Anonymous ID: 55a828 Jan. 15, 2020, 8:54 p.m. No.7827201   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hah-Hah! Kook Lev Parnas Indicts Trump, Pence, Giuliani, Nunes and Bill Barr in His Crazed Appearance on MSNBC — AND DEMOCRATS BELIEVE THIS NUT!


Lev Parnas – Adam Schiff’s great Ukrainian Hope


On Monday Democrats released ‘notes’ by Lev Parnas that he claims show Rudy Giuliani ordered him to to call the President Zelensky of Ukraine and tell him aid would not be forthcoming if he didn’t agree to investigate the Bidens.


But this was not a new development.


This news was already reported in The New York Times back in November!

And Rush Limbaugh called it — Predicting in November that Democrats would come back and use Lev Parnas in their attacks on President Trump.

The legendary conservative radio host predicted on November 11th that indicted Ukrainian Lev Parnas will be the Democrats’ Great Ukrainian Hope.


On Wednesday night Rachel Maddow invited Lev Parnas on to discuss his evidence that will finally take down the Orange Man and his evil pro-American regime!


Parnas, an obscure Republican donor, indicted President Trump and Rudy Giuliani.


Full retard achieved

Anonymous ID: 55a828 Jan. 15, 2020, 8:55 p.m. No.7827211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7329

Marsha Blackburn Calls for Recusal of Democrat Presidential Candidates from Impeachment Process


Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) called for the recusal of four Democrat presidential candidates from the impeachment process against President Donald Trump on Wednesday after Speaker Nancy Pelosi signed the articles.


Blackburn said in an emailed statement:


Tomorrow, one hundred United States Senators will be sworn in to serve in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. Four of those Senators must recuse themselves for their unparalleled political interest in seeing this President removed from office.


These four Democrats, Senators Bennet, Klobuchar, Sanders, and Warren, cannot sit in judgment of the very President they seek to replace. To participate in this trial would be a failure of the oath they took to be an ‘impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws’. Their presidential ambitions prohibit their ability to view this trial through an objective lens.


In the email sent to her supporters, Blackburn noted:


In Andrew Johnson’s impeachment trial, an objection was lodged against an Ohio senator who was next in line to become President, if Johnson were removed.


Bill Hagerty, a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Tennessee, echoed Blackburn’s remarks, calling the impeachment process “a total political charade.”


“This impeachment process is a total political charade, and the Democrats are focused on two things: undoing the 2016 election and impacting the 2020 election,” Hagerty said in an email to supporters. “These radical liberals know they can’t beat President Trump at the ballot box, so they are attempting to remove him through the impeachment process. Senator Blackburn is exactly right, the four Democrat Senators running for President should recuse themselves.”

Anonymous ID: 55a828 Jan. 15, 2020, 8:59 p.m. No.7827240   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Roger Stone & Brandon Straka Back Laura Loomer’s Bid For Congress


Laura Loomer continues to pick up high-profile endorsements from big names in the America First movement as she builds a war chest to take on South Florida Democrat Lois Frankel in this year’s elections. Since announcing her intentions to take on the DC swamp, Loomer has shattered fundraising records and secured Trump’s former Florida state director as her lead campaign consultant.


Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer Wows Political Observers, Raises Over $150,000 in 3rd Quarter


In a statement obtained by TGP, Roger Stone, a seasoned political operative who helped shape President Donald Trump’s presidential ambitions decades ago, had this to say about Loomer’s candidacy. Stone was seen speaking on Loomer’s behalf just a few weeks ago in South Florida. Rush Limbaugh’s producer reportedly said that both he and El Rushbo would also support Loomer on election day with their votes.


FFS that's all we need moar you know (((who's))) in congress

Anonymous ID: 55a828 Jan. 15, 2020, 9:01 p.m. No.7827254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7280 >>7349 >>7426 >>7467

US to Provide Guatemala’s Private Sector With $1 Billion in Financing for Economic Development, Regional Security


GUATEMALA CITY—The United States will pump $1 billion into Guatemala’s private sector to spur investment and create jobs, the head of a U.S. government agency said on Wednesday.


The announcement came as the Central American country’s new president, Alejandro Giammattei, has been meeting with U.S. officials this week to discuss how to attract investment to stimulate economic growth and contain factors pushing migrants to the United States.


“It’s a billion dollars of financing from us, which should catalyze about $4 billion,” Adam Boehler, chief executive of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) told Reuters after he signed a memorandum of understanding.


“The United States and Guatemala share a commitment to building a more prosperous, stable, and secure Western Hemisphere.


“The MOU signed by our two countries today—which will create meaningful economic opportunities and improve the lives of the Guatemalan people—represents a milestone in our cooperative efforts to achieve this common vision.”


“DFC is committed to partnering with President Giammattei and his government to bolster private sector investment in Guatemala to create opportunity and lift up communities across the country.”


Full statement from @AdamUSDFC ➡️


— DFC (@DFCgov) January 15, 2020


By $4 billion, he was referring to projected multiplier effects of the private sector financing. The potential scope of the deal was not previously known.

Anonymous ID: 55a828 Jan. 15, 2020, 9:05 p.m. No.7827283   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>>7827171 (NABU) to launch a probe into seizure of government power and corruption suspicions. (names OBAMA!)




Notable during day shift

Anonymous ID: 55a828 Jan. 15, 2020, 9:08 p.m. No.7827299   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Protests over citizenship law in India prove liberal elites only like democracy if they agree with the results


Protests in India over a controversial citizenship amendment law have curiously exposed the duplicity of liberals when it comes to their commitment to democracy.


Left-backed student unions and Muslim groups have been up in arms over a law that they perceive to be “anti-Muslim.” Backing up this protest movement, liberal Indians have revealed their cards.


For the youth to resist the charms of “revolution” — to be angry without a cause and bask in the romance and idealism of protests is fine. Such a phenomenon is common across the world — and examples abound in India’s own past. Pragmatism is usually a post-facto realization for the young.


As British conservative thinker, polymath and philosopher Roger Scruton said of the 1968 student agitation in Paris, an event that shaped his political thinking: “What I saw was an unruly mob of self-indulgent middle-class hooligans” uttering “ludicrous Marxist gobbledegook.”


Sir Roger died on Sunday, but he would have taken a forgiving view of student activism: Reason will dawn on them.


In contrast, liberal anger against Modi is cynical. It is politics by proxy. Led by the power brokers and elites who had been at the heart of India’s power structure for decades since Independence but now have been cast aside.


As author Pankaj Mishra describes in Bloomberg: “Deeply united by caste (uniformly upper), class (upper to middle), education (mostly Western), marriage and profession, this elite was originally entrusted with the task of modernizing India’s peasant society by Jawaharlal Nehru… Then, under the patronage of his daughter Indira Gandhi, the community came to accumulate more cultural and intellectual capital than any self-interested group in the country.”

Where local becomes global


This group now feels threatened by the rise of Narendra Modi. They feel disempowered by the way a Modi-led BJP government has ended their grip over India’s corridors of power. A blowback was inevitable, and it has come in the form of questioning the very tenets of India’s representative democracy that elected Modi. The protests provide a useful context.

Anonymous ID: 55a828 Jan. 15, 2020, 9:10 p.m. No.7827308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who’s this guy? Jeopardy contestants fail to recognize impeachment ‘hero’ Adam Schiff & Twitter ROFLs


Rep. Adam Schiff might be leading an impeachment drive in the US, but it seems not everybody is familiar with the ‘Resistance’ hero. At least, his photo did not ring any bells to the contestants on the latest Jeopardy episode.


Schiff, a prominent Russiagater whose fame among the anti-Trump resistance camp reached new heights amid the ongoing Ukrainegate saga, might be a household name on Capitol Hill, but the question remains: is the same true for the rest of the country outside of the Washington political swamp? If the classic trivia game show is any indication – it is not.

