Anonymous ID: 8584fb Jan. 15, 2020, 1:46 p.m. No.7823373   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I recall the whole thing about Dr. Wakefield and his study linking MMR to autism.

Years ago, before the film and such, went and listened to a youtube where he discussed his study, the research, etc.

It was honest, open, and made very good sense.

Also, what he was saying did NOT AT ALL align with how he was being mischaracterized by MSM. It was obvious to me, and I believed Dr. Wakefield.


Also, have heard some real horror stories about infants after vax with serious problems.

The Moms don't even report it! Don't make the connection! If they do call the Dr., the Dr. just says not to worry.

Therefore, adverse reactions are WAY under-reported, so stats aren't at all accurate.

Ok, enough of a rant.

Anonymous ID: 8584fb Jan. 15, 2020, 1:54 p.m. No.7823431   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Another angle is the Polio vaccine and its shady history, and link to SV40 and cancer.

Research Dr. Michele Carbone (who U Hawaii drove out of their labs! - or another university lab in Honalulu).

He demonstrated a link to SV40 and that the cancer can lie dormant for 30, 40, 50 years in our body, waiting for the right time to manifest.

Plenty of data on this and where it came from actually.

He also showed the link to Mesothelioma outside of asbestos, but the lawyers were already having a hay-day with class-action asbestos suits, so that is another reason Dr. Carbone was sacrificed. Some truly amazing work he was doing, not sure what he's up to now.


Would this truth, it fully known and acknowledged - send 99% to the hospital?? (for the cure that is also likely known by now!).