Anonymous ID: 55175d Jan. 15, 2020, 4:17 p.m. No.7824778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4803 >>4811 >>5032 >>5113 >>5153 >>5187

BIZZARE — John Bolton spotted walking down empty street in Qatar…

YOU decide is that John Bolton? Sure looks like him to me…

Anonymous ID: 55175d Jan. 15, 2020, 4:22 p.m. No.7824826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ANTIFA schoolteacher exposed…


In a show of incompetence, the CBC’s 5th Estate has accidentally released the identity of a longtime Antifa informant. This is someone who works with, employs, and shares information with the members and supporters of the violent Antifa movement.



The CBC was intending to cooperate with Phillips to conceal his identity, however when facial images were matched up, none other than Kurt Phillips, a Catholic School teacher in Drumheller Alberta was exposed as the mastermind behind ARC Collective.



ARC is a blog that was curated by Phillips until he recently resigned after his mask was removed. Phillips’ blog has shared the personal information, addresses, photos of homes, names, and faces of people who Phillips unilaterally determines are “fascists.”



Rebel News sent Phillips a list of questions with hopes to get his side of the story, however they were ignored. The school was quick to stand by Phillips – Principal JoAnne Akerboom insists Phillips is politically neutral and doesn’t bring his personal activism to the classroom. Tweets posted by an account bearing his name and photo appear to contradict the assertion he is neutral.



As for personal activism in to the classroom, that also seems to be untrue, as Phillips’ blog routinely posts defamatory content, during hours he is supposed to be teaching students. One might wonder how much taxpayer funded time Phillips is using to research, write, edit, and publish information that is fed to Antifa, an organization the President has considered labeling a terrorist group.