their real nature.


Pro tip for minions of the Adversary trying to steal the Earth, to prevent it from becoming Heaven:

On the Cosmic stage YOU are the retarded, soul-damaged ones!


• Resisting the awakening of humanity in fear of your masters?

• Selling your soul to have a piece of the future pie after the population culling?

• Mindlessly parroting your talking points and putting other people, BETTER people down to please your tops?

• Believing in the words of known liars enough to expose yourself to the wrath of the aroused and awakened populace?


This movie, the Great Awakening, will be worthy of repeated viewings, when the planetary awakening has occurred and the fascinating way the people got through the endless gaslighting will be studied!