Anonymous ID: 1ac5c3 Jan. 15, 2020, 2:34 p.m. No.7823777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3956

I listen to the X22 Report occasionally, recently I notice Dave has been mispronouncing words or saying a wrong word, it seems clear that he’s reading from a script. Nothing wrong with that, But if he wrote the script you’d think he’d know what it says next and not make so many mistakes.

I’ve wondered how he figures things out in such a logical and seemingly accurate way, presenting 2 shows day after day.

He used to push an economic collapse pretty hard but he doesn’t anymore except perhaps in his paid advert messages.

I think he’s got help writing his shows.

Not saying it’s Q directly but surely Q+ and MI are seeding info to Hannity, Carlson, Solomon, Fitton and others.

Anonymous ID: 1ac5c3 Jan. 15, 2020, 3:26 p.m. No.7824249   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I love the posts that stand on their own.

Well stated but no, I don’t think the timing depends on us.

Everything has been run through every possible outcome on quantum computers, that’s probably more accurate than looking glass but they use that too.

All that combined with patriots in control through many of these minions of satan already having been tribunaled, There’s very little room for variation from the planned timeline.

One thing I wonder is what was the Pelosi impeachment handover timed for? Astrological?

Since all the myths and legends are based on the constelations I wonder if The Legend Of Trump and Q will be or already is written in the heavens?

Anonymous ID: 1ac5c3 Jan. 15, 2020, 3:27 p.m. No.7824265   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I love the posts that stand on their own.

Well stated but no, I don’t think the timing depends on us.

Everything has been run through every possible outcome on quantum computers, that’s probably more accurate than looking glass but they use that too.

All that combined with patriots in control through many of these minions of satan already having been tribunaled, There’s very little room for variation from the planned timeline.

One thing I wonder is what was the Pelosi impeachment handover timed for? Astrological?

Since all the myths and legends are based on the constelations I wonder if The Epic Legend Of Trump and Q will be or already is written in the heavens?