Anonymous ID: d129ef Jan. 15, 2020, 4:09 p.m. No.7824710   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5003 >>5151


It's because for many people their identity if bound up in it, so the same reaction occurs when Leftists are faced with facts, evidence, logic that challenge their beliefs. It really is the same thing. You can observe without participating and see that this is true for yourself - the same NPC responses, the other 'hall monitor' types who like to pretend they have some authority (because of their personal beliefs kek!) and speak for the board or all anons (or my favorite "REAL anons").


It's the exact same behavior, and because the same mechanism is at work (belief=identity) they actually cannot stand to even see others discuss ideas that are outside of their narrow view.


>for at least a decade…

Some for much longer than that. In fact, the newfags (not necessarily young) who have just encountered Bill Cooper (and hold him to be infallible) and Texe Marrs have no idea how wrong these two goodhearted, well-meaning and genuine men were, not out of malice or spite, they were ignorant and started with a very faulty premise so their conclusions are wrong. Unfortunately so many have built upon those and the errors are compounded each time.


It really is no use whatsoever to try to educate people like this though not because they are dumb or bad people but because fundamentally they don't want to know because it is actually terrifying to them. There is no more mooring and that is too scary.