Anonymous ID: 1d1a6d Jan. 15, 2020, 1:07 p.m. No.7823096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3104 >>3114 >>3172 >>3194 >>3220 >>3347 >>3446 >>3575 >>3652 >>3703

Concerning the BIG DATA AUTISM notable a few breads back, let a humble biofag make this whole thing simple, as to the science about the shots vs wild type illnesses. This is not the 80's. We understand the mechanism, and the movement of the very molecules that create autism/brain damage now.

Read that again.

The whole thing is understood…. VERY WELL, down to the molecules and brain structures

….. how they react to BOTH REGULAR ILLNESSES,

We are in the era of nanotech, fags…. not the era of Darwinian fictitious simple slime cells. This ain't even your daddy's science, much less your grandpa's.




The Conclusion is that ALL illnesses cause the brain damage, because ALL illnesses cause the brain defense "astrocyte" cells to curl into a tear drop shape and POISON the brain to defend against every virus or bacteria that might enter the brain, whether from vaccine, or, just a normal wild type case of measles, mumps, rubella, etc.


This is how the brain kills any virus that gets in. The astrocytes are activated to poison the brain invaders with a special poison.

This poison also damages brain cells, in a way that allows the astrocytes to UNCURL out of that teardrop shape, to repair the cells after the illness is gone. Astrocytes are equipped to repair their own defense damage. And that makes biological sense here.


We have electron microscopes that let us watch this process.

SO…. Here is the simple obvious question.

Glad you thought of it.


IF both wild type and man made illnesses in vaccines cause this brain poisoning damage, why are the vaccines causing so much more damage?


It has to do with the "off switch" (signal to stop the brain poisoning) mechanism, and the number of illnesses the brain is subjected to in a given amount of time, without time to recover and repair neurons.


1) Wild type illnesses (regular measles or flu etc) enter through mucus membranes (sinus, mouth) and head to the gut, then to the blood stream.

Apparently during the trip through the gut, the "off switch" feed back is activated, so when the three days of illness with the NATURAL flue/measles is finished, the ASTROCYTES get the signal to STOP SPITTING POISON in the brain.

At that time, astrocytes uncurl, (physically, you can see it in the scope) and begin neuron repair process IMMEDIATELY after illness. (You can even see the astrocytes put their little "feet" on the nerves feeling around for damage)


2) Vaccines are different. They are shot straight through to the blood, BYPASSING the GUT, needed to activate the "off switch". Since the gut never activates the off switch feedback, the astrocytes never get the message to stop poisoning the brain, for six weeks in many cases more.

I do not know yet because I have not read, whether the astrocytes stop eventually, because they run out of "poison" or, perhaps they are finally naturally triggered by an off switch activated by a cold, flu or other small illness.

The shot will allow the brain to be poisoned for weeks.

The wild type will stop the brain poisoning after illness is concluded.




The vaccine schedule forces far more brain poisoning illness reactions than would naturally be encountered between the age of zero and 5.


Set your kid up for vaccines which contain three illnesses each…. and there are 32 of them before the child is age 5, for a total of 96 illnesses in 5 years, FAILING to activate the brain poison OFF SWITCH. 96 illnesses.

96 illnesses.

32 brain poisoning episodes that last for weeks/month and a half, sometimes longer, each.


Simple enough?



Compare that to the old days were kids got 3-7 child hood illnesses before the age of 5, AND the brain poisoning shuts off IMMEDIATELY because the poison "off switch" was activated in the gut where the illness entered.

There is no feedback mechanism in the vaccine to blood process AND it does not follow that vaccines would be a good idea if they were taken orally either. The IDEA is to keep the kids from getting sick at all times.


Sounds like some wicked common sense.


These days we can watch the brain poisoning happen real time, but, you have to be a neurologist to know how to do it. NOT a Pediatrician.


Pediatricians are NOT NEUROLOGISTS, so I recommend that everyone down load the following video which shows this molecular mechanism diagrammed by NEUROLOGISTS, and give it to your Pediatrician to watch.


The Central Mechanism By Which Vaccines Induce Autism - Dr. Russell Blaylock Lecture

Anonymous ID: 1d1a6d Jan. 15, 2020, 1:26 p.m. No.7823220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3446 >>3575 >>3652




>>Will read, t y. I had always wondered if vaccines switched something on in people predisposed to the spectrum.


>On the "predisposition issue" which I did not address, here is the problem. When an infant gets a shot of ANY amount of mercury, It is the molecule called GLUTATHIONE that grabbs the mercury and hauls it out of the body.

>ALL severely autistic children are shown to have low genetic glutathion production.

>LOW production of glutathion gives the mercury time to bind to various body moleules and enzymes.

>The less glutathion you produce, the more you should be supplimenting with alpha lipoic acid or in the case of a heavy metal poisoning, you should do a heavy metal chelation, because your body will accumulate metal from tuna, even broken light bulbs etc.


>The less genes producing glutathion, the greater the chance of severe autism. This is why it is a "spectrum disorder".

>But what I originally posted on applies to all humans. Illness causes brain poisoning for defense. You want that brain to shut off the poison when the illness is gone.

Vaccines leave the poison spicket on, by failing to activate the feedback for the shut off.


>What about the flu vaccine via nose spray?


ALL illnesses that succeed in activating the immune system will activate the brain astrocytes to spit poison, because it is the brain immune system reaction. The astrocytes are doing this to kill any brain inavader without having to design a special immune cell etc. It is instant defense with a down side. It poisons the neurons. However, the astrocytes will begin repairing their own damage if the off poison switch is activated. This apparently requires the disease to have come through the gut to get to the blood.


My advice? Having studied silver nasal spray at 30ppm for 9 years now, stopping all but one flu illness in those 9 years, I would recommend using silver colloid nasal spray 30ppm, 3X a day for 5 days like an antibiotic. Snuffit it and breathe it to coat the lungs and sinuses. It lasts in our experience about 6 weeks, then must be repeated. The doc and I do this in October 1-5, Dec 15-20 before the Xmas crowds, Feb 30-March 5 early spring.

One illness in me over 9 years now (not him and he works in a hospital loaded with illness but has type A- blood, hard one for the illness critters)

Use the nasal/lung silver and do not give your brain a dose of poisoning.

Anonymous ID: 1d1a6d Jan. 15, 2020, 1:34 p.m. No.7823277   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yep, if you MUST use a vaccine, best to train the gut also, where 80% of the immune system resides. The vaccines are leaving the gut untrained. I am wondering now if this might be why the shots fail after 10 years or so.

Anonymous ID: 1d1a6d Jan. 15, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.7823703   🗄️.is 🔗kun



THIS humble bioanon posted two years ago that I was going to guineapig a (not allowed to say cure) for my arthritis, causing me to be bed ridden and not stand straight, or even stand for more than 10 minutes at a time without severe pain from arthritis. Will be posting a two year celebration. My back bones shrunk, snapped back into place, no longer bedridden, walking all day, no pain…


It appears the same thing I used to do this is now going to be tried at the Cleveland Clinic because it looks to be working on autoimmune.