Anonymous ID: 643f94 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.7813152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3208

>>7812625 (pb)

>Funny thing; Bern's organizers have all either locked or deleted their twitter Acc's.(as per last board).


At first, I thought it was a low blow for O'Keefe to use one asshole to paint the whole Berney campaign with a broad brush. After all, [they] have attempted to demonize Q followers the same way.


But, if all the campaign field officers have locked or deleted their social media Acc's, then that suggests that this Antifa dude is not just some lone violent extremist. In fact, its in the extreme LEFT's nature to be violent against "reactionaries" because violent genocidal revolutions don't just occur naturally. This is because most humans are not genocidal by nature. They have to be forced into at the barrel of a gun. And once they give in to the violence, they can never go back. In their minds, it comes down to who dies next? [Them] or [You]?


Its literally HELL on Earth