Are pics directly pasted off the Snipping Tool jpeg?
Nothing about the Project Veritas video mentioned in this debate and not covered at all on Fox shows. So, pissed-off and tired of Sanders always saying POTUS is the MOST DANGEROUS president and a crook.
Psyched this Kumalot Hairy is no longer in the debates. Please someone tell me that her campaign was so super bad enough to make sure she doesn't get to try and do it again in the next election cycle. Shut her out. Anybody know anything about how that works? I've read ButtPlug is in this this cycle to lay foundation for a better run in the next election cause it the whole C_A plan.
So it's okay to do it that way because I saw the "No jpegs" on Notables?
Nah, not this time out. But did sit through previous ones. Just to have background and ammo on Twatr. But got kicked off 3 times so …
gotcha but yeah, if I don't pay attention, I can catch myself getting pissed. You guys help to calm me down so THANKSABUNCH!