Anonymous ID: 81a17a Jan. 14, 2020, 2:53 p.m. No.7814387   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Language matters! /lb


Not child abuse but Child Rape and/or Child Torture!

Not child sexual abuse (children do not have "sex" they are being raped and tortured) but again, Child Rape/Torture as in "hillary clinton and huma abedin are on tape torturing and raping and murdering a child."


Not "they hate President Trump" but the actual, accurate "They are afraid of President Trump." The use by even those on fox who still have an intellectual capacity, of "hate" in relation to President Trump is a globalist scum use of language to associate the word "hate" with President Trump so that people question whether or not there is a valid reason for "hate" and that is a scum move. NO patriot or Trump supporter on tv, yt, in print, in congress, at news conferences or press briefings should be giving the garbage media a "pat on the back" similar to the idiotic phrase "mainstream" news - the use of which just makes the globalist propaganda media meat puppets an un-deserved "pat on the back" and a support for the garbage they vomit through the airwaves on a minute-by-minute basis…why the F are patriots and Trump supporters using globalist scum language when referring to President Trump? Is it just a lack of understanding of language or is it intentional by some on the "right" to muddy the conversation?


ciarmella was not a whistleblower so stop referring to him as such. Coward informant fits better - if, in fact, he is just the front shifty used to try and legitimize his garbage story, written before President Trump so wisely released the transcript of his phone conversation.


Stop using ANY of the following when referring to demonrats in Congress:




honorable member

friends opposite

…or any of the other ridiculous platitudes used because "we're supposed to play nice" - that's pure unadulterated animal excrement!


The real words that should be used - but wont of course - should be more like:





useful as tits on a fish

useful as a milk bucket under a bull

their elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor

a few bottles short of a case

waste of oxygen



foreign agents for terrorist regimes - especially puhlousy and schlimer!

…and yes, many more but space is limited.


puhlousy, schlimer, schifty…many other demonrats and rinos as well are foul - pure filth - and they should be dealt with as such. They deserve NO respect, NO politeness, NO civility, NO support and definitely NO concessions for their treason, subversion and insurrection! Rather, they deserve jail…after being placed in stocks in front of the congress building and allow the public to support American farmers by purchasing various "Grown in America" food options so as to throw at the disgusting pieces of animal excrement placed into those stocks.


Stop being conciliatory to anyone stupid enough to still support a single demonrat or a single socialist or a single rino. Call them out for their treason. Call them out for their absolute ignorance. I don't care if it's a friend or a family member - if they support the disgusting wastes of oxygen in the dwindling demonrat cult…call them out for their ignorance of the truth and stop associating with them/talking with them. They don't have the intellectual capacity to understand and the world will be better served if they just stayed indoors practicing the navel-gazing they learned in university.


As long as "polite" language is used to describe the moronials, terrorists, scum-bags, liars, cheats, socialist pricks, traitors and many other very descriptive names for what the demonrats and their supporters REALLY are, the scum will continue with their treason and lies.


Call them out for their idiocy. I know you can't fix stupid but it isn't that they are all stupid, some are just naive, innocent, easily manipulated in all their unawake-wokeness…some are just not informed and don't know how to discern the truth from the garbage of the propaganda arm of the demonrat party…both of whom work wholly for the [DS] and who care for America and the citizens of America about as much as they do for the mosquito they killed before it had even began sucking the sick poison that is likely the blood of a demonrat.


Start using language effectively, simply by not using the language dictated to be used BY the [DS].







Anonymous ID: 81a17a Jan. 14, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.7815010   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Putting a picture of this socialist traitor, the son of Canada's Number One traitor in his new jihadi beard is an insult to the board and all Canadians.


He is pond scum and needs to be cleaned from the Canadian swamp as soon as possible.


Beware visual pollution…or, blow it up and throw darts at his sick, treasonous visage!