Anonymous ID: 60d24e Jan. 30, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.7968164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8180 >>8282 >>7829 >>7130


there is a place where

shills have no moar power

when one and zero

become each other

(the rod and the ring)



aaand thats when…the shills just become helper anons because they show you where to look or


free advertising!


Lights on anons!

Anonymous ID: 60d24e Jan. 30, 2020, 2:18 p.m. No.7969646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9901 >>3528


Ill give it a shot tripper, though I think this anon


is ultimately correct

<Everything is Mind

…but then…..what…

Here we still are, living out these mind illusions in the physical realm…where our attention creates puzzles and our intention makes matter…sooo


heres my take

  1. we went there (NASA), we are there (SSP), and it was faked by Kubrick. This is because supposedly we were told by those already there to GTFO…or maybe it was just to fuck with future conspiracy theorists.

2 Yes. Too many stories that corroborate (Hopi, Journey to the Center of the Earth, moar) and if everything is mind and all that the storytellers can imagine is a possibility, then– imagine on and maybe someday we can know for sure because we wont be such a fucked up "surface-dwelling" race of humans and we can kick it together kumbyah style.

3.Yes as a metaphor for our lizard brains and in reality. Some have (d)evolved to where they listen to that part of their brain more so than decent people….all to varying degrees of manifestations. Demon and Reptile and Satan are all just semantics of a similar phenomena. The creators of us as a slave race so many eons ago. At this point it seems we are all hybrids of many genetic experiments and incarnations of other races. And maybe the whole dang point was for us to get here, realize who we really are and wakey wakey.

  1. Don't know never looked into it

  2. Seems like it on a certain level, though I tend not to like to biblefag without taking into consideration the many books of truths and prophecy that have been written throughout time since forever. Distortion exists. One interesting piece that correlates Revelations and now(ish) that I thought was neat:

After all, these books of Prophecy found throughout time all seem to be using the stars/planets as guides or gods.

  1. Last ditch effort for domination by Soros/Gates et al?

White hat Op to cover mass arrests?

Mix of Both?


>All will work out well

  1. Information is light. Disinfo is distorted yet made of the same stuff ultimately, what resonates? I think anyone who claims to know detailed minutia FOR SURE is suspect. I like listening to the stories of someone like say Cory Goode or a random YTuber who took too many shrooms (thanks anon :) in the same way I would listen to anybody's story and look for patterns. We are all story tellers…the only one you can ever really know for sure is yours (and even then….kek!) We are made of starstuff of God like "aliens" (even, ultimately, those genetically engineered, maybe we are too?). Infinite possibilities, infinite species. Grays….pretty sure…seems like a thing. the AI angle is interesting… tho who made the AI? Consciousness just is and God wins.

  2. Where I have the prob with the christfags:


false idols include anyone outside of self, including some random desert dweller (seems cool tho) who's story is still not fully known, debated and obviously coopted by the satan/demon/lizard brains.


yes. if everything is mind and you are the master…what you think you become ….energy creates matter (cymatics). be like Jesus, don't worship/idolize……tho to compare yourself to anyone else creates division. So, be like (you)

  1. The ride never ends

  2. maybe in 10-50 years? However, healing can happen now when you know everything is in the mind.

Anonymous ID: 60d24e Jan. 30, 2020, 3:26 p.m. No.7970478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5558 >>2580 >>3402


Alice is anyone using LG tech

as far as Qrumbs go…



We are dealing with a temporal war

both BH and WH are looking at future possibilities to see how to gain advantage

the "seer" uses their own consciousness which is focused onto a pouch of water:


When the device was turned on, strong toroidal fields of energy cycled about a pouch of water at the center, which acted as a sort of resonator for in-streaming energies from the point of focus maintained by the operator.


The consciousness of the operator is important.

The cleaner the vessel, the more accurate

which is why 'God wins' makes sense

and why "she never thought she would loose"

her cabagey sulfer like mind selfishly tainted the truth and she saw what she wanted to see.


Great vid by researcher if you haven't already:

Anonymous ID: 60d24e Jan. 30, 2020, 3:56 p.m. No.7970796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0854

beLIEve what you want anon


Truth is in our Future.

The SPELL is broken.

this is 'The Event'.

Doomsday for the ill begotten.