Anonymous ID: 344ddd Jan. 15, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.7822898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2903 >>2908 >>2956 >>3402

WOW 🤭 He said it himself. The absolute arrogance of our enemy.

This is the one invading our dreams.

Stab his wretched child raping heart









>Freddy Benson, Ascended Lightworker



>5 pictures spammer



>Maga Riots Faggot

>Toilet Boy


>Graham Milton\Microchip

>Hot Wheels




>Cannot Thank\Cauldron Boi

>Anime Faggot

>Ginger Mound

>Scoreboard\Meat on the Bone

>Your So Gay You'd Hit It

>Baker is a Mason Shill

>This is a Gay Jew Meme

>Muh Joo isn't Organic


>Or one of my many other names or personas!




>Understand this!


>Every time I shift the consensus with any one of my 100+ different IPs and Identities, George Soros personally cuts me a cheque for OVER 9000 RIALS!


>Please, help keep me in business, anons! I NEED (YOU) TO STAY SILENT AND SUBMISSIVE!


>Not that I really need to beg for it. I know you can't resist bending over for my subliminals. My job is secure until the end of time because there's nothing else you guys love more than eating my shit.


>Make it rain, bitches


Right from the horses mouth 🤣🤣🤣

A simple reply of "Yikes", "You lie", or other such socially discrediting comment will decrease their effectiveness to control the narrative, and deprive them of money~


Pay attention to the tensions Iran is under right now. Shill activity here regresses as their attention/psyops are needed elseware.


>>7676187 (pb)


>shills are trying hard today. Twatter and anons got them all fucked up. Feel'n the heat DS? You know EXACTLY what's coming for you… and you should be scared. treasonous faggots.

>Hey Bakes! what do you need? i can finish this bred if you need relief? not sure how long i will be around for the next couple of breds. should be back on for a bit later 2nite.


>>7676430 (pb)


>morning baker here… i will defer since i am on the road in about 30min. if no other baker steps up, i will at least get a bun going.


=To here:=

>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…


Same poster?

Baker = IRGC Agent!


He has been passing the bake off to himself.

This board is simply too powerful not to contain at all cost~

He has censored Patriots out of our kitchen.

Anonymous ID: 344ddd Jan. 15, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.7822903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2908 >>3402


This board is simply too powerful, our enemy must have it completely controlled.


=This MOCKINGBIRD bread=

'satan' exsists as our individual resistances to God. There's no unified entity called as such, yet our individual resistances can be marched to the same tune. Enter MOCKINGBIRD.

'Our Daily Bread' is Gods vital rhythm of our upward growth~

MOCKINGBIRD corrupts it.

We're used as batteries for their poisoned memes, especially children.


The MOCKINGBIRD program is here. Now.

What's posted here bubbles up in our social sphere.

Their 3am dream invasions are a condensed seed of what happens in each bread, and each bread is a condensed version of what's said through each day.

They have it structured out:

Who's in control of our bread?

Who are you forced to trust / love?

Who are you coerced into hating?

What points are 'everyone else' talking about?

What social reinforcements do you see?

What's the chance all this is [currently] organic?

The dream visit plants the seed of their unified resistance in our unconscious minds.

The news/bread waters it.

They found a way of strengthening 'the devil' by force multiplying its pressence. We all 'just happen' to hate/fear the same things, and that gives resistance socially rewarding reinforcement.

Those that aren't marching to that tune, are shamed / rejected from the MOCKINGBIRD'D masses.


Why are MOCKINGBIRD talking points sent out at 4am?

Witching hour is over.

The seed was planted.

Those that plant it give the propagators instructions on watering it.

>Who controls the narrative?

>Why is this relevant?

>What is a spell?

>Who is asleep?


>Attention on deck.

>There is an active war on your mind.


Do you see the weakness?

Their invasion of our dreams~

[Banish /+ Pray before bed]

Without the unconscious seed, we won't seek the water for it.

Our resistances won't be marching to the same tune, thus they don't get rewarded.

We have more in common (per day) in our growth than we do in our resistance.

We all feel the pulse of God.

Only a [dwindling] portion are infected by MOCKINGBIRD. Unless you let the abusers convince you not to filter+blur images; Not to defend YOURSELF from their abuse.


Welcome to The Great Awakening.


[Sun Scissors Snip Weight]

Push the 3am invader into Sunlight

Snip heavy burden away

They've been doing this for so long..

They just want it over with~


God has greater wrath than what they can come up with.

Fear God. Pity the snipped invader~

Anonymous ID: 344ddd Jan. 15, 2020, 12:41 p.m. No.7822908   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Here's the rundown of control:


The baker = IRGC agent behind 'CANNOT THANK', creepbot, 5 picture spamming I.jpg II.jpg III.jpg IIII.jpg poster, govern/key/heal1/2/3.jpg poster, and 'nightshift'.

He's the one that fires off the spam script at the start of each bread.

These images+posts all work together to form the subliminal MOCKINGBIRD network of MKUltra control/censorship we're under.

Disable / blur images, filter+ & report.

Forced to be loved, through subliminal manipulation, by the 'thank you baker' girls.

<Ever notice how many 'tyb' posts are [1 post by this ID]? They can't afford to expose themselves through their linguistic tells~ (kek | .. i)

>Kill him. Stab his fake aura of [forced] love. Break his child raping heart. Abusers disarm your anger against them, how much energy has this one spent?

Controls what information gets focus.

Picks most of their own articles, posted under their different masks - 'news spammer, et al.', which contain pictures with his subliminal 'satan' picture.

Creating his own entrainment/containment center:

>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

And soon after:

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…

Agents are disguised as 'concerned anons' to pacify our instincts that something is off.

Enter alljooos = bad spam.

In all of its masks.

[The IRGC calls Israel 'Little satan', and America 'great satan', isn't it curious their subliminal face is satanic looking? 🤔]

The 'satan' subliminal face has an altered nose, made to look Jewish.

The alljoooos spam is uniquely created to induce rage in those that view his [IRGC agent baker] script.

Rage that blinds us to our higher reasoning, by locking us into 'fight or flight' mode.

Then the subliminally poisoned 'baker babes' are viewed, and that rage is sublimated by desire.

The desire to be alone, to be ashamed of talking proudly about what Q and Trump have done for the world.

It's designed to make you silent.

God wins~



You're posting in the MOCKINGBIRD kitchen~

Anonymous ID: 344ddd Jan. 15, 2020, 1:03 p.m. No.7823065   🗄️.is 🔗kun


=Epstein redpill steps for the uninformed=

You may use this line of facts and sources to introduce the idea of how corrupt hillary is, and how high up the control of blackmail had become


Fact: [Epstein] made his whole living blackmailing people…

>There were a lot of men on those planes, a lot of men who visited that island, a lot of powerful men who came into that appartment…

>…there will come a day when we will realize Jeffery Epstein was the most prolific [child rapist] this country has ever known


Fact: Epstein's Island was wired for survalence.

>On the weekends in the 1990s, [Ghislaine] Maxwell would have her Rollerblades FedExed to Epstein’s island in the Caribbean, and said she got her helicopter’s license so she could transport anyone she liked without pilots knowing who they were. Maxwell also said the island had been completely wired for video; the friend thought that she and Epstein were videotaping everyone on the island as an insurance policy, as blackmail. A source close to Maxwell says she spoke glibly and confidently about getting girls to sexually service Epstein, saying this was simply what he wanted, and describing the way she’d drive around to spas and trailer parks in Florida to recruit them. She would claim she had a phone job for them, “and you’ll make lots of money, meet everyone, and I’ll change your life.” The source continues, “Ghislaine was in love with Jeffrey the way she was in love with her father. She always thought if she just did one more thing for him, to please him, he would marry her.”

>Maxwell had one other thing to tell this woman: “When I asked what she thought of the underage girls, she looked at me and said, ‘they’re nothing, these girls. They are trash.’”


Fact: Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Banker died/suicided Before FBI Questioned Him



Fact: Epstein helped create the Clinton Global Initiative

>According to a 2007 letter sent by Epstein attorneys Alan Dershowitz and Gerald Lefcourt, Epstein was part of the original group that conceived of the formation of the Clinton Global Initiative, a now-defunct division of the Clinton Foundation:


>“Mr. Epstein was part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative, which is described as a project ‘bringing together a community of global leaders to devise and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.’”


Fact: Bill Clinton took over 20 trips on Epsteins 'Lolita express' airplane to his private island.



Fact: Epstein owned a sexually provocative painting of Bill Clinton in a blue dress.



Fact: Marriage confers some great legal benefits if you're looking to escape persecution..

>"Claiming the marital communications privilege, which means a court can't force you to disclose the contents of confidential communications made between you and your spouse during your marriage."



''Question: Does his wife know?''


Fact: She's very concerned about her image..


Question: Why do those associated with The Clinton Foundation, through donations or media relations, hate Trump? …What exposure are they afraid of?

Anonymous ID: 344ddd Jan. 15, 2020, 1:26 p.m. No.7823221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3340


Unless you have a means to keep the current limited in your circuitry, you'll have a situation where the current 'runs away' and the particles will start agglomerating - sticking together.

The base way is to produce very small clusters of Ag atoms with a positive charge. (You'll never reach single atoms, but the clusters can be within the nano range of diameter) - AKA a "Silver hydrosol"

The step up is to reduce the silver with an electron donor (glucose), PH change (washing soda), and heat. AKA "Collodial Silver"

The step up is to encase the collodial silver in a fat so it absorbs past mucus membranes very quickly. Gelatin is the key here.

Anonymous ID: 344ddd Jan. 15, 2020, 2:17 p.m. No.7823629   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Israel is moving its IRON DOME in anticipation of attacks.


White nationalist militia threats cause Va. Gov. Northam to declare STATE OF EMERGENCY.

• Here’s Executive Order 49:

• Credible intelligence evaluated, pro gun groups plan to assemble MONDAY and “storm capitol”

• “Weaponize drones” also a threat


Family members of deployed paratroopers receiving ‘menacing’ messages, warned to double-check social media settings


Iranian President says US forces are not safe in the region, EU forces could be in danger tomorrow.


3 people detained after live mortar round found in car at Pearl Harbor base gates


See? Shill activity here decreases as their psyops/attention are needed elseware~