Anonymous ID: 09cedf Jan. 15, 2020, 2:43 p.m. No.7823866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3946 >>3964 >>3972 >>3981 >>4003 >>4035 >>4096

Anon: You sent for me, Q?

Qanon: Tell me again, Anon, why are we here?

Anon: For God and Country, Q.

Qanon: Ah, yes.

Do you see that map, Anon?

That is the Map which I created,


For years I have come here, to drop crumbs expand your thinking Anon.


I have known 3 years of meme war, 3 years of a Trump.

I brought the sword.

Anon: DoItQ!

Qanon: Please. Please, don't call me that.

Please, come sit. Let us talk together now, very simply, as men Q&A, talk.

Anon:10 thousand Breads, my men are out there in the freezing mud. Three thousand of them are are making Memes. Two thousand will never leave this place.

I will not believe that they fought for nothing.

Qanon: And what would you believe? Anon: They fought for you and for USA.

Qanon: And what is the USA, Anon?

Anon: I've seen much of the rest of the world. It is brutal and cruel and dark, America is the light.

Qanon: Yet you have never been there. You have not seen what it could become.

When a man sees his end… he wants to know there was some purpose to his life. How will the world speak my name in years to come?

Will I be known as the a Baker? The Meme warrior? Q…? Or will I bring dark to light? who had awakened millions and given the USA its true self?

There was once a dream that was the republic.

You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish… it was so fragile. Anon, let us whisper now, together, you and I.

You have a son. Tell me about your home.

Anon: My house is in the hills . A very simple place. Pinkstones that warm in the sun. A kitchen garden that smells of herbs in the day, jasmine in the evening. Through the gate is a giant poplar. Figs, apples, pears. The soil, Q- black. Black like my wife's hair.

Grapes on the south slopes, olives on the north.

Wild ponies play near my house.

They tease my son. He wants to be one of them.

Qanon: Remember the last time you were home? Anon:, 820 days, and this morning.

Qanon: I envy you, Anon. It's a good home. Worth fighting for.

There is one more duty that I ask of you before you go home.

Anon: What would you have me do, Q?

Qanon: I want you to become the News. I will empower you to one end alone: To give power back to the people of the republic and end the corruption that has crippled it. Will you accept this great honor I have offered you?

Anon: With all my heart.