Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.7812903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ISRAEL and JEWS DID 9-11, A Who's Who


1. Benjamin Netanyahu (real name: Mileikowsky) -

"We are benefiting from the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon.” Worked in a nuclear smuggling ring Project Pinto.


2. Ehud Barak (real name: Brog) –

Spent 6 months in the US preceding 9/11 as a chief consultant for Electronic Data Systems and SCP Partners, Mossad-run.

Among these products are Nano-composite explosives laced with Thermite, used to blow up the Twin Towers.


3. Ehud Olmert –

Was in New York the very night before the attacks to make the final preparations. Connected to Menachem Atzmon of ICTS. 


4,5. Menachem Atzmon and Ezra Harel–

Owners of International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), which ran the security at the Boston and Newark airports


6. Shimon Peres (real name: Szymon Perski)–

Pioneered the WMD base at Dimona on occupied Palestinian land in Al-Naqab that produces the Thermite used in the 9/11 horror.


7. Isser Harel (real name: Halperin)– Founder of Mossad

Masterminded the operation with Avraham Bendor and Peter Zvi Malkin, and Israeli arms peddler Shaul Eisenberg, to obtain the blueprints for the WTC, facilitated by Port Authority Executive Director Stephen Berger.


8. Mordechai “Motti” Hod (real name: Fein) –

Israeli occupation Air Force Major General and architect of the USS Liberty Massacre.

The military point man for Peres, Mossad on 9/11.


9. Michael Chertoff–

Second Secretary of Homeland Security and prior to that, chief of the criminal div. of the Justice Dept. from 2001-2003. Patriot Act author. Son of Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff, and Livia Eisen, founding female operative of Mossad.


14. Yaron Shmuel, Omer Marmari, Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, and Oded Ellner–

>Mossad spies who have come to be known as “the 5 Dancing Israelis”

After being detained, their bodies and van testing positive for explosives, proclaimed, “We’re here to document the event.”


15. Dominick Otto Suter–

Mossad owner of Israeli Intelligence front Urban Moving Systems where the 5 Dancing Israelis worked. Overseer and the chief of a Mossad op to gather intelligence on various Arab orgs in the Tri-State Area.


16. Morris Kahn–

>Israeli owner/founder of Amdocs, which collects processing data for 90% of the phone calls, emails and text messages in America, including several agencies of the US ZOG.


At least 60 Israeli spies, all of whom were operatives in the fields of Military Intelligence and explosive ordinance were detained on 9/11, and more than 140 Israeli spies were detained shortly before the events. A large swathe of them worked at Amdocs.


19. Alvin Hellerstein –the Judge on all of the cases run by Skadden Arps.


21. Gal Israeli –

Cedar Fund’s co-founder. Also a Talpion connected to a plethora of high-tech start-ups. Prior to partnering up with Amnon Shoham and pouring cash into Israeli Intelligence assets like Guardium, Managing Director in the High Tech Investment Banking group of Bear Stearns.


24. Kenneth Feinberg –

Set up the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund and forced the 9/11 Victims’ families to waive their right to sue the government for criminal negligence in exchange for a little over a Million shekels-I mean dollars- apiece.

>Wife, Dede, is the former president of the Jewish Federation in DC and a major bankroller of Jewish causes through Congregation Beth El of Montgomery County in Bethesda, MD.


25. “Lucky” Larry Silverstein – Mr. “Pull It.”

Friend of every Israeli Premier of the last 30 years, phone conversations with Netanyahu every Sunday. United Jewish Appeal bigwig. Co-owned the Twin Towers with Haganah terrorist and IOF Golani Brigades commando Frank Lowy. His buddies Lewis Eisenberg and Ronald Lauder, privatized the WTC for the first time in history and helped him get the lease.


>Silverstein Collected 7 $Billion Dollars from the Insurance Settlement


26. '''Rabbi Dov Zakheim –

Pentagon Comptroller who disappeared $3.3 trillion and sent it to the usurping Zionist entity to pay for new warplanes that would be used in the slaughter of Palestinians and Lebanese. Head honcho of Systems Planning Corporation (SPC) that manufactured the FTS (Flight Termination System) equipped under the fuselages of the planes that hit the WTC.'''  


Ronald S. Lauder-

On Ronald Reagan’s defence policy board 1981.

Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at Mossad Center (IDC) in Herzliya, Israel. Was head of the World Jewish Congress.


>These are the Criminals who brought down the World Trade Center and blew up the Pentagon.


These are the Murderers of 2,996 Americans on September 11th, 2001.




Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.7812950   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2,000 Years of USURY


>From Babylonian Times In The TEMPLE to 2020:


*Highest Credit Card Interest Rate:


36%  First Premier Bank

29.99% Total Visa


*Average Credit Card Interest Rate:


19.88% with good credit rating

>22.41% with fair credit rating


Brought To You By The Same TEMPLE Money Changers



Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.7812992   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Give the Power Back to the American People.


>The US Treasury was Constitutional


The Jewish Banker Privately Owned Federal Reserve is UNconstitutional


1913 - These Private Bankers STOLE the power to Create Money away from the US Treasury, and made America the Debt Slave to the Jews.


***Americans need to Awaken to the Enormity of this fact.….this is Jewish Power and Control of our country. (Jews are 2% of US Population)


The Federal Reserve CREATES MONEY out of Nothing, then LOANS MONEY to the US Govt., and Charges Interest


The Income Tax was created to suck money from the American People to pay this Fabricated Debt to the Private Bankers


>Before the Illegal Federal Reserve Bank:

Money Was Created by the US Treasury = the US Owed the Jews 0 Debt


>Jews are 0.2% of the Global Population, yet the Rothschilds OWN all the Banks of the World, including the Central Banks of nearly all countries (except for 4, like Libya, Iran).


Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.7813033   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The FakeNews Jewish MSM will Collapse Soon


142,000+ Sealed Indictments.

Many of these sealed indictments are for these Jewish MSM America-hating Hyenas. When the indictments are unsealed, they GET ARRESTED.


Every one of these Corporations are Owned, Produced and Fronted by Jews. From the Chairmen, CEOs, Producers to the on-Camera talking heads.

Same for the Jew Owned Print media, and Social Media monopolies.


Once the Jew Owned MSM is taken down, their Jewish Narrative COLLAPSES overnight


Only then will normies get the TRUTH.


>The game is over when the public knows



Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.7813119   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Uses its Actual Israeli Army Soldiers To Attack any Evidence of Jewish Crimes shown Here on 8kun


JIDF Shills are Enlisted Soldiers = Israel is literally using Jewish Propaganda as a Weapon against us.


>Current Stupid Tactic 2020 - GASLIGHTING: Pretending That Anons Who Post Evidence of Jewish Crimes "Work for JIDF", are "iranian", or irgc"


*These paid shills attacking American Anons here are paid by the Israeli Military Government.


This is their actual Army job. Israeli Army clowns are the actual "shill teams" here.'''

They want you to "Filter" any posts about Jewish Subversion and Cabal Organized Crimes = Self-Censorship.


>Jews Dictating to Anons to IGNORE the massive evidence of Jewish Cabal Organized Crimes


Imagine if America's Military had an American Internet Defense Force  to defend America's truthful image against our enemies?

Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.7813194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3286

Anons are being poisoned by the relentless Israeli Army JIDF Shills to "Virtue Signal" in hopes that Anons would feel so constrained to even


>call a spade a spade, that some anons might be manipulated to tip toe around

calling a Jew a Jew

because "muh nazi", "muh Jew bashing".


Who cares about the False "Jewish Victim" Narrative that they have pushed on us by the ZioJEW owned and fronted MSM, Print & Online Media, and Hollywood TV shows and movies.

Same for the Corrupt politicians who make laws that promote Israel over our US Constitution.


Jews Dictating To We,The People non-Jews what to Think About Jews


  • and now it's the "they're not real Jews" excuse - guess what,


no mega-rich Jew in NYC thinks of themselves as "I'm not a real Jew"


In fact, the rich ones I've known are all quite proud of being Jewish.

Rich Jews in NYC make no such tip-toe fearful distinction about "not real Jews".oh and yes, they DO practice Judaism, they go to Temple, and when their family member dies, they abide by all the Jewish burial laws.

These "not real" Jews celebrate all the Jewish holidays, and are quite Loyal to their Jewish Identity.


Ask Larry Silverstein, Ronny Lauder, RBG, Steve Ross if they believe that they are "real Jews".


It's the NPC sheeple who cower about being called "anti-semitic" that they twist themselves into a pretzel to say that these Jewish Cabal Criminals are not "Jewish".

And deliberately IGNORE the huge stranglehold these powerful Jews have on our Government, that there is even the known term "ZOG".


Jews want you non-Jews to Virtue Signal and never say "the Jews" because you'll appear to be "Jew bashing".


Let the normie non-Criminal Jews MAKE THE CASE for themselves….[crickets]

Any Jewish "anons" here want to say anything against the Rothschilds? or against Israel Mossad?….. [crickets]


Virtue Signaling is a Jewish PsyOp

Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.7813227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3361



Q team is now on Iran, so how will the Final Part of The Plan play out…..


142,000+ Sealed Indictments - will it top out at the Biblical number of 144,000and then the floodgates are opened with mass indictments ?


>Q: "Tear Down Your Diseased Temple. It's Gonna Be Biblical".


Mossad and American Jews control the Narrative across ALL Platforms: TV, Magazines, Google, all Social Media.

Many of these seditious slime will be arrested once the Indictments are unsealed.


So the question is: Will Q team First take out the MOS MSM, then do whatever they have planned for Israel……. OR……. Neutralize Israel and MOS first, and then arrest the MSM slime?

Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.7813244   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Anons, Press, Visitors


>Jews Hate The Truth Getting Out About Jewish Cabal Crimes



Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.7813269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3288 >>3292 >>3578

8 Chan had an Average of 1.7 Million Unique Visitors Per Month


From an article on MSN about BO Jim Watkins after he was subpoenaed by the House Homeland Security Committee in Sept. 2019:

Before going offline, the site had an average of 1.7 million unique visitors every month this year, a 17 percent jump over 2018, according to the website-analysis firm SimilarWeb.



Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:11 p.m. No.7813408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How To Red Pill Normies the Easy Way

With Credible AUTHORITY that they can SELF VERIFY - removes their Ego Beliefs vs. your Ego Beliefs.


This Verbatim Red Pill Works Well :

1. There is a Secret Battle between Good and Evil going on right now in our Country. It's not about Republican or Democrat because there are criminals in both parties. It's about Good vs. Evil.

The US has 94 Federal District Courts. Every case filed in these 94 Federal District Courts can be seen by anyone, on pacer. gov. which is the OFFICIAL Federal District Court website. In the past 2 years, since Oct. 2017, there are now 140,000+ Sealed Indictments in our Federal Court system. This has never happened in the history of our country. Normally, sealed indictments is about 1,000 per year.

As of _ (month)2020, we are now up to ___ (140,000) sealed indictments. So you KNOW something big is going on. That's not me saying it, you can go to pacer. gov and see it for yourself.


2. In the past 2 years, THOUSANDS of CEOs have resigned. The last time I checked the List, there were like over 5,000 (?) CEOs who have stepped down, also some Prime Ministers. Why would Thousands of CEOs resign and give up their $10 Million Dollar Jobs?


Some big names like Eric Schmidt resigned, Chairman of Alphabet which is the parent co. of Google. The co-founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergei Brin both Resigned. Banking CEOs, and other big Global companies. 


3. Have you heard about Q? (if the answer is No):

Q is a small group of high level people in the US Military and Intelligence community, and Q drops info on this secret battle that's going on behind the scenes. The drops are coded messages to the American people so we can have an idea of what's going on. You can read this yourself.

The Q website is qanon dot pub. — This is when I reach for my pen and a scrap of paper.

I once had a store security guard pull out a small notebook from his back pocket so I could write qanon .pub in it.  In every case, the other person eagerly puts the paper in their pocket or purse. and as I walk away, they'll thank me with a happy spirit as if they know they got something good.


For me, this has worked on old, young, male, female, belief systems and every walk of life. Even if they forget about the qanon piece of paper, I've planted the seed in their mind. When the FakeNews MSM is finally neutralized, and the Truth starts to come out to the normies, these normies will be reminded of what I've shared with them, and they will have a spark of recQgnition and be more open to it.


>If I  Have Time, I will add in #4 - GITMO

4. You've heard of GITMO ? Guantanamo Bay? You know how when the US Government wants something built, they give out contracts to Companies.  Someone posted online the actual Federal Gov't "Offer to Bid" inviting Contractors to bid on this Gov't contract. I saw it.

It was dated July 1, 2018 (IIRC) and the Contract Offer was for Construction companies to Bid on building a new facility on GITMO.

The Contract was for building a new 13,000 Bed Facility for Detainees. In GITMO, they don't call them "prisoners", they call them "detainees"… I smile:) , and also to build a 5,000 Bed Facility for the Guards.So this is our Government building 18,000 new beds at GITMO. I pause….Now remember the 140,000 Sealed Indictments. 


TIPS to Remember

  1. DO NOT say anything Political. If you mention Trump and they're liberal, their ears will close up.

  2. Watch their faces. As necessary, again say "This is not me saying this, anyone can go to the pacer dot gov Website, that's the OFFICIAL FEDERAL Court computer system, you can see all this for yourself". This always relaxes their resistance because this shows them it has nothing to do with your Ego vs. their Ego.

  3. Do not talk about anything else because the sheeple have been brainwashed for decades with the Mockingbird term "conspiracy theory".

If they use this term, I always say : These are CRIMINAL Conspiracies that are real crimes.  The C_A in 1973, coined the term "conspiracy theory" as a way to ridicule and discredit whistleblowers who come forward and tell the truth.I've seen the actual C_A document that was released through an FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and posted online. You can Google it and see the declassified C_A document yourself.

  1. Think of Red Pilling as if you're doing an Elevator Pitch. You want to get these points across without dilution.

If you're red-pilling friends or co-workers, you might have more time for discussion, but with strangers, time is limited. The above points are enough for them to start within their attention span.

DO NOT talk about UFOs, JFK, Michelle's dick or anything else, the objective is to Red Pill normies to accept Q.


Accept The QThanks for reading! WWG1WGA!

Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:13 p.m. No.7813430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Breaking Bagel News


JIDF Office, Tel Aviv, Jan 10, 2020


You Goyim must not "blame the Jews", instead we want you dumb schmucks to use the term:


"Zionist Red Shoes"


because only we Jews can call ourselves a Tribe, so when you see a whole bunch of Jews doing something Criminally Subversive against America, you must never never say "it's the Jews".


Our smartest Israeli Army shill came up with the brilliant idea to tell you Anons to substitute "shoes" instead of "Jews" because "shoes rhymes with jews".


This way, we've tricked you into never saying "Jews" ever again. Our goal is:


You Can't See The Jew Forest for the Jew Tree

Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.7813469   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wouldn't It Be Great If The World Was Rid Of The Zionist Jewish Cabal?


>Imagine Living Everyday Like This:


*The Entire FAKE NEWS MSM chokehold On Humanity is Gone. No more Lies.


*The Entire Zionist Jewish Owned Social Media Complex Was Removed - and Its Censorship of Free Speech is Ended.


*The Zionist Jew Owned Hollywood Entertainment Monopoly Was Gutted - Movies and TV Shows pushing their Perversion Agenda is Removed.


*The Zionist Jewish Subversion of America is ENDED. Traitorous Israel-First politicians are all Removed. All pro-Israel Lobbies Banned.


*All Zionist Jewish Subversion of Our Entire Government is Ended. Lobbying, Bribery, Blackmail, Murder. US Constitution Restored.


*Zionist Jew Owned Federal Reserve is Ended. Jewish Control of Our Money System is Returned to the US Treasury.


*The Jewish Babylonian FIAT Money System is Dismantled. The Rothschilds' Ownership of All the World's Banks is Over.



Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.7813521   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Barack Obama's Entirely Jewish Administration:


(Updated March 2016)'''

Barack Obama Administration:


Tony Blinken Deputy National Security Advisor

Danielle Borrin Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Deputy Director of Public Engagement

Gary Gensler Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Jonathan Greenblatt Special Assistant to the President and Director, Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation (Domestic Policy Council)

Jack Lew Secretary of the Treasury

Eric Lynn Middle East Policy AdviserMatt Nosanchuk Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement for Jewish Outreach

David Plouffe Senior Advisor to the President

Daniel Rubenstein Ambassador to Syria

Dan Shapiro Ambassador to Israel

Gene Sperling Director, National Economic Council

Aviva Sufian Special Envoy, U.S. Holocaust Survivor Services (Inaugural role)

Adam Szubin Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control (Treasury)

Janet Yellen Chairwoman, Federal Reserve

David Cohen Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency

David Saperstein Ambassador for Religious Freedom

Amy Rosenbaum Director of Legislative Affairs

Raffi Freedman-Gurspan Liaison to the LGBT Community Former Members

Ben Bernanke (2006-2013) Chairman, Federal Reserve

Mary Schapiro (2009-2012) Chairwoman, Securities and Exchange Commission

Steven Simon (2009-2012) Senior Director, Middle East/North Africa, National Security Council

Rahm Emanuel (2009-2010) Chief of Staff to the President

David Axelrod (2009-2011) Senior Advisor to the President

Elena Kagan (2009-2010) Solicitor General of the United States

Peter Orszag (2009-2010) Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Lawrence Summers ('09-'11) Director National Economic Council

Mona Sutphen (2009-2011) Deputy White House Chief of Staff

James B. Steinberg ('09-'11 ) Deputy Secretary of State

Dennis Ross (2009-2011 ) Special Assistant to the President

Ronald Klain (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the Vice President

Jared Bernstein (2009-2011) Chief Economist/Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President

Susan Sher (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the First Lady

Lee Feinstein (2009) Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor

Mara Rudman (2009) Foreign Policy Advisor



Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.7813565   🗄️.is 🔗kun



*1. RUSSIA 1917


>Bolshevik Jews With Fake "Christian" Names Killed the Christian Tsar Nicholas II and Family. The Brutal "Communist" Regime Killed 100 Million White Russian Christians.Sauce:


*2. CHINA 1949 Communist Revolution


Mao Tse Tung funded by Rothschild Agents: Solomon Adler, Israel Epstein (in charge of China's propaganda), Frank Coe (Rothschild owned IMF), Sidney Shapiro (Mao's Minister of Appropriations).


>Brutal "Communist" Regime Mass Murder - Killed 65 Million Chinese Christians



The Jews Who Fought With Mao - Jakob Rosenfeld


>One Child Policy - Forced Abortions>China Now Has 30 Million More Men Than Women - 30 Million Bachelors With No Brides



*3. USA 1913 Illegal Creation Of The Jewish-Owned Federal Reserve To Replace The Constitutional US Treasury


>Stole 96% of the Value of the US Dollar From We The People through "Inflation"

>Turned US Government Into Debt Slave of The  Privately Owned Federal Reserve  Top-Secret-Identity Bankers


Paid Corrupt Politicians To Send American Soldiers To Die In Wars For Israel



*4. BRITAIN 1917 Balfour Declaration - Middle East


>British Government Gave Lord Rothschild A Small Piece of Land in Palestine To Create The State of Israel. Gateway To The Greater Israel Project, To Steal All Lands and Resources in The Middle East


>Judaism = Marxism = Communism = Progressivism 

>100 Years of Global  Destruction: Russia, China, USA, Middle East, Europe

>And Now, the Mass Rape of European Christian Women, Destruction of Christian Europe through Replacement "Migration".


Arise Goyim of the World, Have You HAD ENOUGH of Jewish Subversion?

Anonymous ID: c15679 Jan. 14, 2020, 1:30 p.m. No.7813607   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Grans Smith reported in December 2018 that Gallup, the US government’s go-to for polling, is known to have falsified survey results for years, including in its measurement of support for Israel.


>Known to have FALSIFIED survey results for years…. its measurement of support for Israel




*325 Million Americans in Population


*98% of American Citizens are NON-Jewish



And the Jewish Owned and Fronted MSM Media and Hollywood.


Jews Telling non-Jew Americans That Zionist Jews & Israel Are "our Greatest Ally" which is Total Bullshit







>muh nazi

>"muh anti-semitism"

>muh bigoted


=muh Jewish Gaslighting