Anonymous ID: f2b9fd Jan. 15, 2020, 5:55 p.m. No.7825754   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Go West Virginia!

I can't believe this map.

Virginia citizens created 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties within a month (Green counties)

And now, West Virginia inviting these counties to become West Virginia counties?????


It would be the funniest thing EVER, if the state of Virginia totally disappeared, because every sanctuary county in green on this map, took West Virginia up on the offer due to Communist Democrat idiots writing laws allowing them to collect up the guns in Virginia.


Back to 49 states. "POOF!!!" Just like that.


Kek kek kek.

It is toooooo perfect.

Make a law to take guns, your whole state will disappear?

At'll teach'em.

I think.

Maybe not.

Can they learn even, really, ?? Maybe we should not assume a thing like this.