Anonymous ID: b944e1 Jan. 15, 2020, 2:33 p.m. No.7823769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3818 >>3849 >>4179

Another Antarctica slide?


>>7823314 (pb)

>However, the issue with the neutrinos found in the data cited by researchers is that they carry extremely large amounts of energy, meaning that they should theoretically interact with other particles on our planet, but somehow don't.


" is that they carry extremely large amounts of energy,"


key statement. if they were confident that this is the in fact the case, then they would have to have a transducer to convert the "ghost energy" into something useful. The fact that they don't likely means their data is hinged on nonsense theory and flawed mathematics like "dark energy" (which has been largely disproven).


>>7823523 (pb)

>Which again points reminds us that we need to send more money to get them "the next generation of equipment". Hence, the need to use the stupid catch phrases like

>Ghost Particle

>to sell readers on the idea that this idea is cool, and we should gibs them as much money as possible before we get attacked by scary "ghost particles" or whatever…




Hey guise, tell your slide creators to bring back "the Hollow Earth Theory" At least that one was fun and interesting. Getting really bored and burned out with ghosts and Nazi aliens.