Anonymous ID: e85fa1 Jan. 15, 2020, 4:23 p.m. No.7824835   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7824304 pb

>The hospital does not know me. SHE chose to do this after she saw what happened to me, and they asked HER what she was doing that was changing her blood, and her symptoms.


>Remember you are dealing with a medical doctor who is a real person, who is looking at something they have not seen. There are great docs out there who are threatened, but, some go ahead anyway. Brave, yes, but, humans are not institutions. This doc is a specialist in this rare disorder, and therefore cares for the worst cases in the world. Specialists are often the ones who break the walls down. No one else understands the complicated biology well enough to attack them while they are working. Even I am totally guessing about why it is working.


Aha…. gotcha bioanon


SPECIALISTS give a shit…. a GP wouldn't take the time to give a shit IMHO.