Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 9:55 a.m. No.7821710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1737

Russian government resigns after President Putin’s state-of-the-nation address proposes changes to the constitution


Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has announced that the entire government is resigning in a surprise statement released shortly after President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual state-of-the-nation address.


Accepting the resignation, Putin thanked the ministers for their hard work and asked them to function as a caretaker government until a new one can be formed.


Medvedev and Putin had met for a work meeting to discuss the state-of-the-nation address earlier on Wednesday, the Kremlin said. Medvedev explained that the cabinet is resigning in accordance with Article 117 of the Russian Constitution, which states that the government can offer its resignation to the president, who can either accept or reject it.


During his speech, Putin said he intended to create the position of deputy secretary of Russia’s Security Council, which would be offered to Medvedev.


Medvedev’s move to the new role will mean Russia will have a new prime minister when a new government is formed.


Putin also proposed multiple amendments to Russia’s constitution. His proposals would entail “substantial changes” to the constitution as well as to the “entire balance of power, the power of the executive, the power of the legislature, the power of the judiciary,” Medvedev explained.


“In this context, it is obvious that, as the government, we must provide the president with a capability to make all decisions,” which are required to implement the proposed plan, Medvedev said announcing the en-masse resignation.


Medvedev became prime minister in 2012, after serving four years as president. He currently heads the ruling United Russia party.

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 9:58 a.m. No.7821731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1918 >>2029 >>2082

State Department Withholding All Key Documents on Biden-Ukraine Until After Impeachment Trial


The State Department is withholding all key documents on Biden’s extortion of the Ukrainian government until after Trump’s impeachment trial.


Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch in September sued the State Department for documents related to Joe Biden’s involvement in the firing of Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden and Burisma Holdings.


Joe Biden’s drug addict son Hunter was sitting on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company and being paid by some accounts over $200,000 a month even though he had zero experience in the field.


Then-Vice President Joe Biden, who was tasked to oversee US dealings with Ukraine, threatened to withhold over $1 billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine unless they fired Viktor Shokin.


Biden bragged about shaking down Ukraine and getting Mr. Shokin fired during a 2018 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations.


Instead of investigating Biden for corruption and extortion, the Democrats impeached President Trump for wanting to work with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to ferret out Biden corruption.


The State Department told Judicial Watch that it hasn’t even started searching for the documents and won’t be releasing anything until the end of January.


Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton blasted the State Department and said “Pompeo needs to get on the ball.”


Obstruction of justice

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 9:59 a.m. No.7821737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1989



Russian government resigns


Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev thinks it right to resign in the wake of proposals to amend the constitution


MOSCOW, January 15. /TASS/. The Russian government has resigned, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced.


President Vladimir Putin thanked Dmitry Medvedev’s government for its work. "For my part, I also want to thank you for everything that was done at this stage of our joint work, I want to express satisfaction with the results that have been achieved," the president told a meeting with the cabinet of ministers.



"Not everything was done, but everything never works out in full," Putin said.


The Russian leader noted that soon he planned to meet with all ministers of Medvedev’s government. "I will meet with each of you," Putin assured.


The prime minister thinks it right that the current government should step down in the wake of the presidential proposals to amend the constitution, Medvedev told President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with the cabinet.


"We all watched the State of the Nation Address by President of the Russian Federation [Vladimir Putin]. Not only did Vladimir Vladimirovich outline significant priorities for our country in the coming year, but he also set out a variety of fundamental changes in the Constitution of the Russian Federation," Medvedev recalled. "After those amendments are adopted — and it was said that this is likely to be done following discussion — there will be significant changes not only to a variety of constitution articles, but to the balance of power, namely to the executive, legislative and judicial branches of power," the prime minister said.


"In this context, it is evident that we, as the government of the Russian Federation, should provide our country’s president with an opportunity to take all the necessary decisions in these conditions. I believe it right for the government of the Russian Federation to step down in conformity with Article 117 of Russia’s Constitution," Medvedev added.


Dmitry Medvedev has set a record in the newest history of Russia, as he has been prime minister for more than seven years and eight months (or 2,808 days since his appointment as prime minister on May 8, 2012).


The current government led by Medvedev was formed on May 18, 2018, comprised of ten deputy prime ministers (including one first deputy prime minister) and 22 ministries.

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.7821754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1918 >>2029 >>2082

Trump Says Negotiations For 'Phase 2' Trade Deal To Begin As Soon As Phase 1 Kicks In


Update: When you're president, your thank-you speech can be as long as you want, and nobody will try to shuffle you off-stage by queuing the music.


President Trump started his speech by praising the landmark agreement, and highlighting the market's gangbuster performance since his inauguration (more than 140 stock market ATHs, baby).


Then, in typical Trump fashion, he launched into a winding monologue praising Larry Kudlow (for all the times he helped jawbone the market back into the green) and US ambassador to China Terry Branstad (about whom Trump told a story involving the ambassador's first meeting with President Xi, more than 30 years ago, when he was still a young man). He went on to praise members of the White House staff, and several members of his cabinet - Wilbur Ross, Sonny Perdue and Elaine Chao were each singled out for praise.


At one point, Trump addressed lawmakers in the room, offering members of the House the chance to go vote in Nancy Pelosi's "impeachment hoax", which she announced earlier.


Even Lou Dobbs came in for some praise: Trump praised Dobbs for favorably comparing him to Reagan.


Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman, former AIG boss Hank Greenberg, and Henry Kissinger also received shout outs from the president.


Senators Kevin Cramer, Kevin Crapo, Steve Daines, Joni Earnst, Lindsey Graham and several others also got shouted out.


He's still going, as the market gradually ticks higher.


Trump even shouted out JPM, praising the company for yesterday's blockbuster earnings report and joking that he deserves "a little credit" for the bank's performance.


Even Ken Griffin got a shoutout.


In one of the speech's funnier moments, Trump joked about one business executive's habit of seeking autographs from Trump, only to turn around and sell the memorabilia on eBay.

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 10:02 a.m. No.7821759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1918 >>2029 >>2082

G20 emerged because G7 fails to decide ‘issues of any significance’ – Lavrov


Developing nations, absent from the UN Security Council, enjoy greater representation in the G20 – and its emergence shows that the elitist Group of Seven is steadily losing significance, the Russian Foreign Minister suggested.


The Group of 20 – which includes the G7 countries as well as the five-member bloc of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) – proved workable, especially when developing countries “have grievances regarding the lack of progress in reforming the Security Council,” Sergey Lavrov told an audience during his trip to New Delhi.


The creation of G20 was recognition that G7 can no longer decide any issue of any significance.


“I would say the deficiency – the main, and probably the only, deficiency of the Security Council – is underrepresentation of the developing countries,” Lavrov acknowledged.


Russia has always backed the accession of two emerging economic giants – India and Brazil – to the council, he said.


“Our position is that the purpose of the reform is to make sure that the developing countries have a better treatment in the central organ of the United Nations.”

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 10:03 a.m. No.7821767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1916

Active shooter reported at Tennessee National Guard airbase, campus on lockdown


McGhee Tyson Air National Guard base in Tennessee is on lockdown, following reports of an active shooter in the area, according to local media.


Law enforcement is conducting a sweep of the base, spokesman Lt. Col. Travers Hurst told reporters. No shots have been reported, and personnel have been told to shelter in place.


The Tennessee National Guard said that reports of “suspicious activity” triggered the alert, but added that there are “no reports of injuries.”


McGhee Tyson is located near Knoxville, and is home to the 134th Air Refuelling Wing. Crews there operate and maintain a fleet of KC-135 tanker aircraft.

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.7821783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1798 >>1826 >>1888 >>1904 >>1918 >>2029 >>2082

EFFIN’ CRAZY! Nancy Pelosi: “Important – for Putin to Know the American Voter Should Decide Who Our President Is, Not Vladimir Putin” (VIDEO)


Nancy Pelosi and Democrats are holding another insane presser this morning on their latest coup attempt, the sham articles of impeachment.


During the press conference Pelosi started ranting about Vladimir Putin.


This woman is not just wicked, she’s batsh*t crazy!


Nancy Pelosi: “This is about the constitution of the United States. And it’s important for the president to know, and for Putin to know, that the American voter should decide who our president is, not Vladimir Putin in Russia.”

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.7821837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1908 >>1918 >>2029 >>2082

32 Misinformation Schemes Used By Wall Street, Corporate America, & The Media


This is a collection of 32 tactics, instances, misnomers, immortal fake propaganda, and even wrong-doing cropping up ceaselessly on Wall Street, in the media, in press releases, in earnings reports, and in the broader nexus between Wall Street and the media.


All of them were pointed out by WOLF STREET commenters. I put them together and grouped some of them, and added some explanations in a few cases even when not needed. In no particular order:


#1: “The moronic statements regarding ‘money on the sidelines.’”

“That ‘money on the sidelines’ thing drives me nuts. I sit around wondering how captured financial commentators must be to even entertain such concepts on such a regular basis.”

“Money on the sidelines is immortal. It has been cited all my investing life, and it will still be cited long after I’m gone, to be passed proudly from generation to generation, no matter how often it gets debunked.”


“I found a coin on the sidewalk once. It must be the infamous sidelines money. Just a million coins more, and I will have enough to go on vacation.”

#2: “The claptrap surrounding earnings beats – after earnings targets have been quietly but drastically reduced.”

#3: “Forward earnings projections” to rationalize high stock prices. Everyone is doing it, even the Fed. Forward earnings projections are part of the great body of American fiction and get slashed as earnings-report dates get nearer so that the much-lowered projections can then be “beat” (see #2 above). This produces the absurd situation where forward P/E ratios are always far lower (currently 18.4 according to FactSet) than the actual P/E ratios (currently 24.6, highest since the Financial Crisis).

#4: “The revolving door between government and Wall Street – ‘the swamp.’” Drain it already.

#5: “The revolting door between government and Wall Street” – that would be one of Wolf’s infamous typos.

#6: “Exclusion of negative earnings from P/E calculations of broad indices.” The Russell 2000 does this. There are a large number of loss-making companies in the index. Excluding their negative earnings distorts earnings measures of the Russell 2000, such as the P/E ratio of the index. With losses included, the P/E ratio of the Russell 2000 would be about four times higher than the officially quoted P/E ratio without losses. It’s not a secret: FTSE Russell and iShares disclose that losses are excluded; but it’s the fake P/E ratio without losses that is being quoted all the time to rationalize high stock prices.

#7. “Bogus ‘Chinese Walls’ and other internal conflicts of interest.”

#8. “Arms-length Agreements” to describe veiled self-dealing.” Also see #7 above.

#9. “Mark-to-Fantasy accounting standards.” A common situation when an asset is valued on the balance sheet based on whatever (including wishful thinking) instead of market price because the market price would be too inconvenient.

#10. “‘Non-GAAP’ accounting metrics.” This might be fake income with all the bad stuff removed, producing a “non-GAAP” profit vs. a GAAP loss, a common feature in earnings reports by Corporate America. Or it might be homemade metrics that everyone has to pay attention to, while ignoring the GAAP accounting metrics.

In the same non-GAAP vein: “Use of EBITDA and subtracting all ‘nonrecurring items’” – which turn out to recur regularly.

#11: “GAAP accounting metrics…” ha, we knew that.

#12: “Debt-financed share buybacks” – a form of equity stripping.

#13: “Positive coverage of ‘share buy backs,’ ostensibly to enrich share ‘owners,’ but really to enrich share sellers and to recycle management stock options through the corporate treasury?”

In the same vein: “Mopping up overgenerous stock options by looting the treasury with share buybacks, described as “Returning Shareholder Value,” while never paying a dividend.”

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.7821856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2029 >>2082

Want a free trade deal with the US? Then align with Washington not Brussels on foreign policy, former Trump aide tells BoJo


A former aide to US President Donald Trump, Richard Goldberg, has warned British PM Boris Johnson that if the UK wants a free trade agreement with the US, then he’ll need to follow Washington and not Brussels on foreign policy.


In an interview with BBC Radio 4 on Wednesday, Iran hawk Richard Goldberg – who recently stepped down from his role on the National Security Council following his part in ramping up US tensions with Tehran – ostensibly issued Johnson a veiled threat.


Goldberg suggested that Johnson think long and hard about the UK’s position on the Iran nuclear deal and foreign policy more generally. He insisted that in post-Brexit Britain, it’s “less important what Brussels thinks and far more important what Washington thinks.”


It’s absolutely in his interest and the people of Britain’s interest to join with President Trump and the United States, to realign your foreign policy away from Brussels, and to join the maximum pressure campaign to keep us all safe.


Goldberg’s comments have been widely panned on social media, with many interpreting his words as an ultimatum, rather than a “choice” being presented to PM Johnson. Green MP Caroline Lucas claimed that it was “clear” that if the UK is to secure a trade deal with the US then “we’d have to follow Trump’s dangerous foreign policies.”

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.7821886   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nancy Pelosi Announces Schiff, Nadler and Others as Impeachment Trial Managers


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced Wednesday who will serve as the House Democrats’ impeachment managers in the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.


Pelosi named House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler, along with Reps. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), Val Demings (D-FL), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Jason Crow (D-CO), and Sylvia Garcia (D-TX). Schiff will take on the role of lead impeachment manager.


“Today is an important day,” said Pelosi at a Capitol Hill press conference. “The emphasis is making the strongest possible case to protect and defend our constitution, to seek the truth for the American people.”


A House vote to send the articles to the Senate is scheduled for early Wednesday afternoon. The measure is expected to pass. If it does, the Senate trial is expected to begin early next week, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said.


Ahead of the historic trial, the White House is finalizing the legal team that will defend Trump.


Jay Sekulow, Trump’s personal attorney, said he’s part of a legal team headed by White House counsel Pat Cipollone that will defend the president against two impeachable charges that were passed by the House last month. The articles of impeachment — accusing Trump of abusing his power and obstructing Congress — have been held for weeks by House Democrats, who said they first wanted to see a trial blueprint from Senate leaders to ensure a fair process.


Cipollone and Sekulow will be joined on the team by White House attorneys Patrick Philbin and Michael Purpura, the Washington Examiner reported.


The charges against Trump stem from his dealings with Ukraine last year — specifically, his efforts pressing Kiev to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, a former board member of a Ukrainian gas company.


Cipollone, 53, has been a vocal critic of the House’s impeachment process and is considered the main force behind White House efforts that blocked most witnesses in the administration from testifying during the lower chamber’s inquiry.


An Oct. 8 White House letter called the process “partisan and unconstitutional” and made a case for a broad interpretation of executive privilege covering nearly every aspect of presidential conduct.


President Trump seemingly reacted to Pelosi’s announcement by once again calling the partisan impeachment process a “con.”


“Here we go again, another Con Job by the Do Nothing Democrats. All of this work was supposed to be done by the House, not the Senate!” the president tweeted.

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 10:15 a.m. No.7821898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2029 >>2082

London rejects Scotland’s request for second independence referendum


PM Boris Johnson has rejected SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon’s request for a second Scottish independence referendum, claiming it “would continue the political stagnation that Scotland has seen for the last decade.”


Sturgeon, the first minister of Scotland, is on record as saying that she wants to hold a second referendum later this year, believing that she has a mandate following the 2019 general election which saw her party win 48 of the 59 seats in Scotland.However, in a letter to Sturgeon, published on social media on Tuesday, Johnson contended that she and her predecessor promised that the 2014 independence referendum would be a “once in a generation vote.”


…another independence referendum would continue the political stagnation that Scotland has seen for the last decade

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.7821905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948

Leftist Gov. Gavin Newsom pushes California to be 'no-kill state' for cats and dogs. But for babies in the womb — not so much.


'No adoptable or treatable dog or cat should be euthanized'


Far-left Gov. Gavin Newsom is pushing California to stop euthanizing cats and dogs.


"We want to be a no-kill state," Newsom said at a news conference where he presented his 2020-21 budget, the Sacramento Bee reported, adding that he's prepared to fund the effort through taxpayer dollars.


The paper said Newsom's budget calls for a $50 million one-time general fund allocation to the University of California, Davis, Koret Shelter Medicine Program to develop a grant program for animal shelters, the Bee explained.


The program's aim is helping communities “achieve the state's policy goal that no adoptable or treatable dog or cat should be euthanized," the paper said, citing the budget summary.

What about 'no-kill' funding for babies in the womb?


While Newsom is most definitely gung-ho for saving the lives of cats and dogs — which certainly isn't a bad thing — he's less enthusiastic, putting it mildly, about "no-kill" efforts when it comes to babies in the womb.


To wit:

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 10:20 a.m. No.7821927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1942 >>2039

Swedish Politician Says Govt Has Lost Control After Huge Stockholm Bombing


Swedish Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson has slammed the ruling Social Democrats, saying the government has lost control of the country after a huge explosion rocked a Stockholm residential area.


Mr Kristersson noted the rise in the number of explosions and bombings across Sweden, citing figures from the Crime Prevention Council (Bra) that revealed the country suffered 230 bombings in 2019 alone.


“Unfortunately, this government has lost control of what is happening in Sweden. Now in the morning, we woke up again to news of bombs and explosions, this time in Stockholm’s inner city and in central Uppsala,” Kristersson wrote in an op-ed for newspaper Aftonbladet.


The blast in Stockholm, which took place on Sunday night, was labelled as one of the most powerful explosions in Stockholm by police area manager Erik Widstrand. Police said it was “pure luck” no one was injured in the blast but ruled out any terrorist motive so far.


“The situation has thus escalated sharply and according to the police, there is no international equivalent,” Kristersson said, and went on to blame migration and integration policy as two of the many reasons for the current situation.


Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has previously denied any link between mass migration into Sweden and the rising levels of gang crime.


“The segregation is because there is too low employment and too high unemployment in these areas. But that would have been the same regardless of who had lived there. If you put people born in Sweden under the same conditions, you get the same result,” Löfven inisted in November 2019.


Kristersson demanded that the government focus on hiring more police officers, double the sentences for gang-related crimes, and eliminate discounts on sentences.


“The conditional release rules need to be tightened and legislation changed so that more foreign nationals are expelled to their home countries. In addition, the penalty must be sharpened for those caught with explosives in public places,” he added.

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.7821954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Four Mexican Soldiers Drown in Canal near Texas Border After Cartel Clash


REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – Four Mexican soldiers drowned and several others sustained injuries after their Humvee crashed into an irrigation canal during a cartel shootout this week.


The incident occurred on Tuesday afternoon when a group of Mexican soldiers patrolling the dirt roads near the Rio Grande came under fire from cartel gunmen. The area where the vehicle submerged is known as Nopalera and has seen several clashes in recent days.


According to Mexico’s National Guard, the soldiers were giving chase when the driver of the Humvee lost control and caused a rollover crash into the Anzalduas Canal. Some soldiers managed to escape the vehicle, however, four became entangled in the underwater shrubs.

Anonymous ID: f83910 Jan. 15, 2020, 10:26 a.m. No.7821987   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Petition Launched to Probe FDA’s Conflict of Interest in Health Risks from Cell Phone and WiFi Radiation


If there weren’t countless examples of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) not protecting the American people, there wouldn’t be countless ads on TV for class action lawsuits against products they originally approved. Whistleblowers and other experts have even blamed them for igniting The Opioid Crisis. They continue to turn a blind eye to research that proves biological harm from exposure to cell phone and WiFi radiation.


Thanks to 5G Crisis for creating a petition against this conflict of interest:


SIGN THE PETITION: Wireless Radiation + Conflict of Interest at the FDA


The FDA has turned a blind eye to some of the most significant and alarming research on wireless radiation health effects, including the U.S. National Toxicology Program’s $30 million-dollar study that found “clear evidence” of cancer linked to chronic exposure to wireless radiation.


So this week we are starting a petition to Abiy Desta, the Ombudsman for the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH), demanding that he investigate the FDA’s decision to ignore its own study results and clear conflicts of interest between Dr. Jeffrey Shuren, the Director of the CDRH, and the wireless industry.