YAY!! We are back!! I thought last night was the finale nail in the coffin. Thank YOU Jim and Ron!!!!!!! God Bless!!!
So you're a democrat that doesn't like being exposed? Get the fuck out. O'Keefe has done more to bring down the democrat party than anyone else….But you hate that. Got it.
Kyle Jurek was just exposed for being arrested this month…https://thepolicereporter.com/2020/01/08/kyle-jurek/
Close down the internet and get a life.
So were mine and they were WHITE…
Hmm not on twitter but I wonder why there is no # before Kyle Jurek. I started looking after he deleted his account….https://twitter.com/search?q=KyleJurek if you put the hashtag before it comes up blank.
8kun was not working last night. Not sure when it came back online. I don't live on the internet.
Did you just quit drinking?