Anonymous ID: bea9e4 Jan. 15, 2020, 4:18 p.m. No.7824796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4806 >>4828 >>4996



I posted these images here and /lb because we have ample evidence that our true history has been obfuscated and we've been taught to believe utter fabrications.

I believe the Bible remains the most important text in history, but we know it's been revised and edited by malicious actors at different stages. Most of us haven't actually mastered archaic Aramaic, Greek, Latin, & Hebrew, so it's a bit hubristic to say we comprehend the totality of the teachings.


How does one then commit to the title "Christian" and adhere to Biblical literalism if we accept these facts about the provenance & timeline of scriptural events?

I don't wish to attack or malign believers, I'm genuinely curious about what was the turning point in your life where you said "Ok, now I'm saved"


I recognize the dangers of absorbing occult doctrines and knowledge, but is it really our purpose to wash our hands of the pursuit of understanding the nuanced minutiae of reality?

My instinct tells me it's intellectually lazy and detrimental to accept the comfort of assuredness.

Time may prove me misguided though, it has in the past.