Anonymous ID: d7649f Jan. 15, 2020, 1:21 p.m. No.7823189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3267 >>3406

Epstein Trafficked Girls As Recently As 2018 - Some As Young As 11, According To Lawsuit By Virgin Islands AG


Jeffrey Epstein trafficked and sexually abused girls as young as eleven years old, as recently as 2018, according to a new lawsuit filed against the late pedophile's estate by Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise N. George.


The lawsuit claims that girls as young as 11 and 12 were brought to his private estate in the Virgin Islands, known as Little Saint James (or simply 'pedo island') - where former President Bill Clinton and other high-profile guests reportedly vacationed, according to several Epstein accusers. Epstein kept a computerized database to track the availability and movements of his victims, according to the New York Times.

Anonymous ID: d7649f Jan. 15, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.7823198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3218 >>3347 >>3446 >>3575 >>3652

Pelosi Caught Lying From the House Floor About Transcript of President Trump’s Phone Call to Zelensky


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday lied from the House floor about what Trump said during his July 25 phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.


Pelosi named impeachment managers on Wednesday morning ahead of the House vote.


The Speaker spread more lies about Trump’s call with Zelensky and claimed Trump said “do me a favor.”


“He could say to the president, ‘do me a favor,’ do me a favor…what is this ‘do me a favor?'” Pelosi said from the House floor.


The transcript, which President Trump released several months ago, clearly shows President Trump said, “do us a favor.”


The President said “us” meaning the country — he did not say “me.”


Both Pelosi and Schiff have lied about what President Trump said on his call to Zelensky.


Schiff previously fabricated Trump’s phone call with Zelensky in his opening statement during a congressional hearing.


Schiff AGAIN invented fake quotes from President Trump during his Soviet-style show trial as Alexander Vindman testified.


“What does the president say? I want you to investigate the Bidens and this debunked conspiracy theory pushed by Vladimir Putin that also helps my reelection,” Schiff said ‘quoting’ President Trump.


President Trump said nothing of the sort, but what should we expect from the serial liar Adam Schiff and now he’s the lead manager in the impeachment trial.


Had enough yet, America?

Anonymous ID: d7649f Jan. 15, 2020, 1:24 p.m. No.7823204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3347 >>3446 >>3575 >>3652

US Prepares To Cut All Military Aid If Iraq Asks Troops To Leave


Days after the Soleimani assassination and a move in Iraq's parliament to begin the process of expelling American forces from the country, Trump issued threats of severe economic reprisal against Baghdad should it move forward with booting US troops. "We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that’s there. It cost billions of dollars to build. Long before my time. We’re not leaving unless they pay us back for it," he said at the time in an initial veiled threat.


And now the US State Department has confirmed it and the Pentagon are preparing to cut all $250 million of foreign military aid for Iraq from the 2020 military aid budget already approved. Further they've already requested the budged office should prepare to additionally cut $100 million from the 2021 request.


There are currently some 5,300 American soldiers stationed in Iraq, ostensibly as part of the 'anti-ISIL coaltion' — however Pentagon priorities have shifted to "curtailing Iran" in the region after the dramatic recent events which have seen the US and Iran clash both directly and indirectly via Iraq's paramilitary Shia proxies.


The Wall Street Journal reports that while no final decision to cut the aid has been made, emails confirm it's being discussed and planned for at the highest levels:


The State Department and the Department of Defense have discussed the military assistance funds in emails reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. The emails indicate that the State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs is working to cut all $250 million in funds under the U.S. foreign military financing program for Iraq for the current fiscal year.


As a reminder of where things stand and America's "popularity" or lack thereof inside Iraq, parliament already voted to expel US troops and all foreign forces in a clearly decisive 170-0 vote. However, that vote only began or initiated the political process.


Since 2017 Washington has given $250 million annually in military aid to the Iraqis, most of which goes back into purchases of US defense hardware, as well as training and other military support efforts.


"Cutting or reallocating the military-financing funding, which is appropriated by lawmakers to allow Iraq to purchase American military equipment, would require approval from Mr. Trump, as well as congressional notification, and the State Department is currently working on all necessary steps, the emails indicate," the WSJ report continues.

Anonymous ID: d7649f Jan. 15, 2020, 1:26 p.m. No.7823223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3234

First Cousins Who Married Each Other and Are Having a Baby Say Their Relationship Is Not Strange


A Utah man and woman who married in spite of their being first cousins are now expecting their first child together. People have told the couple that what they are doing is “gross” and “they will burn in Hell,” they say. Marrying your cousin is illegal in many states including Utah, where they live. So they tied the knot in Colorado.

Anonymous ID: d7649f Jan. 15, 2020, 1:28 p.m. No.7823230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3248

Nebraska HS Teacher & Student Arrested In Child Exploitation Scheme


GRAND ISLAND, Neb. — A central Nebraska high school student, and a teacher at his school, were arrested Tuesday on charges related to child pornography.


Brian Mohr, 37, a teacher at Northwest High School in Grand Island, Nebraska, was taken into custody at his residence. A 17-year-old Northwest High School student was also taken into custody.


The arrests are in relation to a case in which it is alleged that the student obtained elicit images of other minors via a social media ruse, and then used some of those images to coerce them into performing sexual acts and to provide additional images. Those images were then allegedly shared with Mohr. Numerous images have been identified as students at the school where Mohr is employed.


The student suspect was arrested on charges of 1st degree sexual assault, human trafficking of a minor, unlawful intrusion, and multiple counts of distribution of child pornography. Mohr was arrested as a suspect in multiple counts of possession of child pornography. All the charges are classified as felonies.

Anonymous ID: d7649f Jan. 15, 2020, 1:29 p.m. No.7823242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3254 >>3255

West Virginia Invites Virginia 2A Counties to Join The Mountain State


The plot thickens with the 2A battle in Virginia.


West Virginia is now early in the process of inviting Virginia’s counties to secede and be annexed to West Virginia.


WSET reports that the first official invitation has been delivered to Frederick County, VA.


The West Virginia Senate adopted a resolution by voice vote Monday to remind residents of Frederick County, Virginia, that the county has a standing invite — from 1862 — to become part of West Virginia. It now goes to the House of Delegates.


The resolution was introduced by Morgan County Republican Charles Trump, whose district borders Frederick County. Trump was born in Winchester, the seat of Frederick, which is Virginia’s northernmost county.


A message left for Frederick County Board of Supervisors chairman at large Chuck DeHaven wasn’t immediately returned Monday. But he told the Herald-Mail of Hagerstown, Maryland, last week that Frederick County has no interest in becoming part of West Virginia.

Anonymous ID: d7649f Jan. 15, 2020, 1:32 p.m. No.7823260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3347 >>3446 >>3575 >>3652

Dead People, Illegal Aliens, and Non-Residents Lose Their Voting Rights in Wisconsin


Voter fraud is a really big issue in battleground states. And, it seems like one party is benefiting from this more than the other is. Nationwide, Democrats are trying to get Driver’s Licenses for illegal aliens, saying that somehow… their having a Driver’s License will make the roads safer.


Conservatives know that is a tall pile of steaming fertilizer. Dems just want illegals to get licenses, because, that’s also a quick and dirty way to get an illegal registered to vote.


The DL looks just like any other legal citizens’ DL, and once they are on the voter rolls, all they have to do is show up at the polls, flash that DL and they can vote. Illegally.


FORTUNATELY, there are still some people out there that believe in Democracy, the sanctity of the voting booth, and the laws that protect both.


One of those people is Ozaukee County Circuit Court Judge Paul Malloy. Ozaukee County is a small county of just 86,000 people in Wisconsin, bordering Lake Michigan and is 15 miles north of Milwaukee.


Wisconsin is also one of those battleground states. Trump won the popular vote in 2016 by a mere 20,000 vote margin. Less than a half percent of the population.


What Judge Paul Malloy is fighting for, is to get up to 234,000 voters that “may have moved”, off the rolls by the Primaries this year. You don’t have to be a math whiz to see that number of questionable voters is TEN TIMES the margin that Trump won with. That number is 4% of Wisconsin’s population.


A conservative law firm, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL), brought the case to Judge Malloy on behalf of 3 voters. They argued that these 230,000+ voters, who did not respond to an October mailer within 30 days and were flagged as potentially moved, should be removed from the voter rolls immediately.


The Wisconsin state elections commission, a bipartisan group, was deadlocked on removing the “moved voters” and fought the lawsuit. They argue the law gives it the power to decide how to manage the voter registration list.


They of course want to wait until after the Presidential election before removing anyone. Their claim is those identified as having moved, may not have moved and removing them would create confusion.


The commission weakly stated that leaving a registered voter on the polls, does not mean they will actually commit fraud by voting at their old address. Funny concept since ACTUALLY REMOVING THEM will ACTUALLY MEAN they CANNOT commit fraud. No second-guessing necessary.

Anonymous ID: d7649f Jan. 15, 2020, 1:35 p.m. No.7823281   🗄️.is 🔗kun

VIDEO: Ex-Israeli General Admits to Arming, Aiding Islamicist Syrian ‘Rebels’


Israel’s ex-general Gadi Eisenkot admits publicly that Israel helped Syrian ‘rebel’ groups in many ways, financially, militarily, logistically.

Anonymous ID: d7649f Jan. 15, 2020, 1:38 p.m. No.7823307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3446 >>3575 >>3652

Judge Rules for Prosecution – Victims Can Speak at Raniere’s Sentencing Without Revealing Names to Public


This is going to open up Pandora’s box – and the line may be out the door – at Keith Alan Raniere’s sentencing.


The lineup of victims that is – who will come to speak to the judge prior to him sentencing the criminal leader of Nxivm.


The judge – Nicholas G. Garaufis – has ruled that victims can step forward and tell the court what Raniere did to them – without having to reveal their full names to the public and the media that will undoubtedly be in attendance for this – what will be a marathon event.


The judge had to make a substantive decision – for, quite frankly, if he ruled the other way – that victims had to reveal their full names – – that instead of perhaps more than a hundred victims coming forward to tell tales of horror – there might have been only a handful.


The ruling also applies to other Nxivm defendants.


However, please note that only Kathy Russell has been scheduled for sentencing – January 28. Clare Bronfman is tentatively scheduled for February 14 – a date that will likely be postponed.


The other three defendants – Allison Mack, and Lauren and Nancy Salzman – have not had sentencing dates scheduled – which has inclined some – including this writer – to speculate that they may be witnesses in an ongoing investigation into the many high crimes of the Bronfman-Raniere criminal enterprise.


The judge’s ruling was fairly brief – and here it is in full:

Anonymous ID: d7649f Jan. 15, 2020, 1:39 p.m. No.7823318   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turkey Deploys 2000 al Qaeda Militants to Libya to Fight Haftar


Turkey and the Tripoli regime claim “it ain’t so,” bit it is. Turkey is shipping terrorists by the thousands to Libya to free that nation from what looks like a CIA backed coup.


In fact, every faction inside Libya is backed by a different American Deep State capo. That’s what gangsters are like it seems.


The US backed Tripoli government, and Trump is backing Haftar and his army of Russian mercenaries fighting the US backed government (no, you can’t make stuff like this up) has “rented” thus far 2000 al Qaeda jihadists who had previously been fighting with and against ISIS, the US, Syria, Russia but always aligned to either Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel, one, two or all three, depending on what day of the week it is.


The terrorist jihadists are being paid $2000 a month, more than 4 times what they were receiving from Saudi Arabia and Israel while working with the White Helmets to murder Syrian civilians and will now, undoubtedly, gain a foothold for ISIS and al Qaeda inside Libya as they had in both Syria and Iraq.


The Erdogan regime has promised all the jihadists Turkish citizenship when they are finished in Libya.


Guardian: Turkey or will arrive imminently to fight on the battlefields of Libya, Syrian sources in all three countries have said, in an unprecedented development that threatens to further complicate the north African state’s intractable civil war.


The deployment came after Turkey agreed last month to come to the aid of the Libyan prime minister, Fayez al-Sarraj, who is backed by the UN, in the face of a months-long campaign by his rival, the warlord Khalifa Haftar.


Ankara has supported the Syrian opposition since the early days of the battle against the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, even as the original Free Syrian Army umbrella group grew weak and splintered because of infighting and the growth of Islamist elements within rebel ranks. (understatement) Turkey now uses some rebel fighters as proxies against Kurdish-led forces despite allegations of human rights abuses from watchdogs.”


Tripoli is supported by the US, part of it at least and a number of VT personnel as well who run the central bank among other things while Haftar is a fascinating guy, longtime CIA asset, an American citizen, supposedly supported by Russia, France and the UAE.


A month ago, 3000 Sudanese joined Haftar’s forces though Sudan is nominally controlled by Washington.


If you know less, or perhaps nothing, after reading this, then you understand totally.

Anonymous ID: d7649f Jan. 15, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.7823620   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the way to legally introduce evidence against them [cabal] is by


getting a bunch of internet researchers to find the proof and bring it to one location thus bypassing the questionable means by which said evidence was garnered by the white hats in Gov