Anonymous ID: 56e133 Jan. 15, 2020, 1:29 p.m. No.7823240   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A Jew - Karl Marx' (1818-1883) :


1843 - Marries Jenny von Westphalen

1848 - Wrote a Pamphlet  The Communist Manifesto

1867 - Publishes the 3 Volume Das Kapital


Karl Marx appeals to the poor working classes, and suggests a "classless, Communist society characterized by free association of producers".

This is achieved by the working classes carrying out "revolutionary action" to topple the Capitalist class, thereby dissolving the Socio-Economic disparity between the classes.


>Sounds Good, doesn't it?

Marxism claims that the Poor Working Proletariat Classes should rise up and kill the Rich Ruling Class, then ALL THE WEALTH of the country is shared by all the people. No Rich, No Poor classes. Equality for all.


How The JEWISH COMMUNIST Scam Is Actually Played Out


1. Jews Change Their Jewish Names to Blend In as "Christians" (Russian 1917)

Ex: Leon Trotsky (Bronstein), Bill Gates, John Kerry, Madeleine Albright.


2. Jewish Bankers Fund the Money to Kill Non-Jewish Monarchs - "Communist Revolution"


3. Jews Control the New COMMUNIST Government. Directly (Russia) and Indirectly (China)


4. Jews Murders As Many Christians As Possible

Russian Christians - 100 Million

Chinese Christians - 60 Million aprox.


5. Jews TAKE ALL The MONEY & Resources

Within each country, Jews become the Owners of All the Banks, All the best Real Estate, Natural Resources and Big Businesses.

Jews, with many Jews again changing their too-obvious Jewish names to "Blend In" with whatever countries they are subverting. They get nose jobs, even the guys.


6. Jews Control the Government

ZOG = Zionist Owned Government

Jews use their Vast Wealth to Bribe, Blackmail, Murder their way to Controlling the Governments of the World.

Remember, Jews Have the Power to CREATE MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR via their Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank, and all Central Banks of countries.


Jews Can CREATE MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR = Jews Have Unlimited Money To Buy Anything and Anyone


And then Loan Billions of Dollars to Other Jews so that their Tribe can Buy Up Anything of Value

Ex: New York Real Estate, read the Real Deal dot com and see who owns all the Skyscrapers and Tenements in Manhattan.


6. Jews Take Over Ownership and Control of All Corporations In All Industries

In the US, every Fortune 500 Corporation is Owned, and Controlled by Jews.

Can you think of one industry that is not Majority Shareholder Jewish Owned, and CEO controlled by Jews? 


7. Jews Take Over The Narrative By Owning All Media

Jews own, control and front: TV Networks, Newspapers, Magazines, Textbook publishing, Hollywood TV and Movies, Porn, Search Engines, Social Media.

Same for the Judiciary, the Universities and Colleges.

Ex: Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan (Jewish). During her 18 years as dean of Harvard Law School, 84% of all the professors that she hired were Jewish. (Jews are 2% of the US Population)


>This is why the majority of people are sheeple because everything that they learn in school, the news that they read and watch every day, the drugs that they are told to take, the debts that they owe, the foods and pesticides that they eat, Are All Owned and Controlled by JEWS