Anonymous ID: 686452 Jan. 15, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.7823296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3373 >>3431 >>3485

>>7821587 LB

Respectfully, I think Q's statement on vax was disinfo. Just like a certain question that remains unanswered on this forum, vax is a dividing issue and one that I dont think the Q team wanted out there until much, much later. Vaccines are a religion and the public treats them as so. I once did too, and now live and breathe in regret. We have to think for ourselves. How can injecting aluminium, mercury, polyethylene glycol, formaldehyde, DNA of other species, MSG….be good for a child in any amount? Mercury is the second most toxic substance on earth after plutonium. Why did the powers that be lie about it's removal? Spreading them out may cause less autism, but there are so many more things going wrong with children beyond that. Research EVERY SINGLE SHOT and you will find the same corrupt bullshit studies for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

When your kid gets sick from vaccines and you want to get them truly better, you would not belive the unbearable financial, emotional, and social costs. They get in your way every way that they can because there is much to hide here. So much that it may be part of the information that we may never be privy to. They know. They have always known what they do.