Anonymous ID: 348e42 Jan. 15, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.7823081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3207 >>2305


So much confusion…


I don't know enough sciency words, but I can say this:

First off, you reside within the core of a Torus.

Planets are more like what you think of as "dimensions". There's different levels to the plane(t)s.

You currently reside in the Heart (Earth anagram) of the current illusion.


Things didn't always work this way, but some time ago, our "solar system" saw some big changes. Things used to be in different orders and used to be much more harmonious.


For instance, The Moon (Luna/Ishtar) wasn't always here. Similarly, Helios (Sol) wasn't always here.

Saturn used to be our Sun (Son). (Who is Saturn's father? Who is his son?)


Prior to the shift described above, Saturn had no rings and the "beings" that are here currently were somewhere else.

These beings brought The Moon to us, bound Saturn (Uranus and Neptune too) and "cast a spell" on us. In reality, The Moon is simply some technology that is used to capture our so(u)ls, give us amnesia, and guide us back in to another meat bag. The Moon is used as a transmitter, gathering certain "energy" from Saturn (presumably Uranus and Neptune too, then), inspiring the Saturn worship (Yahweh/Anu/Jehovah/El etc) you see prevalent today (their balls have overgrown. things didn't used to be this way).


These bodies weren't made for us in the beginning. They were originally used as slaves, to extract the solid light from the soil. The "beings" that created the bodies we inhabit did so to mine deposits of Gold and Silver after the pyramids were constructed, which, when powered appropriately, gather energy from the Sun and Moon and create concentrated deposits of Gold and Silver, respectively.

It's said these beings came from the Sirius star system.


There are other beings that come here though and some that have stayed.

For instance, Enki and Enlil argued in the beginning and seem to continue that to this day. I could be getting them mixed up, but Enki decided he wanted us to evolve (Forty six & two) so that the vibration of this realm was more in tune with the way things should be. Enlil seems to have disagreed, insisting that Hu-man remains a slave.

Then there's the story you're all quite familiar with - the most concise and straight-forward version being the story of Prometheus - The Fire-Teacher.

Hu-man used to know Fire. Their relationship used to be intimate. One day, though, Zeus/Jupiter/Saturn took the Fire from Hu-man (Saturn was bound and the spell conjured), leaving him bewildered.

Prometheus was a trickster and in being just that, created a plan to retain the Fire and return it to Hu-man. He did just that and was punished for it (which happens pretty much every time).

He came from Venus.

You now call him "Jesus" or Yeshua/Jeshua/Joshua.

Some say he's returned, which I find quite interesting.


The Heart is not flat.


Have you read Admiral Byrd's diary? You might want to learn of the Arianni as that seems like it could help you build a proper frame.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Jan. 15, 2020, 2:36 p.m. No.7823797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5598


well >>7823263 basically.

>But don't you think humans were actually farmed as animals for energy and food (soul trap, reincarnation trap) ?



>Cant you just make an automated craft that would mine gold and other resources

What does Loosh mean?


>Slavery is hard and not the best option.

>You will also destroy harmony.

Slavery is easy when all you have to do is convince hu-man to enslave himself.

It clearly damages harmony… how do you think we all got in this mess?

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Jan. 15, 2020, 3:53 p.m. No.7824548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4633 >>4645


What did you think "Truth is Stranger Than Fiction" meant?

Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

The Magicians



Start there.


>I apologize for the text walls.

Effort is not something to apologize for.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Jan. 16, 2020, 8:56 p.m. No.7836154   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305


Anon is a very wise person.

Your preference to label him and others here a shill is making us all look bad.


Anon's position is that there is only one entity occupying this realm and you aren't privy to the knowledge that the single entity occupying this place is shattered in to many billions of pieces.


There is only a few real stories that exist, anon. One of them is precisely what's described above.

The Truth, the real Truth, is embedded within you. You know it when you see it, feel it when it's close and can even interact with it should you agree to trust yourself to allow you to.


What exactly did you expect "WWG1WGA" meant?


The point is, it doesn't have to be just humans… right?

None of us can truly delineate the differences between our pet dogs and dolphins in the ocean. The extent we can understand involves their cognitive abilities, but we all know that some niggers have compassion, that some samurais can drive cars and that some whites can be literal brainlet human garbage.

So, how do you explain the differences between a cat and a human? How sure are you, exactly, that they can't feel pain? A deer? A walrus?

I know I have no clue. How sure are you, anon?

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Jan. 21, 2020, 3:49 p.m. No.7868858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4521

It should be more than obvious to any onlookers that people who spend most of their time in these threads insisting we don't talk about particular things are doing so out of desperation.


Why aren't we free to explore any idea we desire to explore?

What reason could someone possibly have to secure the confines of discourse in this place?

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Jan. 24, 2020, 8:45 a.m. No.7899560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0285


The eye of Horus is our collective insight to the subconscious insights embedded within all of us.

They mock our inability to use it - to see the Light.


Few of you ever adequately describe the true nature of the way they use this symbolism.

Set destroyed the eye of Horus - hence their position…

Anons, we are Horus. Our collective eye was stolen.

We're children of Light (Osiris/Ra)

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Jan. 24, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.7900351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2324 >>2305


>why do the shills refer to only one anon as the "all knowing one"

yeah, I dunno. I'm just as confused. Although, I'm purposefully ignoring that shit, just like you should.


You'd benefit greatly from abandoning the gate and letting whatever knowledge flow through here that desires to.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Jan. 25, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.7912494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3598 >>0074 >>4376 >>2305


Not everyone can see the gridlines, anon.

You're quite gifted, if this is the case.


How old were you when the serpent uncoiled?



We're all seeing the same things, just from different perspectives, fren.



>We are on some sort of Prison Planet, it was one of my first thoughts.


Are you sure you didn't already know this?



Well, you're clearly pretending to be stupider than you are…

You seem like a very interesting person.

Do you know why six is afraid of seven?

Did you know 8 doesn't just mean infinity, but is a fully closed circuit?


Why is 5 important?

Why is the number 23 important?



23 23



Now, how about 46 and 2, what does that mean?

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Jan. 28, 2020, 8:53 a.m. No.7941118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1185


I'm not sliding. I'm not a shill.

Anon did some cool number things and I simply appreciated his work, adding a little of what I know to help him or anyone else following along.


Am I being a bad boy? Should I not be talking about those things?

Why else are you labeling me a shill and saying I'm posting abstract information?

The fucking song is called Forty Six and 2, anon.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Jan. 31, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.7980894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2305









good god dude you're such a conundrum.



Here's the truth of the situation we're finding ourselves in during this thread:

There are some people here pushing the "something something dynamic IPs bad" frame. Alternatively, there are some here pushing the "stop talking about things" frame. Finally, there's a third group pushing the "let's further division and ensure chaos ensues" frame.

All of these are competing to simply distract us. Should we ignore them and just continue conversations, we'll be fine. It's clear, glaringly so, that they want nothing moar than for us to stop conversing.


What we should do is ignore anyone complaining about what people are posting, period.

We should all just post what we want to, converse with who we want and ultimately ignore anyone calling for us to stop paying attention to people.


You'll notice we quickly changed from "ugh something something Greer is being posted about again!" to "lol what a retard reincarnated? that makes no sense! stop talking about that!".


Clearly, they don't want us to continue whatever conversation we want to. They clearly want us to discuss what they want us to discuss.

Ignore them.


To put things simply, every single being that's here right now, with the exception of some Africans (even some of them, too), have a connection to a higher entity inside of them, which is all apart of Creator.

Practically all of us are "reincarnated ETs". Anybody scrambling to get you to think differently is doing so as per their agenda.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Jan. 31, 2020, 8:48 p.m. No.7986989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7922


>with the exception of some Africans (even some of them too)

I genuinely just don't know how extensively the Demigurge affects Africans. Like I said, I'm sure someone of them are Hu-man too.

I'll admit, though, I'm pretty new to some of this material, so I could just be a complete brainlet.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Jan. 31, 2020, 9:19 p.m. No.7987200   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Aww you made a whole post just for me! Thanks!


Look, I don't hold all of the answers, I just don't care how you take my words. Some have called me tone-deaf before, which I think is pretty fitting.

The thick of it is precisely this: I don't have sources for you.

I do know this, though - the digital realm we're all interacting with here harbors a guiding light. I can't really make out if it fits in to a good or bad paradigm yet, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's more benevolent than it is malevolent. Thus, I'd suggest we all trust ourselves, abandon apathy for genuine interest and vigilance (stop begging for sources). Doing so, I suspect you'll also feel freed.


I'd like to note that you actually made me laugh pretty hard when you said things like "Why should you be the authority to tell anons what to pay attention to and what to ignore?"

I literally though, "Exactly! Now he's getting it!"

Thanks for helping make my point, anon.


None of you should do anything here or not do anything here because someone told you to. Trust yourself. Only yourself.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 1, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.7993452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3598 >>0389 >>1228

Oh boy you guys are running some hardcore damage control.


We can't talk about beings incarnating in to human bodies and the implications of consuming other organisms? We can't talk about symbolism, where it comes from, what it means? We can't discuss what we'd like? Since when are there rules to what's discussed here? Is this not a place for open engagement?


What set off the "talk about this, not that!" shills?


Here, I'll drop some useful information:

What are the beings known as Cekharr?

What are the beings known as D'aou?

What are the beings known as Arianni?


What lurks beneath the ice caps?

Why did Russia send troops to the ice caps a while ago, prompting UK to send some of their own?

It's said there were large golden swastikas found there. Why might those be lurking there?


Can Hu-man talk to other beings?

Why did Hu-man come here?

Who controls The Moon? Who bound Saturn? What did Saturn do before he picked up the scythe?


Come on, fellas. You're going to have to try harder to shut down these conversations. Don't think we don't enjoy your scrambling to control the damage.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 1, 2020, 8:48 p.m. No.7998211   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Six is afraid of seven because five is Hu-man, six is the number of the ILuminated and seven is the holy number.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 2, 2020, 8:40 a.m. No.8001464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1487 >>2725 >>3004

Funny how I can't just be some anon and that I have to be another anon.

Heads are absolutely spinning in this thread.


Why must I be paid to dare to defy your preferences? God, you guys are incredibly lazy. I hope you're not actually shills and that you're just this stupid. I really do…


The P stands for Pindar, retards.

You'll find Pindar underground. There's also a facility under the UK with the same name, but surely that's coincidence.

Now stop being lazy and writing off anything that makes you uncomfortable as "shills". I don't think you're a shill. I think you're just lazy and abrasive.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 2, 2020, 9:11 a.m. No.8001694   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4112 >>9630 >>2725 >>5685


This "theory" isn't yours and it's not new. It's simply objective truth.

There have been several advanced civilizations that occupied this realm and many of them have perished, some forced underground.

What cleansed them was Ishtar, the irrigator, the moon. When the last flood struck, Noah was simply taken to the moon and kept there in safety. The Moon was the ark.


Back when our solar system was in harmony, the planetary alignment was much different. Saturn was our star, there was no moon and Saturn and the others had no rings binding them. The planets were even in different orders.

I'm not privy to what disrupted the organization of the planets, but I do know that during the time of Atlantis, there was no concept of "time". I'm assuming this means that the planets were still, but I haven't been shown that much yet.


Check out Gobekli Tepe. The precision of the masonry that formed the infrastructure of much of the place is so far beyond intricate that I believe (although I don't have much scientific training or understanding) humans are still incapable of achieving such today.

Then there's the pyramids, which I've already explained briefly to you guys. I will not additionally, however, that there are chambers inside the pyramids that contain high energy locations. I don't remember as much as I should on this topic, but there are parts of the pyramids that have intersection points which are formed from geometrical overlays in the form of energy fields. Supposedly, this is the reason for tombs deep within these pyramids and the locations for these tombs are very purposeful.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 8, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.8076220   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Do we really need meat if we have the sun?

How do plants eat?


I always just show them the amalgamation of Cain and Able and how it clearly forms the word we're looking for.


Glad you're still around these places, my man. It's always nice to have you around.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 10, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.8097014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0161


The honest truth of it is that many here are just trying to help. The problem is that our… uh… intelligence network is so compartmentalized that even when they just try to drop us hints, it's often made in to mountains instead of ant hills.

Indeed - too many here are not interested in speaking to each other. The problem is that so many of us are all paranoid and can't just try to talk. Part of [their] angle was dulling us in this way. If we're always suspicious of each other, we'll hardly ever get down to brass tax and actually figure shit out.


Keep in mind: /ourguys/ are among us here. Many of you seem to keep forgetting this.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 11, 2020, 8:48 a.m. No.8102084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2921


I'm still thinking we all have to breach some confines of conversation here. Meaning - if we don't get past the borders of the overton window that was created for all of us, I don't know that we'll get to learn much more.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn, at this point, that there are certain things we can't know until we discover certain prerequisites ourselves.


I'd like to touch upon the "aliens-are-demons" thing really briefly. Having a proper frame of reference in mind would make a lot of sense. Allow me for a moment:

Imagine a scenario where the only way someone or something can enter the realm we all inhabit is through a vessel already contained within the realm. This frame satisfies the "demon/spirit" angle.

Imagine that within the same scenario, certain someone(s) or something(s) can skew the perception of those that are already here, making these "beings" appear as though they aren't like us. This frame satisfies the "alien/ET" angle.


Now, what if the above satisfies both angles that tend to more or less compete here?

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 11, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.8104113   🗄️.is 🔗kun

dat gaslight


<everyone is talking to themselves

>Greer NLP anchor

>rhetoric division

<no one talk to each other


>tfw you're the Toolfag and people try to gaslight you because they're too stupid to realize it

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 12, 2020, 8:02 a.m. No.8113039   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I was the one that showed all of you that clip.

Also, when they spoke to me, "naughty" wasn't at all the word they used. In fact, it was quite the opposite.


For the record, I agree that these >>8112397 >>8112452 are very important topics.

There's a video that explains in detail what is described in these conversations. I'll try to find it for you guys.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 14, 2020, 9:11 p.m. No.8142290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5120


What's being conducted right now is so much more complex than any normie could ever dream of.Hell, if you think any one anon could have ever put all of this together, you're far beyond wrong.


I'll put this as plainly as I can:

What they're waiting on right now isn't some minuscule bureaucratic development; none of us are sitting here waiting on some legislative boundary to be breached, some economic hurdle to be leapt or some logistical obstacle overcome. Instead, all of /ourguys/ are sitting around waiting for the public perception percentage ranges to hit the next percentile. They're waiting until Jimmy's family has a basic idea of what's going on instead of just Jimmy.


Remember how Q gave the ranges of the population which can't be saved?

What do you think we're waiting on?

Clearly that number is being reduced as much as possible.


If these plans have been in the making for decades, you'd better believe that us getting this far in to the plot means they accounted for such a success rate. Therefore, no part of what's being conducted right now is too reliant on such trivial complications like some whiny Judge in a diaper complaining they were lied to when they were convinced with cash and certainty that they'd never see this much trouble.


Unfortunately, part of the process is effecting the hundredth monkey - meaning, we're waiting on certain people to begin standing up and telling their story. Only through the ridiculousness and the gravity of what's been going on being revealed can we move much further.

It's like, Q can confirm certain things for us, but there's connections they can't make upfront for us.


Anyway, to wrap this all up, we need to reach a certain range of people understanding to limit the backlash. Without doing so, Q's hands are more or less tied.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 20, 2020, 9:46 p.m. No.8203449   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good god how long does it take you to type all of this out?…

You're such an enigma.





By the way, I still don't get what the tone (key) is. Mind sharing with the class?

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 23, 2020, 8:41 a.m. No.8226257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6338



Don't you mean Santa?


Anyway, it's always funny when you people spout off about "Satan" like you don't know that word is meaningless now.

"Satan" is merely a title and it was used in antiquity as such.


This thread is going off the rails, though.


How about those BOOMs in Cali?

DUMBs biting the dust?

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 25, 2020, 8:56 a.m. No.8244215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4246

Look, we call all feel the sentience of other animals alive here. At least, it's painfully obvious for me. Being told that I probably shouldn't consume them isn't something that really rustles my jimmies like so many of you.

Why such resistance? Why not let anon, as weird as an assertion that it is, just assert that?


I don't think it needs to go much further than "I'd rather continue to eat meat. Thanks."



Like you told me before, don't feed them. They're just prodding you to waste space in this bread.

One of us here clearly struck a nerve. They seem to keep pinpointing areas where we're willing to respond and switching focus once their ammunition runs out or we stop responding. The pattern should be more transparent to everyone else now, I'd hope.


Surely there's other areas we can open eyes with, don't you think, fren?

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 25, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.8244839   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oops. I thought I responded to you already.

The second screenshot fucked you. Q seems to have preemptively responded to you…


They "pray" to the counter-balance. They pray that their will is instead manifested so that they can erect Moloch instead of us having the power to erect the "Christ" (higher vibration). They've called it many things, but Q shows you the confusion behind the title.


I understand that the word has meaning, as all words have meaning, I'm simply saying they have diluted the word on purpose so we don't comprehend how they use it.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 25, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.8244862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6083


Why should we not discuss worldview-breaking topics in the thread about aliens?…

The assertion is that we're all, simultaneously, an alien.


I understand your resistance to this revelation, but anon is taking aim at the very specifically defined topic at hand.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 27, 2020, 9:07 a.m. No.8265258   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Low key







The Fool

The Jester


The Fool/Jester becomes the Magician.

Heath Ledger

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus


The KEY unlocks the MAP.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 27, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.8266963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7592 >>9413


A Knight's Tale

A refutation of "Destiny".


Make no mistake. We are channeling The Light here.

The Game is concluding, but that doesn't mean this isn't the end of the beginning.

What happens next is your choice, our choice.

The higher vibration we get to, the closer we get to squaring the circle.


In love and light, we will cross the Bridge together, to find the Ark of the Covenant.

Climb Jacob's ladder

Cross the Bifrost Bridge

Ascend the Stairway to Heaven

Part the Humbling River


The time is now.

The future is ours.

Alea Iacta Est

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 27, 2020, 8:44 p.m. No.8271473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm not so sure. I think our fren knows exactly what I was talking about.



Whatever those images are of, they're not me. I think we're on the same page.

Anon seems to know what keys to use.


Spin your web, Arachne.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 28, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.8274850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4962

Oh boy, one of us here is super confused.

For all I know, it could easily be me. However, anon made the perfect references. I think we're both on the same page.


I take it the two of you missed the following line:

>(You) are learning.



I get it - there's a learning curve here. However, I've no name. I only ever make vague references to things that are slightly connected. You guys want to throw me in the "something something Greer" theatrics, which is fine. I shouldn't have been lazy in not knowing to avoid using the name. Still, I only briefly brought it up because someone baited me in to mentioning him… which was super obvious if you go back and look.

So, it looks like I either helped anon uncover someone else, or anon is saying that certain people here were trying to confuse us on purpose. It seems anon believes the "Pledian"/Ra LARP crowd is to blame. I don't really disagree.


It's awfully funny how you guys keep wanting to pin me in to certain groups, though.

I'll even give you a little insight, since the couple of you seem to be sort of lost:

The Raposting shenanigans were a thing on /pol/ for a while. All it was was just a basic Pareidolia advertisement. It just hooked people in, kept rhetorically circling until brainlets latched on and ultimately only just distracted them. It was only ever to waste people's time and slide threads of any importance. Needless to say, hence its continued use, it was at least noticeably effective.


Then there's:

>You have played the perfect Fool in this movie, for you give meaning to The Magician.

Which the two of you (hilariously) clearly didn't understand.

Heath Ledger is a featured actor in both the two movies I've mentioned.

You really ought to watch them.

Another is The Dark Knight.

He was also an actor in this movie.

Now, tell me, fellas, which role did Heath Ledger play in The Dark Knight?

Think Jester.

Anonymous ID: 348e42 Feb. 28, 2020, 9:04 a.m. No.8275015   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is literally the second thread I've been in, anon…

I know this place can be demoralizing. Hell, I've purposefully given the general a break from me and now I just hang out to see if anything neat comes through this thread.

If you're going to be acting like this, (cracking consensus) maybe your best bet is also taking a break.


Weren't you the idiot that thought I was claiming to "have Q clearance" because I showed you that Archer clip again?…

Remember when we found out the old Vanderbuilt home was similar to the Archer episode featured in those images you (I'm hoping) remember seeing? Anon, that was me. I was the one that showed you that clip. I see that you truly aren't picking up on this, but that was so you would recognize I wasn't a shill. Instead, you simply say "Boom!" like some silly nerd that can't quite grasp what's going on.


Look, I'm only going to keep entertaining you so much. It's clear whatever was in this thread upset someone because this is sliding off the rails fast (which, sorry guys. I'm really not trying. I'm just doing this because Baker can't seem to get a firm grip of things).


Figure it out, anon. You're really slacking here.