Anonymous ID: 089e8c Jan. 15, 2020, 3:57 p.m. No.7824584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4776 >>4818 >>4868 >>4957 >>5113 >>5153 >>5187

Republicans Block Pay Raise For House Members


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and fellow Republicans blocked the planned vote on a proposed 2.6% pay raise for members of the House of Representatives.

House Republicans took a stand against what many consider government waste this week by blocking a vote on a measure that would raise the current pay for some lawmakers on Capitol Hill.


The increase, part of Congress’ fiscal budget plan for next year, would have amounted to roughly $4,500 per year and was put forth by Democrats in the House last mont


Pay for House members is currently $174,000 annually.


News of Republican opposition to the bill came on Tuesday when House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Ca) told House Majority Leader Stany Hoyer (D-Md) that there was virtually no support for an increase from either House or Senate Republicans.


Without any support from the Republican-held Senate or Republican members of the House, Democrats decided to remove the measure’s language from the budget proposal as lawmakers finalize next year’s Congressional budget.