Anonymous ID: 85874e Jan. 15, 2020, 3:48 p.m. No.7824493   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Take note, boys

Once anything spiritual pops up, this place turns in to a literal dumpster fire.


>Just agree to the general consensus, goys!

Anonymous ID: 85874e Jan. 15, 2020, 3:56 p.m. No.7824575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4597 >>4605 >>4611 >>4680 >>4690 >>4709 >>4710 >>4796



for whatever reason, deviating from The Bible narrative sends this place in to a tailspin like no other.

It's like all of these newfags/boomers and reporters had no idea we've been digging on the hidden meanings of the bible and the occult for at least a decade…


If only everyone was more willing to listen than to speak (I guess I'm including myself now), then I think we'd all have an easier time undoing the programming.

It's like, you got this far. How are you still not open to questioning everything about your precious Religion?


Most don't even know that Religion comes from the Latin "Religare", meaning to bind.

They'll learn soon enough, I hope.

Anonymous ID: 85874e Jan. 15, 2020, 3:57 p.m. No.7824595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4616 >>4624


All the "fire-teacher" is is just an archetype.

So, I figured out what the faggots know and I'm here to tell you about it.

Too bad this is something they desperately desire we don't pursue. It makes it hard, not impossible, but difficult.

Anonymous ID: 85874e Jan. 15, 2020, 4:27 p.m. No.7824884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5008


"Jews" aren't what you think they are.

That whole "everyone isn't the same" trope you hear all of the time isn't just about the skin color, the skull size, or the DNA, even.

There's so much more to the whole scope of things. I understand this is hard. I can assure you though, friend, there is quite a bit under the surface you don't perceive.

Anonymous ID: 85874e Jan. 15, 2020, 4:34 p.m. No.7824943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5046


<uhh… no need to cover that!

<we… already covered it!

<talk about something else!


So, what do we do now? Just sit here?

Q and /ourguys/ gave us a fucking audience, brainlets.

We're supposed to redpill them once they grow balls and come here, reporters, shills, boomers, all of them.


You mean you guys still haven't fucking figured out how to play The Game?

Anonymous ID: 85874e Jan. 15, 2020, 4:43 p.m. No.7825017   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No, I just think those images are cool.

It's pretty funny that you're spinning this in to me "thinking I'm 'Christ'".

What in the niggers is even wrong with you guys?