Anonymous ID: 0d7119 Feb. 16, 2020, 6:04 p.m. No.8159486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9547 >>3402






nah- <:>(9)


'cause the Fat Lady 'tis only-just warm'n UP…


'n vortex-like vibrate <:vibrate


1‘the ground beneath their feet began to vibrate’


quiver, shake, tremble, quaver, waver, shiver, shudder, judder, jiggle, wobble

rock, undulate, move, heave, convulse, jerk, jolt, jar

oscillate, vacillate, swing, sway, move to and fro, swing back and forth, swing backwards and forwards, wave, agitate, waggle, wag

North American wigwag


2‘a low rumbling sound began to vibrate through the car’


throb, reverberate, pulsate, pulse, palpitate, resonate, resound, ring, echo, re-echo, boom, thunder, thump, pound, beat, drum, thud, thrum, hammer

ripple, murmur, hum, drone

rare quop


close butt kNoW cigar: Cuba-like.


Q: What does a perturbation do?




>Turning it loose on PFAS is the chemical equivalent of using a blender to make a smoothie.


Q: Can we release this technology (globally) for 'tard-remediation?


Q+: Why are the most $$ hoes smoothies? (even smoothies need (Clean) water to livE)


QBonus: Water from Air: Doctor Whisson


QTesla: Would Nicola Tesla like the Rasta Vibration and [or] raster vibration? (Hemp/cannabis makes be(a)st super-caps)

Anonymous ID: 0d7119 Feb. 16, 2020, 6:11 p.m. No.8159547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9593



Yo! CodeMonkey - gif embed? - (i'm horny!)


[not an order!-)]