Anonymous ID: 84dd49 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:39 p.m. No.7812877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3001 >>3071 >>3346



Use these UNSDG MEMES to post on hashtags:








#Agenda 21


And on accounts with the original UNSDG graphic on their header/profile/or tweets.


This branding and imagery is particularly prevalent worldwide right now as it was adopted at the Paris Climate Summit by most countries, and is being taught currently to University Students in the United States. But they are simultaneously being taught the Communist Manifesto. The graphic will help them make the connection that UNSDG (Agenda 2030) = Global Communism.


Expect to be blocked by the accounts upon which you post, in true totalitarian fashion, but get it out there nonetheless.


Shadilay fellow Anons and cheers to 10,000 o7


God Bless America o7