Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Jan. 21, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.7867297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7485 >>9668


>I like the saying "message over messenger"


I do too, because the shills constantly use that phrase over and over again on this particular thread, have been from the start. Especially pushing people like Greer and Kabamur et al. Always accompanied by a repetitious "message over messenger phrase". I urge my fellow anons to go back and read the past breads for conclusive examples of this from people pointing to highly questionable characters. Oh yes only pay attention their message, the source of the info doesn't matter! I also believe everything the Rothschilds and Rockefellers tell me because only the message matters and not who its coming from. Honestly, it is a flawed argument in every extent of the word. The fact MJ12 is giving props to Kabamur saying it's all truth is the biggest tell-tale sign of them being fake and disinfo. Kabamur has once again ended numerous posts posing as Q. Blatantly lying and trying to harness followers and control information. This alone is the biggest proof of both of them being a psyop, which is precisely what we seek to expose here.






>if we use logic


MJ12 endorses this as complete truth. Kabamur is NOT Q. Nuff said. I will give you guys an A for effort and persistence though. You are all going to hang (metaphorically speaking, of course).


"Information war" - Q

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Jan. 22, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.7877063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2141



yep this one pretty much sealed the deal for me. the highest security classification of all time replying with a smiley face winky emoticon. why would a group as powerful as majestic 12 give two keks and a fuck about some faggot larping as a pleiadian blocking them. this just doesn't add up. also love how hard all of the twitterverse is subliminally forced on people here. showing tons of fake and gay tweets from these faggots and the shills fall back to their only lines of defense. they cannot argue with the damning evidence and egregious irregularities provided from these twitter larp accounts so they just say that people are attacking the messenger. fuckin a, you keep doing what you do guys. I am sure through all of this you have really sold these accounts to the lurkers on here


fuck you faggots, im attacking the fake and gay message. if anyone is stupid enough to believe kabamur is q or that this twitter account is really run by people with majestic 12 security clearance then you all deserve to get your digs from twitter

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Jan. 22, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.7877395   🗄️.is 🔗kun



KEK, yep the bo and bvs know of these faggots but won't intervene. they made their thread so it won't get bumped because they too know the lengths these faggots are going to to try to steer anons away to twitter. truth will ALWAYS win


best proof they are on our side, but they dont need to intervene because WE GOT THIS <3

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Jan. 23, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.7888311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8436 >>1408



Hmm spoopy. Who is this anonymous message and Q replying to? That's an old message from this very thread. I'm guessing the first. It absolutely seems to have deeper meanings. There is also a lot of weird Q references to the light. Are messages being sent on here that go over everyone's heads? The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be? Seems like a lot of that has occurred on this thread. Not sure if the Q team was sending that reply.on behalf of one of the anons posting here who is in some kind of special program outside of the Q team or what. Not enough to go on yet.


There is a lot more going on here than meets the eye. I absolutely believe that patriots have always been watching these threads and helping to guide but allowing everyone to come to these discoveries on their own accord. I think it's time to start digging.


Are you that anon this message was referring to? If not who is? How do we tell?


If that was sent on the very first thread I think it might be important to find all of the archives of past breads to start piecing this all together. There has been an all out narrative war since I've been reading here, no one can deny that. Anons keep getting sent in the direction of twitter and such and there has been incredible psychological warfare employed to make people believe in all of that hogwash. I mean how many more cheesy larpy tweets do people need to see before they realize how fake all of these accounts are. The sheer amount of suggestion on here directing you to them is nuts.


Almond activated.



>They are being forced into the light.


>You cannot run, you cannot hide.


>Be warned, this is a dangerous path you continue to travel.


Fuck man I wouldn't want to be one of these LARPs that the NSA is tracking. You know they must have a grandiose finale planned for these fakers. Ready with popcorn!



>my my there is sure a ton of lurking 1 post wonders on here that just happen to show up in rapid succession to support the twitter larps.


It was happening with Dr. Steven Greer in the last threads but they gave up with that in lieu of twitter and 4chan larps now. Pure spoop!



>Did Michele get Q+'d so she'd go bonkers and out herself? Handing bad actors rope to hang themselves seems like Qs style.


Hard to really say if she is a /badactor/ or just a nut bag that promotes garbage. She basically parrots everything from Kabamur Taygeta and Majestic 12's Twitter accounts. Most likely she is just a very weak minded individual that Q/Q+ decided to use to put anons on the path. At least that's my take.



So I basically am asking the same questions here. Without a doubt there a pieces of the puzzle right in front of us. Too many coincidences line up between that original message and the delta with the Q post. I do believe the looking glass is real and a lot of this was known ahead of time. The shills and bad actors on here trying to redirect everyone away from the sensitive info are undoubtedly being tracked by the NSA.




I dont think this story is going to end well for you, so I pity what the future holds for you. Sounds like you've been warned more than once.





>Through the Looking Glass.


>"Coming soon to a theater near you." - Q


Go on.

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Jan. 23, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.7888489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8618



I like how you always seem to reply instantly to anyone questioning the twitter LARP narratives and your IP always seems to reset. Always always always watching this thread. You are blending in well "anon".


Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Jan. 26, 2020, 8:39 a.m. No.7920074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0765 >>0962 >>1488 >>3612 >>4929 >>5060 >>5424 >>5578 >>6280 >>4376





























Have you ever read something and come away from it wondering "WTF did I just waste my time reading because theres a bunch of words with nothing actually being said?" These are ALL shills, and all with the same agenda. Point you in the direction of twitter and half chan to go get your information. Direct you outside of this channel toward known badactors. They want to keep anons trapped forever by wasting their time researching bullshit.


These are all shitposts that serve absolute zero purpose to what we're researching here. These are all a distraction from the cryptic posts being dropped here.






Now what is amazing is how fast the new ID hashes emerge and start posting trash immediately following this to slide it as quickly as possible. Why are the spambots and shills trying to stop you from making the connections on here?


The wizards and warlocks ARE in here and they ARE watching..The most important drops of the thread showing you white hats are dropping Qlues about Project Looking Glass in here and immediately you see a fuck load of absolute verbal diarrhea afterward to slide it away. Not like that wasnt happening in all of the past breads too. Go back and see the exact same pattern.



>This is a recurring theme. I've heard from I think @kabamur_taygeta or Cobra from 2012portal


Even after anons prove these handles are pushing disinfo and even in some cases PRETENDING TO BE Q we yet again see new ID hashes pointing anons back to the same thing over and over again. They are a fucking paid bullshitter with a script spouting constant repetition using the same arguments to bolster shit outlets.

New ID ridicules one thing, tells you to ignore certain info but also be open to every piece of information that shows up here. But only be open to it if it's something fake as fuck like Majestic 12 Twitter LARP, Kaboomer or crazy Q Michelle Canada who parrots these two psyops because she has a mental dilemma.


Shill #1

"Hey did you hear that Q Anon Michelle got Q+'d? Her favourite account is Kabamur so it must mean Q is saying everything they post about is true."


Shill #2

Yeah everyone go check out Kabamur and MJ12 tweets for the latest Q drops.


Shill #3

Kabamur has his twitter persona moments but who doesn't, and he was just joking when he was signing off his tweets with Q at the end."


Shill #4

"Just ignore any cryptic hints dropped on this thread, white hats aren't secretly guiding us. Just go back to twitter and half chan for some more drops."


Shill #5

Posts shitty quality meme of the eye of Ra and most anons don't understand why


Shill #6

My 6th dimensional higher density being went on a journey of finding circles and spirals when I am awake but it was just floaties in my eye"


Shill #7

"Thank you (FREN) you know a lot about this information. Thank you for sharing. We are happy to have you here talking about your spirit chakras and higher density veil being inside you. I heard Kabamur and MJ12 talk about this a lot. Maybe you should check them out."


Rinse / Repeat

Rinse / Repeat

Rinse / Repeat




Nice spacing faggot, can't tell it's the same person.

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Jan. 27, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.7931464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4613 >>6669


Anyone else notice how weird this is? Yeah I cant really call any of that a coincidence. It doesn't exactly seem random. Shills seem to panic after your posts and just slide. It's obvious. So what, shit is being hidden in comic book references right under our nose? So yeah, how much did I miss in previous threads? Where can you point me?


We've been spinning our fucking tails by outing all the badactors on twitter and missed all of the important shit here because we keep getting distracted

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Jan. 28, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.7942563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5455 >>2598 >>8885 >>2570



Well all of this pretty much sealed the deal for me. Can't argue with those coincidences. To me this basically seems like Q was dropping little seeds to see how many anons would piece it all together. That first post from the original thread about the anon being of a special military unit you never heard of combined with all of these Q post coincidences about light, project looking glass and the light revealing those on the team really clicked. I think we have always been unwitting players in some kind of a game here. Maybe they were testing us and our hive mind to figure out just how much we would all figure out without direct interjection.


It seems like from all of this anons were being sorted just to see how much we could collectively find out. Like different streams of awareness.


As soon as this deadpool eye of RA guy posts we see the same fucking shit happen right after. Also seems to post in a similar style of Q. Massive efforts to slide. Just look what happened after your post. Fuck I can't live on here all day but really look how magical these new IP posters show up as soon as this guy posts or anyone even talks about it. There is a TON OF FUCKING POSTS after you even mention this or link these drops. Doesn't that seem even the tiniest bit suspicious to anyone here?


Shills ignore the real coincidences then keep bumping the JFK QRITQ incarnated pleiadianfag meme to keep us arguing about it with them. They put a bunch of Q posts beside it and link twitter handles to make you believe the mainstream narratives these incarnated pleiadianfag psyops use on people to get followers to keep them spinning and never knowing what to actually believe.


It's an information war like Q said. People cant be given all the answers directly sometimes you just need to figure shit out on your own


The best proof is how fast all of these new "lurkers" show up after to post about the same things they've talked about over and over again. When the shills cant attack these coincidences they spam the same fucking side by sides as they have all last thread.


No one has all day to sit or SHIT on here all day except fucking shills. So how the fuck is there this much coordination to slide all of this immediately after its mentioned? IT IS THE BEST PROOF YET. We are watching a movie and the paid goons on here want to KEEP YOU FUCKING STUPID BY GETTING ALL YOUR INFO FROM LARPERS ON TWITTER


Now everything makes sense. For anyone who hasn't figured it out, go back and read the thread from the start. Kabamur and his "team" have all been proven as fakes and disinfo psyops now. It's incredibly likely that the faggot is actually one of the shitposters on here constantly mentioning himself. Q would never endorse these people, they were dropping little seeds so we could figure it out on our own. There are ABSOLUTELY more shills on here than anons, just look at the cycles of new IP posters than show up after key points then reset and it keeps happening over and over again.


Most of the posts on here are SHILLS. They manufacture consensus. They also tell you "do not reply to shills" over and over again. They project this and try to make you think the real anon discussions are all shills while hiding the fact they are the fucking shills lol


Q has always given bad actors rope to hang themselves. I feel comfort that patriots actually are guiding us and helping to break down the walls of disinfo, even if we have to figure most of it out on our own


Don't ever lose track of the fact Kabamur has been LARPING as Q, ending posts with Q pretending to be Q, even saying the current Q is not the old Q.


Just like your post, wonder how many new IPs will show up after this to slide.


Oh btw, the faggot spamming Greer since bread #3 always used to post this smiley face :-)

Cant tell it's still you faggot lololol


This has been the most satisfying and lucrative thread of this series yet. Ready for the next scene of the movie <3

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Jan. 29, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.7956321   🗄️.is 🔗kun



…and there you have it folks, Shirley Maclaine on NBC says incarnated ET's is a thing. That's a wrap! Does she follow kaboomer too? How well is the rest of the woke crowd handling the fact they are actually just incarnated ET's? I guess we'll find out in next weeks edition!


Nice proofz. I also believe everything on mainstream news so thank you for sharing this


If you guys are actually NOT shills, you are free to believe whatever you want. Do not expect that you won't at least get questioned by anons that don't believe you when you can't state facts. Didn't Q say something about facts matter? No facts is still no facts. Just because you want something to be true doesn't make it so. You need facts.


Also none of us can prove shit one way or another, and when you start assuming Q is confirming this shit without actually confirming it then once again expect to be questioned on it. The one thing I notice is that you absolutely believe what you are saying (all the dynamic IP resets being you that is), but the sketchy point is that you are TELLING anons that you know for sure wtf you are talking about. Then you say it's a rabbit hole that can't be proven. You are directly contradicting yourself. You do not know. I believe the basis of this entire conversation is simply to redirect the attention of the anons, and not because you want them to believe any of this.


Q said facts matter. I need more facts, not memes from kaboomer saying Q is a pleiadianfag. Nor convenient graphics made to twist Q posts to suit your agenda or beliefs.


Facts matter

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Jan. 31, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.7980279   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Fake. Camera looks down to reference instrumentation cluster to give reference then immediately pans to the area where the CGI orb appears, then with absolute clarity manages to track the object while maintaining perfect focus and zoom as it gets closer. This is one of the most obvious fakes I've seen yet. Also, going by every other video available, these orbs do not allow themselves to be filmed so clearly. The tell tale sign for anyone who dissects imagery and videography is how perfect the focus, zoom and clarity is maintained while using a handheld camcorder.


100% fake. No wonder it's Kabamur trying to push this as real. Keep trying famefaggot who pretends to be Q.

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 1, 2020, 5:15 a.m. No.7989189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9273 >>9312 >>2993 >>9356


Agree with many of your observations here anon. I want you to keep a few things in mind. First, Grierfaggot has been a parasite in these threads since at least bread #3. The racist baseless shill you refer to has an intimate knowledge of the history of this thread and does obviously hold a reverence for that period of time. Grierfaggot was indeed posting around 150x times a bread and using dynamic IP's to obfuscate and create the appearance of anons agreeing with all of his posts. Following being called out by the entire community here, Grierfaggot stopped posting about Grier then moved on to other distractions and psyops. Throughout each bread the same pattern would occur where static/dynamic IP's would feed the slides. In each bread the static IP used was making it abundantly obvious that he knew about what happened in each earlier thread and was mad about it.


Grierfaggot is still here, he never left. So it makes you wonder which of these static IP's is one of his devices, and I think I have a pretty good idea. There are a few key points from reading all of 348e42's posts that clearly indicate it's him, but I'll allow anons to reach their own conclusions.


Go back and read the earlier threads. There is also a pattern of language he uses. For at least the past 5x threads there has been a shillfaggot pushing shillfaggots topics and always using this specific spelling pattern, "Hu-man". This almost always was correlated to the vegan psyop of shaming everyone here because the "incarnated extraterrestrials" told us we have to stop eating meats and dairy etc.


"Hu-man" go back and read and you will notice what I am talking about. There are many shill tactics constantly repeating.


Then we move onto the fact he was defending the shill saying that everyone needs to stop being omnivores because it creates gut nematodes that turn into archons and demons that possess you. So that only solidifies the observations noted above.


Now we have faggots constantly linking us back to Kabamur tweets which are highlighting disinfo and hoax UFO videos to keep us distracted and fighting about it. They don't give a fuck about Kabamur, they know that anons are going to be distracted when giving proofs about how much of a fraud he is.


Grierfaggot has never left. Do not forget this.



Then we have this dynamic IP faggot who posts the eye of Ra memes. Maybe 2% of anons have figured out why.



Which leads to this guy. A fucking ton of unbelievable coincidences to Q posts. The shills are not even touching any of this and it should be obvious why. They don't even dare mention this or try to attack it. As soon as you post there are massive waves of shitposts and slides bringing us back to argue about the same shit.


My take? The entire wave of shills on this thread are trying to slide all of your posts away. I think I know your posts in the previous threads after reviewing, and I understand why the entire shill team is trying to slide and distract from it.


You are working on a completely different level. Q has mentioned many times to be careful of who you are following. Q has never told anyone to follow anything or anyone aside from "FOLLOW THE LIGHT." That in combination of the very first post in this thread referring to you is a home run coincidence. I am guessing when you first started posting that someone close to Q, or even Q without a trip code posted that, knowing what would happen in the future after seeing it with project looking glass.


So that's it. Shills do not want you following the light. They want us divided and attacking each other.



This is why the shills call you Alice and make the Ra memes.

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 1, 2020, 5:36 a.m. No.7989312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2993




Glad I went back to look into this again.


"Follow the family", "follow the expenses", "follow the date", "follow the guide"


But the only one in all caps?



Then we have Q post 3222


When you offer ‘better’ goods and services for free there is no longer a need to ‘donate’ ‘purchase’ and/or ‘follow’ those who would use such platforms to enrich themselves. (hence the ‘attacks’)

Logical thinking always wins.

Attempts to ‘divide’ the movement draws LIGHT to their TRUE INTENTIONS.


LIGHT in caps. Isn't it funny how relevant that post is here? Trying to draw anons to other places like Twitter etc where the famewhores hang out? Free information being dropped here and trying to divide anons?



"But it is not my place to shine a LIGHT on this anon"


Caps lock LIGHT.


The shills fucking love to use that incarnated extraterrestrial Q post reply to base everything off. There are no coincidences with Q right?




No coincidences!! Bring your shades faggots!

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 2, 2020, 7:37 a.m. No.8001053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1393 >>0449 >>1039

I actually am starting to feel some pity for the shills in here. They sit here day in and day out being forced to do this for a living. No matter how hard they try the anons always seems to figure out a way to expose their fuckery. Also anons always seem to figure out who griershill is in all of the threads. It must get demoralizing lol!!!




Kek a sunday morning with fewer anons on and only a few moments after linking those two ID's together as griershill he bumps a video that I am sure was already posted before. He did that in the last thread to distract from gettin called out. Man… you have exposed yourself countless times already. Truly the anons are getting under your skin and frustrating you that's why you reply immediately. Maybe if you calmed your tits and ego and replied more than 5 minutes after getting called out ppl might think it's not you


Dude we get it. You love using the term galactic federation of light. It's all over your Twitter account. I know it must be hard for you to accept the fact that anons don't believe all your bullshit and won't follow you


Also, has anyone even thought to consider that the pleiadians might actually be the true evil ones? First of all where is the rock solid proof they even exist. Stories from whistleblowers who pretty much all turn out to be fake? Maybe the fact that literally all of the shit disinfo outlets push them as being good is actually a "think mirror" and the draco reptilians are used as a scapegoat? Wouldn't that be perfect? Maybe the [P] actually stands for [P]leiadian not payseur or pope depending which Q post and how you interpret them. Maybe the payseurs or pope answers to THEM. Have you faggots even considered that? Why are there supposedly only Aryan's on the moon from the Nazi secret space program? Have you thought about that? Pleiadians look like Aryans and Q confirmed that NWO did not stand for new world order but linked a picture of NAZIS. NAZI world order. Only Aryans on the moon and potentially Mars. What if the Ashtar message was only to reinforce that psyop along with the law of one?


Maybe Hitler was paying tribute to his GODS the pleiadians. He wanted to forge the human race genetic code to resemble them.


When the next shillfaggot posts, and I assume it will be incredibly fast, can you link some 100% proof that pleiadians are the good guys or even exist? Why is there such a massive fucking effort to get people to think they all love us and they're all perfect and positive? Need some proof!!


I'm starting to think they actually might be the dark lord's and the entire fucking matrix is designed to make you think they are the good guys. We are all farm animals here, have been from start. If the pleiadians were such awesome fucking good guys why aren't they helping us aside from putting voices in the head of a faggot LARPing as Q



and why would the pleiadianfags want us to stop eating meat?? The posts following yours explained why veganism and vegetarianism would destroy the fucking planet Maybe they actually do want that!! I am no longer buying all the mainstream bullshit about pleiadians only being good guys!

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 3, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.8012725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3451 >>4225









Hello grierfag.


Cough… CE-5 Anon.


Caught you shilling up the main breads for the 1000th time with your side by side graphic of incarnated ETs from Q posts. Pretty effective little slide you put up all the time. Seems like you were called out by a bunch of anons there too.


No, none of us can tell you're talking to yourself here. Nice conveniently timed IP resets to talk to yourself.


Keep trying.

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 3, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.8013004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3451


>The P stands for Pindar, retards.


I love the way you talk down to everyone here as you are clearly the wealth of knowledge that has all the answers. No history of doing that.


Has Q confirmed that griershill? Pleiadians seems just as plausible to me. Remember when Q said that facts matter? Can you link your facts that prove this? Did Q confirm pindar? Is this another assumption like your little incarnated extraterrestrial slide? I love how you seem to tell everyone the answers like you're some all knowing gatekeeper here. Your theory that it is pindar is equally valid as my theory it means pleiadians.


Are you going to reply to yourself with one of these convenient new IPs right about now to back up your answer or are you going to tell me that all pleiadianfags are light beings helping humanity?


Awaiting your immediate response, I am sure you're watching right now.

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 4, 2020, 8:28 a.m. No.8021410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3508



I got the weirdest vibe from ce5 anonfag after reading his reply after the doctor posted. Like maybe he really is pure evil… a demented creature hell bent on derailing this bread and trying to fucking poison our minds and make us physically weak. Q was right in the initial post, I believe we really are watching a movie and these people truly are SICK

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 5, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.8037829   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Nice IP reset faggot and equally nice of a multi-shitpost slide with minimal sauce (mostly pictures) to distract from getting called out. This entire thread is now the epic tale of grierfag getting exposed for the tenth time. It was the vegan card that did it this time kek!!



Another eye of RA meme from a single ID poster and no one except a few know why. Cool beans!


Oh btw the shills pointed me in the direction of /Truthlegion/ based on previous posts in here. Guessing that's what the coincidence anon with Q posts was saying earlier about "dont look here ???".



>free advertising

And now I understand why the shills dont want people going there or reading it. Pretty interesting similarities and coincidences with Q posts that have never made it to notables. In fact I think most of it goes way over most of the anons heads. Seems like one group has been given some extra goodies since the whole Q thing started but Q has to be seen as impartial and obviously cannot direct anyone to go read it because this is the central hub


Coincidences were maybe meant for anons to look there just like the whole "lights on" Q post!


New eyes are waking up WW. Lightbulbs are turnin on but shills want your bulbs dim!!


Anyone wanna bet some new IP hash faggots show up after this? 😂

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 5, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.8038417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8921

^ There you have it faggots. called it! As soon as truth legion is mentioned or the eye of RA the shillfags REEEEEEEEEally scream and slide instantly! Try as you will try as you might you will not divide!! Lights on bitches!

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 6, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.8051199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1426 >>6669




It appears as though Q has been hinting toward an anon and group of anons from very early on. Only so much as to let us figure it out on our own because the choice to know is ours. This ain't no Plato's cave this ain't about shadows it's about light.This is a mountain to climb. Shills do not want you to discover all of this, too many unexplained Q posts to reference the drops in here.


They keep poking with the eye of RA memes and don't realize it just keeps bringing ppls attention to this. Also understand the lack of advertising from the mountain folk… divisionfagging is an easy label to throw around. As another anon said who cares when tha shilly are giving free advertising kek!!


Now I get all the references. Really it reads like a story and even covers the saga of shills on here all since the first bread. Naw shills dont want people empowered and thinking for themselves. They want ppl dependent on the faggots they keep linking at twatter


Lightbulbs are turning on! Q has likely been using the looking glass to create all these refs and data points to blow anons minds!! Biggest drops in history and much being hidden in comic book refs. Top fucking kek Q team if you're watching lol!!


Wanna bet you see another slide after this faggots!? Hello all you new ID hash faggots soon to post 🤣

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 10, 2020, 11:39 a.m. No.8094152   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hello one post wonder! Would you care to explain why previous and current BO has called out shills numerous times for IP hopping? So are you calling the administration of this forum a shill too? Are anons not allowed to call out fuckery and deception?


I like how you continue to tell anons what and what not to ignore 🤡

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 11, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.8103795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4272 >>8866



Well the one consistent ability this shill has is to constantly condescend everyone on here.


>I think it's time the eye is explained to those of you who don't seem to understand.


So there you go again. You explain things to the anons because you are the single authority on here and no one else here knows shit. Didn't work so well over the past few years pushing steven grier and veganism on everyone huh? Apparently there are a few things YOU do not understand.


Thankfully this faggot has all the answers in the universe. Eagerly await his next scripted dialogue with A) Shill who responds once with dynamic IP or B) Shill who makes it to 4-5 posts before a reset. Not like it hasn't happened for the entirety of this thread.



Yep directly stealing digs and discussions from Truthlegion. Color me surprised. They are doing this to project on the OP who discussed this originally. Shills have no power here anymore.

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 12, 2020, 12:10 p.m. No.8115647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2695 >>2629


Perfect timing once again anon but from you I'd expect no less. Shills are just like Pokemon, gotta catch em all. I fucking love how they get caught every time by repeating the same distractionfagging in every thread. It's an endless cycle and they are truly too stupid to know any other methods to try to hide their games.


Gotta love grierfag replying right after proving he's babysitting the thread havent seen that b4


Then theres this faggot posting right after trying to reinforce his message. Yep, that "boom" was pretty genuine. Definitely a real anon and not grierfag IP hopping to reply to himself. That's never happened. He just happens to always have a new IP hash anon just waiting to support him as a legit anon. It's an amazing coinkidink isn't it!


Then theres this faggot replying right after the support faggot


Another single IP hash posting an eye of RA reference. Havent seen that EVER. Just another coinkidink!


So now what happens? Throughout all of this you can clearly see a pattern. Grierfag fucks up, gets caught and called out, then there is a wave of shitposts from single IP hashes. Then a new IP shows up and makes it to about 4-5 posts as previously mentioned, they drop a few digs and grierfag replies because it's all scripted and a distraction







The same fucking pattern keeps happening over and over again in here. 4 goddamn posts in a row and 100% GUARANTEE THIS ID WILL RESET (758650) by tomorrow


Grierfag gets caught.

Shitposts from new IP's to slide from getting called out.

A new IP hash posts an eye of RA meme with weird connotations that no one except a few understand

New IP shows up, posts in rapid succession but only makes it to 5 posts max then reset.

Posts some weak digs that grierfag replies to to make it appear as though he's actually trying to help and that's he's not a shillfaggot lording over all the conversation and dominating it by constantly pushing shit like veganism, pleiadian shamefags telling us to stop eating meat, kaboomer, and Grier in the past.


Go back through this entire thread and count how many times it's happened. Naw fuck that go back and read since the beginning of all these breads.


Shills do not like their tactics being shown to everyone. The beauty is you can see the same situations repeat over and over again. They have no other tactics, they dont know any other way to try to make this all go away.


I challenge every single one of you to go back and catalogue how many times this exact same shit has happened.


Shills do not want others to see that cryptic drops have been given to some lucky anons since the very beginning.


80% of the posts in here are shills. As soon as the cryptic light anon posts coincidences with Q the main priority is to make it disappear as fast as possible.


Godspeed anons, to the few legit ones lurking.

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 16, 2020, 7:23 a.m. No.8154327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4833 >>5010 >>4975 >>6525 >>5011 >>2994






Wtf is going on!?!?


We are getting affirmation from the top about shit happening in this thread. I knew it was all true!! Shills biggest mission is to distract anyone from seeing all of this! Layer upon layer the deepest questions are being answered!


Patriots are in here and they ARE watching.


Lights on! I bet it's going to bake some noodles when anons finally piece all of this together 🐸

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 23, 2020, 7:08 a.m. No.8225687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5011



Look at the unbelievable amount of slides on here after this was originally dropped. I really love how the shills said "you going to recycle that superhero bullshit again?" Then POTUS social media director drops two superhero references.


FUCKING INCREDIBLE. Fucking hilarious timing and synchronicity. Makes me think that white hats are monitoring the goings on in here a lot closer than most faggots realize.


In case anons havent figured it out yet, the white hats have cryptically been dropping crumbs in here for years hinting back to PLG. Comic books kids, comic books. One group of anons have pieced this all together even years ago, and others are only just discovering this now.


Like Q said "there are no coincidences" - and this comic book "LIGHT" anon has a fucking ton of them.


Thank you Q, Q+ and all white hat patriots. How this was done is going to be discussed for decades when anons finally piece it all together.


o7 faggots

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 25, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.8245605   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>7813940, the next slide is going to be the carnist psyop telling you that aliens dont want you to eat meat


Does anyone else think it's just a tad ironic that this is now the entire composition of discourse on this thread? It was already predicted in the last bread. 348e42 still shilling up a storm with his faggots. Nothing new here folks, they repeat the same shit over and over in each bread.


All of this is a slide to distract you from seeing the Q coincidences shared by this anon. POTUS social media director references to superheroes? Q posts that match up with perfect synchronicity?




White hats confirmed PLG years ago, and this anon has been sharing some truly awe inspiring coicidences and the shills dont want you to see it

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 26, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.8256579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4780 >>2994



I think you're talking about this guy



Too many coincidences to ignore now. Q has been hinting at this anon and group of anons for a long time now. Looks like our resident shillfags are still desperately trying to subvert and misdirect. Youd think after getting called out on the rehashed 46 and 2 slide he stole from Truthlegion that he'd learn. Nope, still pushing T00L trying to make himself seem like an open minded patriot kek!!


No matter how hard you fuckers try to hide these coincidences between Q and the light it will only keep backfiring on you. Havent you figured that out yet?


Lights on.

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 Feb. 28, 2020, 2:35 a.m. No.8272994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0154 >>0206 >>2515 >>2300


Wait a second, you are vouching for Kabamur and Q anon michele crazy dance lady? Did you happen to even read all the linked tweets from Kabamur earlier in the thread? He has been pretending to be Q by ending posts as Q. He also claims that the current Q is not the same Q. A whole bunch of other shit. Kabamur is a LARP that's been proven to be a LARP and disinfo of the highest caliber. Anons have also caught him stealing notables and claiming them as his own info. On top of all that he is directly implicated in numerous notorious psyops. Here take a look.









Now that that's out of the way not once did you mention the most interesting posts habbening in this thread. You know, the ones between Q and this mysterious anon that has dozens of deltas and direct coincidences to Q posts? Is there a chance that you specifically omitted all of these because you didn't want anyone to see them? The PLG coincidence with the picture of Ivanka and the Avengers movie? There are subtle drops habbening in here and it shows that you are trying to distract from anyone seeing this by specifically tip-toeing around this. This anon has also been heavily attacked against on here. Shills highest priority for the past almost three years on this thred was to prevent anons from seeing what was happening between Q's posts and this anon. Just in case anyone missed these mind blowing coincidences. As other anons mentioned many times there never is a coincidence with Q. Think for yourself.






























I would strongly recommend anons save copies of these posts. White hats are watching this thread and giving crumbs to faithful anons. The fact you do not want anons to put eyes on this shows your agenda.


Then grierfaggot gets caught in a LARP already predicted by this same anon. The timing and synchronicity could not be more perfect.




Then watch him try to back out of it like he wasn't caught doing exactly what he was doing. The perfect way to end this thread with him yet again being exposed as the shill he is.



Light and Love from this anon and Love and Light from Q. That is the mirror! That is the reflection! The shills have tried so hard to stop anyone from seeing these coincidences but they are failing! You cannot control the narrative here.


Save all of these coincidences. Coincidences do not exist. Think for yourself. Think why the shills here have been so incredibly desperate to stop you from seeing this. Think why every time this anon posts there is a tsunami wave of shitposts following. White hats ARE dropping cryptic crumbs in here. Starting to think this guy is a white hat himself or somehow coordinating this. Or maybe really does see the future!

Anonymous ID: 1d5b48 March 1, 2020, 7:42 a.m. No.8291787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2300



Every word of this is truth. Tell it from the mountain top brother, no pun intended. Now after reading much of the content on the place I won't mention because the shills already did, I understand why they are so desperate to control the narrative here. There has been a battle here between truth and the faggots pushing stuff like griers narrative, kabamur, gaia etc etc. Yes there is one anon who basically figured out years ago that all of this was going to be seen with project looking glass. Q, the highest levels all knew this because they saw it ahead of time with the technology. Hence the very first message, "there will be a day when they will look for what they missed" which is why anons need to go back and read.


Next you will see shills saying "no outside comms" - which means Q does not post anywhere else. All of the coincidences this anon shared is from posts on here. There is no attempt for directing others to go to the mountain. All free will. Anons are allowed to go wherever and post wherever they want. It all originated because comped board volunteers like AFLB were banning the members posting on the original Ra Anon thread so they found a new home. The sheer number of coincidences between Q and the light is staggering. Remember, shillfaggots told you that Q makes no mistakes and theres tons of double even triple meanings hidden in Q posts. How can the plethora of unbelievable coincidences all just be random chance? Fucking impossible.


These anons were way ahead of the curve and I am only catching up now. Most of what they discuss is way ahead of Qs crumbs. I am guessing this is why white hats have been cryptically pointing others towards their material.


Once again, no outside comms. Q only posts here. Q does not give comms privately anywhere. Anons can do whatever they want or post wherever they want. This will be the new attack if the mountain is discussed.





Now everything makes sense. I wonder if the new conveniently timed baker is going to keep trying to hide all of this.


Shills do not want you to discover the light. This is life changing philosophy and knowledge, but it was always a personal choice how much you want to know. Also if anons were smart enough to figure it out.


Love and Light faggots! Or is it Light and Love!?


Keep climbing superheros.