Anonymous ID: 771558 Jan. 15, 2020, 1:19 p.m. No.7823167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3210

I'm going over the code of ethics in California besides Gavin not following federal laws, he's broke just about every ethic code California has..

(1) Conflict of interest Cal. Gov Code §§ 87100, 87103

(2) Self Dealing (PG&E) Cal. Gov. Code §1090

(3) Using official position to advance private future employment Cal. Gov. Code §§87406 et seq.

(4) Use of public resources for private or political purposes Cal. Gov. Code §8314;

(5) Misappropriation of public funds (Giving taxpayers funds to illegals) Cal. Pen Code §424

(6) Use of public resources on ballot measure or candidate related activities (Stole public funding for roads to further his agenda on the global warming scam) Cal. Gov. Code §54964

(7) Non disclosure of economic interests (Global warming scam) Cal. Gov. Code §§87200 et seq.

(8) Failure to conduct government business in the open The Brown Act: Gov. Code §§ 54950 et seq.

(9) Failure to treat all members of the public in a fair and unbiased manner. (Ignores citizens steals our money for invaders) Common law and constitutional notions of due process

(10) Vote trading Cal. Penal Code §86

(11) Making decisions based on campaign contribution bias (PG&E) Cal. Gov. Code 84308

(12) Involving agency staff in political activities

(Global warming scam, Illegals etc) Ca.l Gov. Code §§3204; 3205; 3205.5; 3206; 3207; 3302; 8314

(13) Unfair contractual bidding practices (contracts are awarded to other members of the California mafia) See California Public Contracting Code

(14) Retaliation against whistle blowers (Planned parenthood retaliation) Cal. Labor Code §§1102.5, 1102.6 ,1102.7, 1102.8, 1103, 1106

All Californians need to file a ethics complaint!!!!!