Anonymous ID: 103c10 Jan. 15, 2020, 3:52 p.m. No.7824545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4607 >>4776 >>5113 >>5153 >>5187

The Kansas earthquake monitoring site shows a couple of 2.2 quakes this month.


The very existence of this site suggests that the risks are higher than most people realize.

Anonymous ID: 103c10 Jan. 15, 2020, 3:58 p.m. No.7824607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4700 >>4776 >>4917 >>5113 >>5153 >>5165 >>5187



Even worse, Kansas gets man-made earthquakes.


Now what if you look at the wastewater injection a different way, Think of it as lubrication injected into fault lines

making them susceptible to slippage

What happens when a natural cluster of seismic activity comes along because earthquakes on the fault line increase pressure for slippage further north?


We just had a cluster of quakes in Oklahoma.

Anonymous ID: 103c10 Jan. 15, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.7824700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4776 >>4839 >>5113 >>5153 >>5187



Here is a 2015 view of Earthquake hazards


Take a good look at Kansas


What if a major DUMB along the faultline needs to be taken out, with explosives, and there is likely to be roof collapse of the cavern?


That can trigger earthquakes and with the faultline lubricated, BOOOOM!!!.


Now look at the military assessment. If this is an important target for National Security, and will prevent the loss of millions of lives by shutting down a rogue nuclear bomb making facility, then the risk to Kansas could be acceptable.


After all, why were so many Iranian engineers travelling back to Canada/USA area after the Soleimani funeral. Could it be that their main nuclear weapons research facility is IN THE USA UNDERGROUND???

Mind blowing but remember the Cabal 16 year plan

Anonymous ID: 103c10 Jan. 15, 2020, 4:23 p.m. No.7824839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4945 >>4968



What is triggering the shills so much on this bread?

Color shill

Divorce shill

Other shills as well

Are we onto something with Kansas?

Do they know that the IRGC sleepers are planning some kind of USA-destruction event to happen Right In The Center of the USA?




Now ask yourself, who came up with the idea of pumping oily fracking wastewater into the Humboldt fault?

Was their intention always to trigger a big earthquake?

Is this why the IRGC has been chanting Death to the USA for decades?

Part of a Satanic spell for success of their nefarious plans.


What if Uranium One was all a headfake, and the exported powder was harmless yellow paint?

The real uranium was kept in the USA and processed to build NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN KANSAS in DUMBs, Deep Underground Iranian Military Bases.


Anonymous ID: 103c10 Jan. 15, 2020, 4:27 p.m. No.7824876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4965



Who hates Jews the most?


IRGC, Hezbollah and Muslim Brotherhood.


So who do you think is shilling us here?

If you say that it is Clowns In America, then let me just remind you of John Brennan, the Muslim head of the CIA. What kind of rogue BLACK Ops might he have been involved in.


Resident Evil

Was not a computer game.

It was a description of the infiltrators within

Who were planning the destruction of the USA.