Anonymous ID: a6161d Feb. 7, 2020, 1:17 p.m. No.8064766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

First time I clicked on q’s post today which linked to a video of I think who is Glenn Beck talking about five eyes and crowdstrike.


First time going on the link and the video has 99.9k views. I.e. 999


Also the video is 1:11 minutes long, i.e 111

Anonymous ID: a6161d Feb. 7, 2020, 1:52 p.m. No.8065225   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As I posted on the 31st of Jan I experience the numbers 111 and 777 the most. So if we did reduce this to single digits, we could make 17.


The thing is I started tracking triple digits ONLY rather than double digits later on, because double digits were also common and I thought they would be shaken off as merely coincidence, while triple digits, what are the chances of coming across them consistently every day or week; and yet they continue to appear. And I didn’t even post all the previous triple digits I collected before I started this thread, but there’s really no need to, because I come across them enough to show you synchronicity is happening all the time.


Back to the 17 point, I also feel, though I haven’t documented them, that 17 and 14 are both recurring numbers I see often. However since i haven’t documented them I can’t be sure. But I think every number, single and more, has there order and place and meaning in this world.


But I’ll stick to documenting any triple numbers (or more) I come across, merely for the fact I’d get lazy if I had to screenshot every single number, double number, 14, or 17. This was the other reason why I stopped and deleted all my previous double number synchronicities I found, and don’t document any new ones I come across (laziness and could be shaken off merely as coincidence).


Anyway just remember everyone can experience synchronicity personally, just practice tickling those amygdalas. Usually if it’s the first time you’ve tried, you’ll be experiencing it the same day or next day, but definitely within a week. Not only that, I’m not sure if it was because I was younger or I first tried amygdala tickling, but your brain will make a strong connection between your thoughts and the real life event.


For example I’ve only posted numbers here. But synchronicity happens with all sorts of things. Mainly you’ll think of something, and then experience or see something related to that thought happen.


For example I remember thinking of Micky Mouse, and then 30 seconds later people started taking about Disney Land. Or stuff like thinking of somebody and the phones rings or someone you haven’t seen for awhile and then you see them in public.


Anyway I’m not sure you’ll believe or understand it unless you experience it yourself. But it exists, and I’ll continue to document and post any triple digit synchronicities I experience.