Anonymous ID: b25bb4 Jan. 15, 2020, 2:04 p.m. No.7823523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3549


>speculated that “if these events are real and not just due to oddities in the detector, then they could be pointing to physics beyond the Standard Model.”

Keywords to point out.





Also worth noting that there are several flaws in the "standard model" that is long overdue for revision. However, the powers that be have clung to outdated concepts, while further retarding the field by adding new hypothesis to every




they come across in their "studies", as noted here


>says that for the mystery to be solved, scientists will most likely “have to wait for the next generation of experiments, which will increase exposure and sensitivity, to get a clear understanding of this anomaly.”


Which again points reminds us that we need to send more money to get them "the next generation of equipment". Hence, the need to use the stupid catch phrases like

Ghost Particle

to sell readers on the idea that this idea is cool, and we should gibs them as much money as possible before we get attacked by scary "ghost particles" or whatever…