Anonymous ID: b42723 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.7812739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2755 >>2782

To all you hot headed Bernie people, we know why you are mad. and they never taught you to be calm. They let you build your rage.

we got to a place with Q where none of that rage shit means anything or makes any sense. So don't start fights with Q because if you got insurrection you will lose that fight.

just decide that you were mislead. Realize that we like the fever of your resolve, and we would love to have you embrace nonviolence. not the fake Gandhi cause problems kind but real love in your heart you have no need for violence and you see the good in others.

We would free you from your delusions and give you a way to move forward instead of demanding that you take to the streets and trash the world.

So stop plotting against us. And we don't want you to plot with us. We don't plot. We research.

So come and research. But get off the side walk where the cholera is brewing in the city near the tech factories where they don't let you go.

Realize that you can either join the future or you can suicide in the streets. But it won't be suicide so much as a ridiculous temper tantrum.

So just stop.

Anonymous ID: b42723 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.7812835   🗄️.is 🔗kun

there was this Weatherman guy. He'd walked away from it. He thought they were 'looking for him' and he blended in the community.

I thought he was just odd. I had no idea that he was called that because he really had been (or was he) and he made it known to me to not call him that. So I stopped.

but here is what they do when the have you believing their bull: they send you down to do the protest and they don't go down there with you.


they send you off to be foder.

they don't join you.

If they love you why do they have to have you do illegal things in order to give you the help that, if you are as down and out and dead beat that some of you seem to be, they should be just giving you help anyway. The squat on Soro's billions. why are they making you do protest for comp? Why can't they treat you like a real employee?


Because they are using you for politics.


The story is that all the Bolshevicks were executed for the crimes of treason and so forth by Stalin around 1936. All of them?

and that is the fate of you street rat protestor types if you 'win' your 'revolution' you'll be railroaded off to jails because you are free thinkers, and free thinkers, especially delusional ones, are not going to be part of the future if your side wins.