Anonymous ID: 01e5c9 Jan. 16, 2020, 8:05 a.m. No.7829725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9738 >>9741

Looked through notables and haven’t seen if has been mentioned. But I will post thoughts regardless.

Quick reminder to those who haven’t seen. The website mentioned claims it is a portal for the world governing council, to post coded instructions to puppets in power to enact their decisions, headed by a woman called Somerset Belenoff. claims to catalogue her as the most powerful person in the world. Ties to royal family and Europe, who pulls all the strings from Glamis Castle in Scotland.

No information can be found on her anywhere, and yet those who have researched her have pulled some of their info from older interviews etc.

She is apparently so powerful that she can arrive at White House, Kremlin , Buckingham palace and the Vatican without invite and cannot be turned away.

The researchers claim POTUS said that she’s a wonderful woman who many great things can be done with (paraphrasing).

I’m not claiming that this is real, but this discovery came out the blue and it has been on my mind this past day.

Q has stated, the deeper we go the more unrealistic it becomes. And that we must find the truth organically as THEY are always watching.

Glamis org has been posting since before Q according to the post dates, but the domain was only registered in 2019. This isn’t to say they operated under a different domain and all contents were carried over.

Very little exists on what is claimed here, aside from

Reading this site, it is claimed she looks down on the elite, as she rules with an iron fist, she also looks down on Satan, whom these elite “worship” claiming she can beat the devil herself. It’s claimed at a young age, she through her own occult dark magic, crushed the bones of a Crowley practitioner’s hand with her will alone. Alongside turning the room to freezing temperatures and simultaneously smashing every last piece of glass in the room.

From every deep state member ever discussed here right to the sauds roths soros rockerfeller etc, she rules over them all.

This isn’t out with the realm of possibility. Never have they been exposed this much, but despite having access to so much power, it would be preferable the true rulers always existed within the shadows and as such only allowing the strings of control to be visible and not traced back to the source.

Glamis org has an affinity to the pied piper of Hamlin fable, and as such her presence is made known in the led zeppelin song stair way to heaven.

Why would someone so powerful use a public website to communicate? Pass. There is a tangent on the people are meat route here, that would require some level of public presence. But I’ll leave that for now.

If she has such access to everything and such destructive occult power, what is stopping her from walking into the White House tomorrow, and just killing POTUS without lifting a finger?

I think to someone of such standing this would be an absolute last resort. Maybe this is what castle lock means, that her access has been snipped off. Or rather, I want to refer to two past posts that have been floating around recently.

Trumps power of negotiating.

The duality of Q the plan and secret society tie ins.

There was a drop recently that outlined the elites plan to dismantle society for global control. And it was noted that a lot of language is similar to how Q relays to us. Not to mention dark to light being a masons quote.

At this stage is it possible, that despite opening the curtain a little, especially during the early stages that Q potus had used their language to lul the majority of them into a false sense of security?

Whilst then ushering in POTUS ability to negotiate to enact their plan? Playing both sides as it were.

This brings me to just who this Somerset Belenoff is, if that even is her real name.

Why does she dance with the Maestro in this way? What if POTUS had enough leverage to continue negotiations somewhat safely?

Q has stated in the past, stalemate.

POTUS gives something, and gets something back. Just enough to keep the plan going.

But will this continue forever? At some point. There must be a victor.

It will be biblical.

How do you take down a woman with not just power over the world, but with such a high level occult ability that seems within the realm of fantasyland?

YOU awake is their greatest fear.

You as in us? Or someone in particular? Or both?

What if Christ is already amongst us, just not awake yet?

Food for thought.