Anonymous ID: 0c5b8d Jan. 15, 2020, 4:16 p.m. No.7824776   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4813


>>7824488 d'oh

>>7824620 baker depart


notables, not endorsements.

>>7824545, >>7824607, >>7824700 quake anon on kansas and oklahoma and overall hazards

>>7824544 resignation anon update

>>7824557, >>7824580 pf reports

>>7824569 Buttigieg's cybersecurity chief leaves campaign

>>7824584 Republicans Block Pay Raise For House Members

>>7824608 Sudan spy chief quits after mutiny crushed

>>7824642 Child porn charge for former Malvern school counselor

>>7824745 Federal Judge Orders Justice Department to Explain Why Awan Documents Are Being Kept Secret



he goneโ€ฆ.got the notes

all yours.

Anonymous ID: 0c5b8d Jan. 15, 2020, 4:53 p.m. No.7825113   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



notables, not endorsements.

>>7824545, >>7824607, >>7824700 quake anon on kansas and oklahoma and overall hazards

>>7824544 resignation anon update

>>7824557, >>7824580 pf reports

>>7824569 Buttigieg's cybersecurity chief leaves campaign

>>7824584 Republicans Block Pay Raise For House Members

>>7824608 Sudan spy chief quits after mutiny crushed

>>7824642 Child porn charge for former Malvern school counselor

>>7824745 Federal Judge Orders Justice Department to Explain Why Awan Documents Are Being Kept Secret

>>7824778, >>7824811, >>7824831, >>7824864, >>7824923, >>7825029 John Bolton spotted walking down empty street in Qatar-citizenfreepress

>>7824928, >>7824952, >>7825014 - Dept. of Energy soft discloses ability to differ between real and deep fake

>>7825057 Guatemalan leader says Mexico plans to contain new caravan


>>7824841 a reminder


