Anonymous ID: e31506 Jan. 15, 2020, 2:27 p.m. No.7823709   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3970 >>4029 >>4087 >>4114 >>4188 >>4192 >>4212 >>4249 >>4255 >>4257 >>4265 >>4412 >>4413 >>4446

Couple of thoughts came up reading the American Thinker article explaining the Q phenomenon.


We know that Trump has an agenda, he has stated it clearly and repeatedly. We Know?/Think/Hope he has allies to help him implement his agenda against seemingly insurmountable odds.

We know that a lot of the roll out of the agenda has been run thru game theory, polls, and surveillance of places like the chans.

I have my own theory that's taking shape.


We're more important to Q than Q is to us.


I believe the roll out is being in large part determined by our reactions not only to Q's drops, but our reactions to what is called news, but we know is mostly propaganda or advertising.

"The Plan" might have taken years or decades to put together but the only variable they couldn't predict was public reaction and the speed with which the public would get onboard. This is the essence of the great awakening. When Q says "we are the news now" he/she/they mean it literally.


The hive mind was self organizing long before Q came along. We had our fun with OWS, calling in air strikes, HWNDU, Bikelock Fag and the battles of Berkely. Things took a different turn though with Pizzagate, the murder of Seth Rich and finally, the Las Vegas shootings. Anon's coalesced around a central truth that "This is bull shit" and just like that, decided we weren't going to take it anymore.

Threads, just like this one, started popping up and taking on a life of their own like /pol/ptg is now. Permanent fixtures on the chans.


Las Vegas was 10/01/2017. In a matter of days anon's had seen through all the bullshit that was being dished out and dug up their own facts. Helicopter on the roof, Saudi Royals, White Hats busting up some bad shit, multiple shooters, multiple locations, armed exfiltrations of whales, weapons types, forensic analysis of the crime scene photos, eyewitness's with their own stories, compromised employees in the hotels, life history of supposed perp, Janet Airlines, Indonesian girlfriends, shit, anon's had the "official story" drawn, quartered and vivisected so fast that they had to clamp down the entire story. Gagged the entire MSM so hard they still haven't come up.


"Someone" saw this and realized they had the perfect device to gauge the pace of the rollout and take down of "Those you were taught to trust the most".

I think what we now call the Q team made a crucial decision that October. POTUS was made to appear to be floundering. Bad decisions on staffing, policy, tweeting etc were hammered on daily by the MSM. "They" had to do something, and fast.

FBI anon had already tested the waters and tipped us to the fact that not only were they watching but others were too. I believe that the Q team decided to take a chance that the chans were obscure enough for plausible deniability but influential enough to become the vehicle to bring the agenda to the light.

It's been said before, but the shills are an integral part of this. Without them going bonkers when we're "over the target", decision makers would have only half the information they need to gauge the speed of the rollout/takedown.

Now they/we have created a decision making ecosystem that Q team can use observing us, the protagonists, and the shills, the antagonists and judge in real time the impact of their actions.


If we complain about the speed of the rollout/takedown, "muh,no arrests", it's on us. We are the throttle and the brakes on this train.

Anonymous ID: e31506 Jan. 15, 2020, 3:26 p.m. No.7824247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4269 >>4290


>Meaning what? If anons stop bitching arrests can start?

No. It means the harder we work to awaken the public the sooner it will happen. Meme, pray, post, dig, call and write. Q team got a lucky break with us. We are working hard with people around the world to expose and unseat the cabal but it won't happen with only 7 bakers and half hearted memes. Like I said, it's on us.