Anonymous ID: 6bdbd4 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.7812569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2806








And I used to be such a gud g0y… I mean nice guy…

But I feel compelled to speak out right here and now, so here it goes.


Anons, I have a nagging feeling that Ghislaine Maxwell is going to use her j00ish-cabal-bIacked-pr0n-MKUltra-mindf*ck digital systemic device (commonly know as "the internet") to cause a mass shooting at a public school in Virginia on this upcoming valentine's day.


Of course now that I have sounded the alarm, I will probably be proven wrong. Now there will probably be a mass shooting at a public school in north carolina sometime in January, or in Maryland sometime in March. The terrifying reality of the situation is that it is going to happen somewhere in America in 2020 and that innocent people will die. This is not a threat nor is it an incitement to violence. I'm merely stating that the bell will toll when the clock strikes midnight. One plus one equals two, bears shit in the woods, and proximity plus diversity equals conflict. Always has, always will.


warning: nsfw:


ZH sauce:


How do we solve this seemingly unsolvable problem? Any anons from around White Settlement, Texas wanna chime in?