Anonymous ID: 14c5f1 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.7812911   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Leviticus 26:8

five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall before you by the sword.


Deuteronomy 32:30

"How could one chase a thousand, And two put ten thousand to flight, Unless their Rock had sold them, And the LORD had given them up?


2 Samuel 18:3

But the people said, "You should not go out; for if we indeed flee, they will not care about us; even if half of us die, they will not care about us. But you are worth ten thousand of us; therefore now it is better that you be ready to help us from the city."


Judges 1:4

Judah went up, and the LORD gave the Canaanites and the Perizzites into their hands, and they defeated ten thousand men at Bezek.


Judges 3:29

They struck down at that time about ten thousand Moabites, all robust and valiant men; and no one escaped.


Psalm 91:7

A thousand may fall at your side And ten thousand at your right hand, But it shall not approach you.


Judges 4:6

Now she sent and summoned Barak the son of Abinoam from Kedesh-naphtali, and said to him, "Behold, the LORD, the God of Israel, has commanded, 'Go and march to Mount Tabor, and take with you ten thousand men from the sons of Naphtali and from the sons of Zebulun.


Judges 4:10

Barak called Zebulun and Naphtali together to Kedesh, and ten thousand men went up with him; Deborah also went up with him

Judges 4:14

Deborah said to Barak, "Arise! For this is the day in which the LORD has given Sisera into your hands; behold, the LORD has gone out before you." So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with ten thousand men following him.


Judges 7:3

"Now therefore come, proclaim in the hearing of the people, saying, 'Whoever is afraid and trembling, let him return and depart from Mount Gilead.'" So 22,000 people returned, but 10,000 remained.


Judges 20:34

When ten thousand choice men from all Israel came against Gibeah, the battle became fierce; but Benjamin did not know that disaster was close to them.


1 Samuel 15:4

Then Saul summoned the people and numbered them in Telaim, 200,000 foot soldiers and 10,000 men of Judah.


1 Kings 5:14

He sent them to Lebanon, 10,000 a month in relays; they were in Lebanon a month and two months at home. And Adoniram was over the forced laborers.


2 Kings 13:7

For he left to Jehoahaz of the army not more than fifty horsemen and ten chariots and 10,000 footmen, for the king of Aram had destroyed them and made them like the dust at threshing


2 Kings 14:7

He killed of Edom in the Valley of Salt 10,000 and took Sela by war, and named it Joktheel to this day.


2 Chronicles 25:11

Now Amaziah strengthened himself and led his people forth, and went to the Valley of Salt and struck down 10,000 of the sons of Seir.


2 Chronicles 25:12

The sons of Judah also captured 10,000 alive and brought them to the top of the cliff and threw them down from the top of the cliff, so that they were all dashed to pieces.


2 Kings 24:14

Then he led away into exile all Jerusalem and all the captains and all the mighty men of valor, ten thousand captives, and all the craftsmen and the smiths None remained except the poorest people of the land.


Deuteronomy 33:2

He said, "The LORD came from Sinai, And dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, And He came from the midst of ten thousand holy ones; At His right hand there was flashing lightning for them.

Anonymous ID: 14c5f1 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.7812946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2998 >>3302 >>3349 >>3366

Pompeo Warns US Tech Companies Against Aiding Chinese Regime’s ‘Orwellian Surveillance State’


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Jan. 13 warned Silicon Valley leaders of the dangers of working with the Chinese communist regime, imploring them not to let American technology “power a truly Orwellian surveillance state.”


“We need to make sure that our companies don’t do deals that strengthen a competitor’s military or tighten the regime’s grip of repression in parts of that country,” Pompeo told a meeting of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on Monday. The group is an association of over 350 companies in the California tech hub.


“We need to make sure American technology doesn’t power a truly Orwellian surveillance state. We need to make sure American principles aren’t sacrificed for prosperity,” he added.

Advanced Tech


Pompeo’s remarks come amid growing concerns about the Chinese regime’s use of advanced technology for domestic surveillance and control, including through a sprawling network of CCTV cameras—with roughly one camera for every four people—many of which are equipped with facial-recognition technology.


U.S. lawmakers and experts have also recently drawn attention to the role American tech companies have played in building China’s surveillance capabilities.

Anonymous ID: 14c5f1 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.7812988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3410 >>3556 >>3575

House Democrats Launch Investigation Into Trump’s ‘Remain In Mexico’ Program


Democrats on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship announced Tuesday an investigation into the Trump administration’s Migrant Protection Protocols program.

Migrant Protection Protocols, or “Remain in Mexico,” call on asylum seekers at the southern border to wait in Mexico for the duration of their court proceedings, which helps manage the immigration crisis.

The program, while it’s hailed by immigration enforcement officials as a necessary tool, has long been derided by Democrats and immigrant-rights groups as dangerous and legally dubious for asylum seekers.


Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee announced that they are investigating the Trump administration’s Migrant Protection Protocols initiative, calling into question the program’s legality.


The House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship delivered a letter to acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf on Tuesday, announcing its investigation into the administration’s Migrant Protection Protocols program, more popularly referred to as “Remain in Mexico.”


Democratic members trashed the “Remain in Mexico” program as dangerous and legally dubious, and demanded the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) hand over numerous documents and statistics so they can move forward with an investigation into its effects.


“We write to renew our objections to the ‘Migrant Protection Protocols’ (MPP), as we continue to question the policy’s legality and remain deeply concerned about its impact on vulnerable populations,” the Democrats wrote in the letter. “We strongly believe that MPP is a dangerously flawed policy that threatens the health and safety of legitimate asylum seekers — including women, children, and families — and should be abandoned.”

Anonymous ID: 14c5f1 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:45 p.m. No.7813022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3118 >>3410 >>3556 >>3575

Warren, Van Hollen Ask SEC To Investigate Insider Trading By Mar-A-Lago Guests Before Soleimani Airstrike


Presidential contender Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Chris Van Hollen co-wrote a letter on Monday to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requesting an "investigation into whether there may have been any illegal trading in defense company stocks or commodities related to individuals' advance knowledge of the United States attack on January 2, 2020, that killed Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani."


The letter alleges that President Trump told guests at the Mar-A-Lago resort that military action was pending in the Middle East.


The senators pulled a quote from a story that was featured on the left-leaning Daily Beast that detailed how three unnamed sources at the resort heard President Trump talking to guests about an upcoming military operation:


"In the five days prior to launching a strike that killed Iran's most important military leader, Donald Trump roamed the halls of Mar-a-Lago, his private resort in Florida, and started dropping hints to close associates and club-goers that something huge was coming … Trump began telling friends and allies hanging at his perennial vacation getaway that he was working on a ~big' response to the Iranian regime that they would be hearing or reading about very •soon.' [T]he president specifically mentioned he'd been in close contact with his top national security and military advisers on gaming out options for an aggressive action that could quickly materialize."


The letter went onto say that "guests at President Trump's resort may have obtained confidential market-moving information and had the opportunity to trade defense industry stocks or commodities or make other trades based on this information."


It also said, "Between January 2, 2020, before the announcement of the attack, and the end of the day on January 3, 2020, Northrop Grumman stock prices increased by over 5%; Lockheed Martin's stock prices increased by 3.6%… Additionally, immediately following the killing of Soleimani, the price of crude oil increased by over 4%."

Anonymous ID: 14c5f1 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:47 p.m. No.7813049   🗄️.is 🔗kun

McConnell Says Trump Impeachment Trial Likely to Start Next Tuesday (VIDEO)


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters Tuesday afternoon that Trump’s impeachment trial is likely to start next Tuesday.


McConnell said that “51 Senators will decide” which witnesses to call forward.


A reporter asked McConnell when the Senate will vote on the resolution to call in witnesses.


“I think that would come up appropriately next Tuesday and that’s when the vote would occur. That’s assuming we’re on the trial next Tuesday and I think that’s the case,” McConnell said.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi set a Wednesday vote to send the two articles of impeachment against President Trump over to the Senate.


For several weeks power-hungry Pelosi refused to send the articles of impeachment to the senate unless they bowed to her demands to call in more White House witnesses.


McConnell also blasted Pelosi from the Senate floor earlier Tuesday.


“Do these sound like leaders who really believe we are in a constitutional crisis, one that requires the ultimate remedy?” McConnell asked.


“It will fall to the Senate to end it with seriousness and sobriety,” he said.


He said the same shit last week, LIKELY FFS

Anonymous ID: 14c5f1 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.7813059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3074 >>3090 >>3103

Ex-Treasury Official Pleads Guilty to Leaking Trump Campaign Financial Records



A senior adviser at Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, also known as FinCEN, pleaded guilty to conspiracy for leaking the Trump campaign's confidential banking information to a reporter at BuzzFeed News.


Natalie Edwards, 41, entered the plea in a Manhattan federal court and could be sentenced to five years in prison. The plea deal she reached with prosecutors will keep her from serving little or no time behind bars.


Edwards leaked thousands of confidential banking records known as Suspicious Activity Reports (“SARs”). Banks must file those reports if they believe certain transactions raise questions about financial wrongdoing. The SARs were from records of various campaign officials under investigation, including Paul Manafort.


Fox News:


The SARs related to wire transfers made by Paul Manafort and other figures in former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, including campaign official Richard Gates, Maria Butina and the Russian Embassy.


As law enforcement swooped in, she was carrying a government-issued USB flash drive containing not only thousands of SARs, but also "highly sensitive material relating to Russia, Iran, and the terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant," prosecutors said.


"Edwards is not known to be involved in any official FinCEN project or task bearing these file titles or code names," prosecutors said at the time.


Prosecutors say there were about a dozen articles in BuzzFeed over the past 18 months that were based on information in the SARs. Edwards apparently transmitted the documents via images taken by her cellphone and then texted using an encrypted application.


She was a very helpful source for the reporter.


Edwards additionally sent or described to the BuzzFeed News reporter internal government emails or correspondence related to the reports and investigative memos and intelligence assessments published by her agency's intelligence division, prosecutors said.


When the judge asked her if she knew she was committing a crime, Edwards said she did not "know of the regulation" at the time but she knew about the federal Whistleblower Protection Act.


After consulting with her lawyer, Marc Agnifilo, she said she admitted that she agreed to disclose the SARs.


Prosecutors believe her motive was political.


Outside court, Agnifilo said the case illustrated how "one's subjective motivations really do not serve as a defense."


He said prosecutors were "probably of the view that she was more politically motivated than she was for some conception like the good of our republic."


Agnifilo said his client believed "certain critical facts" weren't being handled in the right way by the government agencies tasked with handling them.


Yes, just because you mean well doesn't save you if you break the law – a fact that Julian Assange and Edward Snowden should take to heart. Assange and Snowden believe that because their motives for leaking were pure, they shouldn't be prosecuted. They took it upon themselves to expose their idea of corruption in the arrogant belief that they had a corner on truth.


Edwards may have been motivated by nothing more than Trump-hatred. She had no high moral goals to satisfy. Hers was a partisan political act, not the actions of a "whistleblower."

Anonymous ID: 14c5f1 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.7813272   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syrian Air Defence System Repels Attack Targeting Air Base in Homs


The T4 airbase located in the east of Syrian Homs province, also known as the Tiyas Military Airbase, is reportedly used by Iranian forces. The site was earlier hit by Israeli forces.


The SANA news agency said that air defence thwarted late on Tuesday an attack that targeted the T4 military base. According to Syrian state-run media, drones and missiles hit the military airport, several projectiles were downed.


There have been no reports of damage or casualties.—reports/

Anonymous ID: 14c5f1 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.7813322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Huge explosion rocks chemical plant in Spain, locals urged to stay indoors


A huge fire has broken out at a chemical plant in Tarragona, Spain following an explosion at the site. One person is reported dead and another six injured.


Catalonia's civil defense agency warned locals to shelter indoors as a precautionary measure. The shelter order was later lifted, Interior Minister Miquel Buch confirmed to local media.


The moment of the initial blast and resulting fireball was caught on camera. The explosion occurred at a chemical plant between Bonavista and La Canonja which processes ethylene oxide. An initial explosion reportedly took place in an ethylene oxide tank, followed by a second in another area.


One person was killed when the blast toppled a building, the civil defense agency confirmed. Another six have been reported injured. Among them, two are seriously burned.

Anonymous ID: 14c5f1 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:05 p.m. No.7813333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3362

Rockets reported fired at Taji military base in Iraq that hosts US-led coalition troops


Rockets have been fired in the direction of Camp Taji, a US-coalition base north of Baghdad in Iraq, local media report. At least one member of Iraqi security forces has reportedly been wounded.


A rocket has landed near the gates of the base, which houses soldiers from the US, UK, New Zealand, Australia, and other countries whose personnel remain in Iraq after Parliament ordered foreign soldiers to leave earlier this month. At least two rockets are believed to have hit near the base, which is 17km north of Baghdad.


The situation has become markedly more tense since the Trump administration’s assassination of Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani, which provoked Iran to fire a barrage of missiles into the US' Ain al-Asad airbase and Erbil. The strikes resulted in zero casualties but gave evidence of precision strike capabilities and came with a warning that Tehran would strike Dubai or Haifa next should Washington attempt to retaliate.


US basis were targeted in small-scale rocket strikes over the last two months, with no group taking credit and in most cases no casualties. Eight rockets hit northern Iraq’s Balad Air Base on Sunday, wounding four Iraqi soldiers.


Middle East analyst Ammar Waqqaf suggested that the Popular Mobilization Forces, Iraqi Shiite militias allied with Iran, are unlikely to be behind the recent attacks because the weapons used have a “huge” margin of error and the bases targeted also house Iraqi soldiers. “Whoever targets this base does not necessarily care about the Iraqi army or personnel,” he told RT.

Anonymous ID: 14c5f1 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:10 p.m. No.7813397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

30 Children Treated After Flight Dumps Fuel On Elementary School In L.A.


A flight that had just taken off from LAX reportedly dumped jet fuel on an elementary school playground in Cudahy, California, after it needed to make an emergency landing back at the airport, Tuesday..


First responders were called to the scene in the 8000 block of Park Avenue around 12:30 PM local time. It is believed the school is Park Avenue Elementary.


Fire officials said they were ‘assessing multiple patients’ as children were on the playground.


Delta Flight 89 was en route from Los Angeles to Shanghai when it reported engine failure, made an emergency fuel dump and then returned safely to Los Angeles International Airport, according to initial social media reports.