Anonymous ID: 959b7f Jan. 14, 2020, 2:17 p.m. No.7814068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4090 >>4142 >>4282 >>4343

President Trump Exposed Iran's Weakness, for All to See


~~~ By Rudy Giuliani


The last week presented a dramatic confrontation between two nations, one with nuclear power and the other hoping to have it or possibly possessing it. The commentariat was abuzz with the fear of war. Then within, it seemed, a day, the threat of war was over.


The Trump administration’s handling of the Ayatollah seemed the most effective since Ronald Reagan’s inauguration forced the first Ayatollah to release our hostages. The strategy was brilliant. It exposed for all the world to see Iran’s fear of America. It laid bare the Regime of Terror’s dread of an all-out confrontation with the United States. There is no greater blow you can deliver to a terrorist regime than to expose its weakness, and President Donald J. Trump did it with the world watching.


After the United States eliminated Iran’s four-decade-long architect of terror, Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, and Iranians reacted like they lost their most inspiring leader, the world was ready for massive attacks on U.S. interests and Israel. Instead, a missile attack disrupting sand formations reaffirmed that the age-old wisdom of not appeasing, but standing up to, bullies is always the right approach. It avoids war.


We have been coming to this point since Donald J. Trump, as a candidate, disavowed then-President Barack Obama’s agreement allowing Iran a path to becoming a nuclear power and giving it billions of dollars to help it.


Feed the people?


Arm terrorists?


Buy the missiles they used to attack us?


Steal a lot for the billionaire Ayatollah and the millionaire mullahs?


The answers, if they are not obvious, will be supplied at the end……