Anonymous ID: 598581 Jan. 15, 2020, 4:55 p.m. No.7825138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5182 >>5218

>>7823709 (lb)


Impressive! An anon who looks at the big picture!


I have watched this board intently since Feb 2018 when I came across it via Twitter #qanon hashtag.


I am a political junkie and scan large amounts of news feeds, twits, entertainment and other areas of interest. At first I was highly skeptical of what I was seeing. This could be an attempt by the deep state to collect a list of "patriots" for targeting and possible elimination - think Behold a Pale Horse. Many posts by Q gave me pause due to statements like this one:


We are going to show you a new world.

Those who are blind will soon see the light.

A beautiful brave new world lies ahead.

We take this journey together.

One step at a time.


While written to sound like it came from the Bible and has religious connotations, if read from a purely secular reference has a completely different meaning.


This could easily be Hillary and camp "posing" to get a feel for the opposition.


Over time, I became less of a skeptic as I began to see predicted results appear ever so slowly in the alternative news outlets and with select twits I follow. I also watched as the MSM regurgitated all over themselves how this was a LARP, a conspiracy, not to be believed! This told me all I needed to know - Q and the anons are absolutely over the target and are dropping 5000 lb bombs all over the "cabal". OK - you really have my attention now!


Until came online and Q started posting again.


Sorry, my frens. I have NOT bought into what is being posted under Q's tripcode since. Especially the last series that has the smell of a second year political operative at the helm. I made numerous posts in those breads while Q was posting and provided plenty of "wait a minute" back at Q. I was not alone - several other anons also picked up on the scam being played. Anons were not happy!


If you have not noticed but Q has not posted since that day. I believe this anon has an extremely valid point that the current leadership is testing the waters with its desired messaging and is acquiring messaging based on how this board reacts to it. The last messaging attempt was a horrific fail - go back and read the breads. I think this failure has pols on their heels. They take a poll and they know everything and run with it but without frequent updated communication with those who were polled, the pols soon leave the lane and crash into something.


I think this is what we saw last month.


I pray, I hope, for my families sake and my children's future that the person or persons representing Q, Q+ have not been playing a polling game but have been fine tuning the plan from the perspective of American Patriots for eventual execution within the next year.


Should this prove to be anything but, I fear this nation will devolve into an all-out civil war and it will do so in a friggin' hurry!


I am an old man, I am extremely unhappy with the state of our nation, I am being patient, but my patience is not endless. I am a small business owner, I make decent capital but I seriously run the risk of the loss of my home within months due to politicians helping themselves to the public till with no repercussions.